QUOTE (Ascalaphus @ Dec 30 2009, 08:34 AM)
I personally like to work it like this: anything legal with an Availability of 12 or lower is instantly available. (Adjust the numbe 12 if you allow a different maximum on chargen). Anything else still requires working the market, but since it's legal, glitches won't cause as much trouble.
Like I've said, the book only states that availability rules are used when buying a controlled product on the black market. Then it goes into talking about the availability rules. It is very clear on this. The book only tells you where you -must- use those rules. Beyond that is left up to GM discretion. Here's my rules of thumb.
#1 - Availability is an indicator of the odds of a purchaser of a product being data mined for purchases. A product with no availability is not going to have an personal information tagged with the purchase and is unlikely to face any real SIN checks. A product that isn't controlled, but has availability rating may personal information stored about the buyer, akin to what Amazon.com does to recommend products to you.
#2 - Any product purchased on the black market uses availability rolling.
#3 - Any product purchased through legal channels may face a SIN check.
#4 - Any restricted product purchased through legal channels will face a SIN check and a license verification.
These rules of thumbs fall right in line with my assumptions.
#1 - The manufacturing and distribution process (combined with the amount of data mining) has yielded great results in making sure brick and mortar stores always have a good on hand and that a company is never out of stock of a good and has to wait for the next production run.
#2 - The Matrix and data searches have improved to the point that ordering online, or locating a brick and mortar that sells the product is trivial.
#3 - Since Standard and Alpha grade 'ware fits anyone, it will be mass produced and fall under products in #1/#2.
#4 - Cultured bioware and Betaware is also easy to get, locate a clinic that produces it go in and give them a sample of DNA (or get sized up for the chrome) so they can grow/build it.
#5 - All the really good stuff is forbidden anyway.
#6 - I'm not going to triple to quad penalize characters for using a legal means rather than black market by also imposing availability rolls on the character for buying illegally.
To explain #6. Buying on the black market has one penalty and that is time it takes to acquire the good due to availability. There's no risks, just time. Buying through legal channels imposes a data trail on the character (and possibly a SIN check), and for restricted items forces the character go through a SIN and license check. That means that for buying a gun, the character creates a data trail on that SIN, goes through a SIN check (if it's illegal), and goes through a license check (if it's illegal). If it's not illegal, then they're already penalized for having a legal SIN/license anyway. I just can't justify also tacking availability on top of all those penalties UNLESS I don't want my players buying through legal means at all. I prefer them to have to weigh the consequences of purchasing through legal channels and getting the product right away against using the black market and having to wait to locate a vendor.