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QUOTE (Loki Spirit)
He scratches his head, and grins sheepishly. "Oh yeah, and I'm kinda new in town. If any of you happen to know someone renting out an apartment for a cheap price, then hook me up if it's not too much trouble."

Walking over to Trickster, PD says, "I can get you a place to stay. Rent's cheap, but the area's not to nice. I used it before but I'm not going back since that job is over. One month is still paid up -- call it a gift among new colleagues."
"I got maglocks covered, no problem. Though I'll need to do some research on the retinal scanner. Shouldn't be too hard to come up with something."
"Let us know what intell you need on the scanners and I'd imagine that Jack or I could get it for you, on matrix or off." Turning to Rumi, PD asks, "Do you know the make and model retinal scanner that's installed on the site? That will help us track down information about it's capabilities."
"And if we can't fake the retinal scanner, I can always just crack the case and bypass it. Oh, by the way, how many of you have ways of keeping yourselves out of sight? I've got a 'Stealth Suit' that keeps be hidden from everything but astral visitors, but what about the rest of you?"
"I usually make my living by talking to people face-to-face, so I'd have to say I've got nothing other than my own skills to keep me out of sight. I might be better suited for rear guard on this one."
"You can also help us dig up information on the place before we go in, don't forget about that."
"I can get myself a "stealth suit", been meaning to and now I have a reason. I should have it pretty quick. I will be honest I don't have much too offer in the planning stages, especially with high tech security. But I take orders real well so let me know when you need something."
QUOTE (Grey)
"You can also help us dig up information on the place before we go in, don't forget about that."

PD grings showing two fake, capped teeth where an Ork's tusks would usually be.
:: Rumi shakes his bald head slowly. ::

"I'm afraid that information is unknown."
:: With that, she disappears into the soft velvet folds. ::

Trace watches the women in the red dress exit the room, he waits a beat before turning to the group. He listens carefully as they lay out their abilities and specialties, smiles a little at Tricksters confession. Trace was about 6 months ahead of the young mage. He waits for everyone to finish before making the intro.

"You guys can call me Trace. I'm a little weary of this so lets all try extra hard to make it work." He speaks with a voice of authority, a kind of solid sounding tone usually reserved for cops. "It sounds like we got a pretty well rounded group, I myself am a mage, unlike Trickster I can summon elementals if needed, and now that I have some cash, probably will," he says with a smile.

"I'm with Sully, night is definitely the way to go. I also think we should hit the place on a Sunday night, less chance of there being some poor slob working late. I should be able to, briefly, hide anyone who needs it from both eye and camera, but only briefly. If no one minds I think we should handle the legwork this way." He holds up his finger, pointing to each person as he speaks.

"Wraith, you and Jack track down all the information you need on the onsite security, cameras, scanners, pressure plates,anything you can find about security will be helpful. I say you both because Jack should be able to find it, and you (Wraith) should be able to understand it.

PD, I want you to hit the streets, find out everything you can about this company, how long they have been around, news stories on them, anything. Maybe you could even get in the building and take some pictures, maybe interview one of their scientist. If your not comfortable using your legit job this way thats fine. Also, we will need pictures of the outside of the building, all the entrances and exits, and picks of the guards to, just incase. I figure with a name like PD you should be a great photographer.

Trickster, we need a good astral scout of this place, it's defenses, the watcher, and anything hidden. Don't get close enough to set off any alarms but do try and determine whats going on.

I think once we all have gotten this information we will be in a much better position to plan an op. When we are ready I would be more comfortable meeting at another location, one of our choosing. Any questions, or suggestions?"
"Sounds good to me. Only thing I'd add myself onto is helping PD check out the building. I want to work with Jack on figuring out the system, but I also need to see it first hand. I guess the only question I'd have is... what are you gunna be doing?"
Stretching his legs as he rose, Jack shook his head. "Ah don't believe so..." If he wants to lead the group, more power to him...somebody's gotta do it.

