B: Hamburger does not plan
So, anti-planning then? Regardless, we still ate time like cheetos that night and I still have the orange stains on my brain from it.
D: Half the fun is wacky twists! and E: Our plans never work out right anyway.
I quite agree with D (Heh, watch this!), but as for E, some of that can be laid at the feet of the group as a whole (including me). We've got to get better at making "the boys" and "the girls" work together - sometimes it seems like we have two subteams that just happen to get contracted together for jobs but have wildly diverging goals, favored techniques, and priorities. I can't really teach teamwork too well without really railroading, so I keep hoping one of the players will step up. For some, that's a bit tough if they strive to stay in character (while I have no doubts Octopiii has leadership traits that he could bring to the table, his charactrer Hamburger is certainly not the leader-type).