Wee Folk (AKA Leprecauns ,Nisse, Gommes, Domovoi, Choa Phum Phi, Tomte, Vättar, Heinzelmännchen, Duende, Hobs, Brownies)
Dwarf Metavariant Cost: 25 BP
Wee Folk are the newest classified of all dwarf metavariants and among the least common. They are most common in areas of higher mana concentrations, but they have been found throughout the globe in small pocket communities (they tend to marry other Wee Folk or Dwarfs and build towns of “small folk”. They are taller than most dwarfs and have slimmer builds, leading many to mistake them for just short people if it were not for their innate and obvious magical abilities. All Wee Folk posses a supernatural Glamor that makes them exude a magical aura that leads many people to mistake them for spirits or other Fae creatures. This ability caused them to be misclassified as Changlings until research showed that there were sizable populations in many countries of these “Wee Folk” all with similar abilities and that were able to breed with other Metahumans. The other connection to their magical nature is that they have lost the normal Thermographic vision that most Dwarves innately have and instead can see into astral space in the same manner that Mages and Shamans.
Celerity : P. 112, Runners Companion
Human Looking: p. 78, SR4
Astral Sight: p. 24, Street Magic
Glamour: p. 113, Runners Companion
Impaired (BOD): p. 118, Runners Companion
Impaired (STR): P. 118, Runners Companion
EDIT: Got rid of the punctuation creating the smileys.