He takes a quick moment to swap contact information with the group.
"Ah'll need a day to do a little poking around, and then ah can pass what ah have over to Wraith, and he can let you know when he's done with everythin'."

He pauses for a moment, looking for other questions or comments, and turns to leave if none are forthcoming.
PD smiles again, "Sounds good to me as well. I'll have to check with a few people before I'm willing to go in to the building with a press card, but I imagine I can pull a few strings. And, if not we'll still have the information from the streets. I'll also look through the Times back issues and see what I can dig up from them. If I can't get onsite, maybe I can talk to a reporter who did."
:: Sully listens and the group begins to take shape around her. Her expression seems neutral. ::

"Well, give me a ring when we get to the actual run. Just give me my instructions and I will my part done. Shoot me a plan when we have one, just in case I have something to add. Have fun boys."

:: She stands up and gives a nod to the group as a whole. She walks her way back to the bar and looks for Maddy. She waits till she has a free moment and leans over the bar towards her. ::

"Can you let Crimson know that I am waiting to meet with her at her leisure."
Loki Spirit
Kyle listens silently for a second, then shakes his head.

"I'm not sure if having PD going in legit is the best idea. After all, our hostess did say that she wants us to maintain absolute anonymity with this gig. If he turns up as a suspect during the investigation that will undoubtedly take place after we pull this off, it could become a serious problem. And face it, having an outsider taking a tour of the facility just before we jack their prototype is more than slightly suspicious, regardless of his credentials."
Wraith nods. "I agree. If you like, I can take a look around the place. I won't go inside and risk setting off alarms or running into the Watcher, but I can at least get a feel for the security system.

We should all exchange numbers before we go. Personally, you can reach me at <insert phone number here>. Don't bother calling me unless you have at least stage 4 encyrption, but I'd rather it be 6. If you don't have it, then go get it, you'll need to go with the job. If you can't afford it, take it up with Crimson, maybe she can hook you up."
Loki Spirit
Kyle shrugs. "I'm kinda poverty stricken at the moment, so I don't have a cell phone yet. I'll let you guys know my number when I do snag myself one."

He turns to Jack for a moment and says, "Hey man, could you possibly get a list of the employees that work at the office? Like the scientists, security team, wage slaves, etc? Somehow I suspect that a little social engineering might turn out some interesting stuff about the site we're supposed to hit. I'll need some details on them too, like where they live, how long they've been employed, their positions, personality assessments by superiors, stuff like that."
"Well, you just got handed 20 grand. That should get you a p-sec and some encryption, no problem. If you like, I'll hook it up for you."
Loki Spirit
Kyle shakes his head. "Thanks, but I can do without all that fancy stuff for now. If I want to have a secure conversation, I'll carry it out in person."
"I'll see what ah can find. Since we can't get into the company host from the 'trix, the info's going to be limited unless ah hack in Ares, which, tempting as it might be," he grins, "Ins't quite beneficial to my health right now."

"Fancy stuff? You have to be kidding me. If you are going to be member of a shadowrun team, at least one as pro as this one looks to be, you need, need, proper communication between the members. What if you are in trouble and need us? You want the enemy listening in on that phone call? What if we need you?"

Wraith shakes his head in frustration, thinking to himself, I miss the old days... the Agency knew what they were doing.


"What if I sneak on site, hook up a dataline tap, and transmit the signal to you offsite? We should find out what is accross the street. Maybe we could use a laser signal. That would be much more secure than a radio signal."
"Thats fine, like I said, that's PD's call to make. He has a head cam so he can take pics without it being obvious." Trace hears the idea about going on site to install a dataline. "Didn't you just tell me PD shouldn't? If you got caught the whole gig would be blown." Before Sully leaves he gets her contact information.

