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Full Version: 2060 Election
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Hey all, I'm getting back into SR for the first time in quite a few years. What I haven't been able to find much info about is what happened during the 2060 UCAS Presidential election.
Could someone either post the names of those who ran, who won, and anything interesting that happenened during the election, or at least the supplement that mentioned/featured it? Thanks.

The only known fact is that Kyle Haeffner and Nadja Daviar were re-elected "overwhelmingly" in 2060. Otherwise I don't rememeber seng anything about the campaign and the other candidates.
Thanks Nath! Anyone got anything else for me, or was it just one of those things that was breezed over during the FASA -> Wizkids/Fanpro turnover?

I sort of got the picture from the materials that there was nothing too spectacular about the 2060 election, especially with the focus at the time benig on the Hally's comet impending arrival and all the mess that caused. It certainly overshadowed anything political that could have happened around that time.
Ronin Soul
I'm pretty sure Rosilyn Hanendez (sp.) of the New Century Party also ran in the 2060 election as she is called a two-time presidential canidate in SONA.
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