QUOTE (Phelan Patrick @ Aug 25 2009, 09:33 PM)
spell's force is not an attribute. technically there is no limit
edit: you just choose what force you want to cast a spell. you can fry someone to ashes by throwing a force 100 fireball. you'll die too but at least you've fried your target.
That's not totally accurate either. Unless you have a Magic rating of 50, you're capped at twice your magic attribute.
Lemme find the SR4 core book...
Ok, yeah, this is poorly written. Lemme quote the relevant portion:
QUOTE (SR4 p164)
Spells, spirits, and magic items (foci) have an attribute known as Force. This measures the magical power of the object, spell, or being. Force is measured on the same scale as metahuman attributes (natural 1 to 6). For spells and foci, this is often their only attribute.
Yeah, that's poorly written and I can see how that could confuse someone. What this is saying is that the force attributes are comparable to the attribute ratings: 1 is weak, 6 is pretty powerful. It's on a similar scale. It is not, however, limited the same way.
Page 171 is a better write up, under Sorcery.
QUOTE (SR4 p171)
A spells only attribute is Force - the measure of the spell's raw power. A spell's Force helps determine its effectiveness and its Drain. The Force of the spell is chosen by the caster during spellcasting, typically at a value up to the Magic attribute of the magician who casts it. The maximum Force that a spell can be cast at is equal to twice the character's Magic.
That's a bit clearer, and is how it's supposed to work.