"I am going to use my new found wealth and summon some elementals and watchers to help us out." He pauses to think a moment, "Wraith I think your best place to be is with Jack, he can get a lot of information, but he can't process it, and he may not know what to look for, you are our B&E guy, he will need your knowledge to refine his skills. Once PD get's the pics of the locks he can transmit them to you and you can begin working on a way to bypass them. If anyone goes on site though it has to be PD, he's the only person who could have a reasonable reason for being there if detained. Let's meet back in 24 hours, heres my number. If anyone get's into trouble or needs help, call."
Wraith hears Trace out and nods when he is done. "Alright, if thats how you guys want it to go down. I was figuring the chances of me getting caught were very slim, so it wouldn't be a huge risk. Oh, and so you guys know, I also have a cyber Opticam and Sound Recorder. I've got every senseware you can think of, from sound filters to ultrasound."
Loki Spirit
Kyle raises an eyebrow in surprise at Wraith. Whoa. Another case of paranoid city. Good grief.

"Don't sweat it guy, if I need to contact you, I'll find a way. You can't solve everything with high-tech gizmos, you know. Bugging you is useless if you don't use the cell phone to exchange sensitive information in the first place."

He smiles thinly. "In the meantime, I suggest that you stop worrying so much about the 'enemy' until you can actually confirm their existence. Does wonders for the blood pressure and the sanity."
:: Rumi practices his unbelievably adept ability at hiding in plain sight and watches the group as it coalesces. An almost unperceivable smile creeps across his face as Trace steps up as team leader. ::

She was right...then again, she's always right.

:: He continues to watch and listen, though his smile fades at Kyle's interaction with the group. ::

We'll have to keep a short leash on that one. I'm not sure if he'll mature like she was expecting. Hopefully they can whip him into shape before it gets serious.


:: As you make your way to the bar, Maddy approaches you. She is a slender girl with two long braids falling over her shoulders from behind her ears. She moves with the practiced grace of someone with years of experience, yet her figure and carriage suggest someone in the prime of their life. Her soft perfume is a mix of jasmine and cammomile with a light flavoring of the myrdrid of liquors she handles all day. ::

:: She smiles softly and her voice is the soothing alto of a world class listener. ::

"Crimson awaits your presence at the first door to your left up the left hand stairs. Just knock three times."
:: Sully nods and makes her way up the stairs. She pauses at the door and takes a moment to center herself. She reaches up and knocks 3 times. She focuses her senses on the room beyond. ::
PD's been silent for a few moments, just taking it all in. Suddenly he snorts, and says "I've got a crazy idea: what if I go in to do a story on a new prototype body armor that this group is designing. I'll go in as a press visitor and see what I can see. Then, I'll run the story legitimate like in the paper. Nothing about their security or their grounds, just a paragraph or two describing their work and the benefits it can have to law enforcement and the like. Then, after it hits the paper, you guys hit the building. If they come after me, I'll have an alibi for the time of the run and I'll just claim that the group must have seen the story in the paper. It's worth a shot, no? Rumi, is there a timespan for this run? Do I have time to get to the site and write up a story on their work, get it in the paper, etc.? I think I could have it run in a day or so if time is of the essence."

:: Rumi meet's your gaze. ::

"The only issue of time is that you begin before they enter into production."



:: There is no sound except for the tinest click as the door unlatches itself and swings open slightly. The velvet drapes prevent your view of the interior for a moment, but after you press through them, you look from side to side, allowing your senses to map the room. ::

:: Along the left hand side is a small bar and sitting area complete with two couches and a trio of arm chairs. To the right seems to be Crimson's office. There is a large desk in the back right corner and you can smell the polishing oil hinting at a well cared for wooden make. A computer sits on the desktop and you can faintly see the flicker of what you think are a dozen or so trid units set up along the wall. Laying on fluffy rugs scattered about the room are 4 huge hounds. They sit at attention as they watch you, you can smell the restrained aggression pooring off them. You get the feeling that with a thought, they would tear you to tiny shreads. ::

:: Behind the desk, Crimson sits staring intently at her computer screen for a moment before looking up in your direction. She smiles as she rises and indicates for you to sit with her in the sitting area. ::

"Done so soon?"

:: She moves to the bar and raises a crystal decantur. ::

"Would you care for a drink?"
"Its an idea, but I think we'd be better off just looking for intel right now before moving on to the planning stages, wouldn't you guys agree?"
:: Sully nods to the offer of a drink as she moves forward to take a seat. Her movements deceptively calm despite the inner hum of tension. Glad I brought some "bad doggie" sticks in case this skirt goes psycho on me. ::

"I have no interest in the "alpha dog" struggle going on downstairs." She pointedly looks at the pack in the room. "I rather they establish their pecking order at the get go then when we're working. Besides I'm not the one to mastermind a run. I do better playing a part and not the lead."
"Ok so we all know what were going to do. PD if your comfortable doing that then go for it, a newspaper article on the company from an established writer would not be circumspect in my opinion. Alright people, lets be about it." Trace finishes with a nod to everyone and heads to the door.

Once in the main club he walks over to the bar and catches the bartenders attention, "excuse me, did you see a girl, white skin and black hair come through here? Did she leave?"
Wraith looks over at Jack, "Looks like its you and me, chummer. Want to head over to your place so you can do a little decking? If you have a hitcher jack, I could ride along and help you figure out what we need."
"Ah don't, but we can pick one up on the way. We should stop for drink, too."

He grins, "It's payday."

PD walks over to Trickster, "So, did you need that place to stay? I can give you my old apartment. I'm not going to be using it anymore. It's got one month paid, but after that -- it's up to you."

Collecting contact information from the others -- those that have it -- and then giving the others the contact information for Ugluck, he explains to the others that he's going to have to pick up some encrypted communications gear, but until then, they can use the encrypted line that Ugluck maintains for his business. Ugluck can then get the messages to PD as quickly as possible.

Before he leaves he says this, "Let me look into the idea of creating a story. I have to see if I can gather enough plausible deniabilty to keep my drek out of the fire if people would connect me to the run later. I'll be in touch to let you all know what I've been able to accomplish. Does anyone need me for anything else at the moment?"
Loki Spirit
Kyle nods. "Thanks for the apartment, man. I owe you one."

He frowns slightly. "Just a suggestion about your idea though...I think you should make sure they've made the existence of the prototype public knowledge before you go in. Otherwise they'll be wondering how the drek you knew about it."

"Oh yeah, and I'll be doing some passive recon of the office building tonight to get a feel for the night crew. Want to come along?"
:: Crimson smiles wide as she pours the aged burbon into two crystal tumblers and moves to take a seat on the same couch that Sully occupies. ::

"I've very glad you feel this way. I have a specific part for you to play and a bit of distance between you and the "pack" will work to your benefit. You are a very perceptive girl, so I assume that you have sensed the unusual nature of the way I run business. My organization shares many similarities with the Brimstone society so your involvement with Mynce's group should not interfere with work under my command. In fact, it was Mynce herself who suggested you in this capacity and my trust in her judgement is absolute."

:: Crimson pauses to let this sink in. It's important that Crimson can count on Sully's loyalty for her upcoming tasks. ::


:: Maddy smile at you as she glides to your position. ::

"Sully is in a private meeting with Crimson. If you'd like to leave her a message, you are more than welcome."
:: Sully stiffens slightly at the mention of the Society and Mynce. ::

"I see.........then I won't disappoint. You understand I will need to check with her first to make sure this is all true. As long as you two don't have me jumping at the same time I should be able to work with you."

:: She takes a long swallow from her drink, midway through she pauses as if listening to something. A smile creeps onto her face. ::

"So tell me more about this part I am going to play. Keep in mind I have no interest in screwing anyone over downstairs. I don't do betrayal with other professionals, makes for a short career and life."
:: Crimson relaxes and the larges of the dogs pads over for some scratching behind the ears. ::

"Oh no, don't worry. I have very specific plans in mind for your group and their safety is a priority of mine. Dead assets are no assets at all. However, untrustworthy or incompetant assets are another matter entirely. Being the proverbial boss, I am at a disadvantage to see how well the members perform their duties. I need to know strengths, weaknesses and above all, trust issues that might crop up in discussions and actions I am not privy to witnessing."

"Your senses, while being limited to that which cannot be seen, should give you an unusual advantage to that end. These first missions are mostly training and testing grounds for me to assess the teams performance. I'm much more interested in HOW they attempt the mission rather than mission completion. I expect you to assist them in whatever way possible, and then you and I will meet afterwards for a thorough report. From everything Mynce has said, you should be more than equipt to judge them."

"However, it's imperitave that they NOT know these missions are training based. If they did, it would very likely color their performance. I want to see exactly how they handle situations in a real enviroment. Some key things I'd like you to watch for is Trace's capacity to lead. He is well qualified for the position, but he has to stake that out for himself. I want to know how effective he is at using the resources at his disposal and how well he organizes the group. I also need you to keep an eye on Kyle. Rumi tells me his lack of experience is showing a bit more than I had hoped. I expect him to be wet behind the ears, but if he's unable to show the willingness to learn from the more experienced members, we'll have to cut him from the team. The sooner that is discovered, the sooner we'll be able to replace him if necessary."
Wraith heads for the door with Jack, "Yeah man, that drink sounds damn good right about now."

He stops just before stepping outside. "Trickster. Get a phone. A secure one. Its not an option. Got it?"

If Kyle says yes... Wraith nods. "No disrespect meant, I just don't want anything to frag up this job. Come on Jack, lets roll."

If Kyle says no... Wraith nods. "Then don't bother calling me, or any one else on the team, for any reason, and you may want to check yourself before I do it for you. Come on Jack, lets get outta here."
"I can do that for now but if the team makes it through these trials I would like the leader of our group to know my function so everyone feels them can trust one another."

:: She takes another drink, savoring the complex flavor. ::

"Personal question, if you don't mind. What's your policy on inter-asset relations? How friendly can we all get?"
"Sully is in a private meeting with Crimson. If you'd like to leave her a message, you are more than welcome."

"Right." Trace says with a sigh. "Ok can you giver my number and ask her to call me, thanks." Trace nods starts to leave then stops, "one more thing while I am thinking about it. I need some supplies, any recommendations for a talismonger?"
:: She nods. ::

"I can understand that, it would be your call to make as to whether they are aware of your actions."

:: Maddy smiles a bit slyly and indicates a young man sitting at a small cafe table in the main seating area. ::

"That is Jamison over there in the Blue Actioneer suit. Tell him you're a prospective asset for Crimson and he'll be glad to help."
Shes got a nice little setup here, I wonder what is funding all of it. "Thanks." Trace walks over to the table and stands next to the man in the blue suit. "Crimson said you were the guy to see for gear. I need a few things magical, can you help?"
:: Crimson raises an eyebrow at the second question, but answers without a pause. ::

"A fair number of my assets have found that relationships with other assets work much more successfully because the need for secrecy and deceit is either unnecessary or expected. However, excersise caution in such matters. Relationships fail more often than not and you still want to be able to trust your peers with your life."


:: Jamison turns and smiles wide. His dark slick hair, unreadable black eyes and flawless olive skin are obvious signs of his Italian heritage. His smile reveals a set of perfect pearls and he oozes with the practiced charm of talented businessman. He extends a well manicured palm to you by way of greeting as he stands. ::

"Good evening, chap. If I can be of assistance to you, then the night will have revealed it's purpose to me."
:: She smiles at the last comment and finishes her drink off. ::

"Well, then I had better get to work. Thanks for this quality time, just send contact info to my place if I need any. Thanks for the advice, a certain lone ranger caught my eye downstairs but we'll see." She smiles at her own pun. "Enjoy the rest of your evening."

:: She rises, placing her empty glass on the desk and gives a slight nod to Crimson. She retraces her steps back down into the main part of the bar. She pauses at the top of the stairs. Trace is still here. She takes up a position at the bar and orders some mineral water. Her body falls into a relaxed slump, waiting patiently. ::
"Your purpose huh? Right. Okay, I need summoning materials for a fire and water elemental, force four if you can. I also need some expendable foci, for casting fireballs, a couple of force two or three would be nice. Can you handle all that?" Trace spots Sully walking down the stairs and stops a moment then turns back to the Brit.
QUOTE (Loki Spirit @ Feb 5 2004, 04:45 PM)
He frowns slightly. "Just a suggestion about your idea though...I think you should make sure they've made the existence of the prototype public knowledge before you go in. Otherwise they'll be wondering how the drek you knew about it."

"That's the nice part about being a legitimate investigative reporter, though. I don't have to give up my sources -- in fact, a professional never would otherwise you'd never have any sources," PD says with a grin. "Sure, I've gone to jail a few times for obstruction of justice or some such nonesence when I've investigated someones illegal goings-on, but that's the price you pay."

PD nods and says his goodbyes to the others and leaves. On the way out, he throws a wave at Trace whom he sees speaking with another person in the bar. Heading outside and looking at his watch, he sees it's not too late, but maybe a little too early to catch Niere at the Vixen but probably too late to give Alex a call at the Times. Pulling his jacket back on, he hails a taxi. After the first few slow down, see he's a tusker, and the blow him off, he finally gets a dwarf-modified taxi being driven by a crazy eyed man wearing aviator's goggles, "Where you want to go?" the driver asks. PD gives him the address of Ugluck's garage deciding to go get his own car before heading over to the Vixen.

On the way, PD makes a call to Det. Mike Wakatsuki using his internal comms gear and his transducer. He's not at his desk at this hour, but PD leaves him a message: "Mike, PD. I'm working on a new story and you might be able to help me out. Give me a call at your convenience."

Sitting back and relaxing while the driver does his thing, PD thinks over his new employment. Pulling the chip he was given by Rumi, he swaps out his Psychology knowsoft and goes over the new information. Tapping the metal fingers of his cyberarm against the faux-leather seats of the taxi passes the time until he arrives at Ugluck's.

Going in the front door, PD is assaulted by the smell of motor oil and grease. A pair of orkish legs stick out from underneath a van and PD kicks the left one. Ugluck Firestone, one of the ugliest orks in the Underground peaks out, "PD!! You bastard. You haven't paid me for watching your car this week."

"Don't worry about it, Ug. I'll have your cash for your soon," he response with a smile. "Tell me something, Ug. You ever heard of a group called Factor Five Apparel? I've heard a few rumors about them that I'm looking to confirm."

Wraith turns to Jack, "You got a ride? I'm on an Aurora, so I don't have room for another. Or, if you like, just give me the address and I'll meet you there... or, if you would rather I not know where you live, which I can understand, we could always head to a decker bar or somethin'."

ooc.gif Wraith will go along with just about anything Jack wants to do as far as finding a location to do their research. I'm just trying to get Jack and I's story moving along.
:: Ug turns a shrewed eye at you. ::

"Ok, what rumors have you heard? I'll be happy to confirm or deny them."
"Null sheen. Ah got a bike outside myself. We'll stop by Tiggy's, ah know he keeps a bottle of real JD behind the bar, grab the piggy back, and just shoot down ta my place in Tacoma."

He gives a crooked little grin at your comment, and shrugs as you walk out of the door together. "If ah gotta trust you with watching my back, seeing my pad's small fries."

The apartment is small, and sparsely decorated, and shows obvious signs of a short term owner. He slings the deck off his shoulder and offers you the only chair in the house, propping himself in a window sill nearby and plugging in. A few moments and the familiar blur brings him into the deck, designed to look like a decent sized ranch house, with icons that fit the theme. He gathers a few items, straps on an old Colt revolver, and taps his leg to bring a hound dog out from the corner before he steps outside and into the Matrix.

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