QUOTE (Brol_The_Mighty @ Feb 27 2010, 10:48 AM)
Are Free Spirits a viable PC option? I see the rules for it in RC...but are they actually viable from a point-cost perspective? They look very intersting, and the combinations of critter powers available + mage spells could be pretty sweet....but are they too costly? Even when using Karmagen?
Also, it states that their force attribute affects their minimum AND maximum...what exactly does that mean really? Increasing their Force attribute increases what they start at...AND modifies their maximum? So really, you should be investing in Force, Magic, and Edge then? Lol....am I reading it right?
I think few people realize how broken the Runner's Companion rules for Free Spirit PCs are:
QUOTE (p.92 Runner's Companion)
Free Spirit Attributes
Free spirits have a Force special attribute that starts with a rating of 2. This attribute determines a free spirit’s natural minimums and maximums for all attributes. It also acts as the spirit’s Magic attribute.
Now, a few lines down we read the following:
QUOTE (p.92 Runner's Companion)
A free spirit’s Force rating is the natural maximum for all Physical and Mental attributes, as well as its Edge attribute—
so the player must raise Force if he wishes to raise the remaining attributes. In addition, free spirits have the same Physical, Mental, and Edge attributes as metahuman characters, which all start at 2 (their starting Force) at the start of character generation.
It is clear what the rules intend, but if you take the rules as written, a raise of the Force attribute STILL raises the natural minumum. Notice that th entire segment does not contradict the initial premise and as such still leaves it valid.
So, technically, for a grand total of 315BP you get a F6 Free Spirit PC with all attributes,
including edge at 6. That leaves you with only 85 BP for skills and spells, but that should be the least of your worries, with an edge of 6. Not to mention you also et Critter Powers for a total worth of 6 Points, which is massive (especially if you take Regeneration).
Also, keep in mind that this only counts for regular Free Spirit PCs (read: non-possession spirits).
Now, Take a Possession Free Spirit, inhabiting a Troll. Firstly, the rules don't state how much, if any BP you need to pay for the "host", so technically you, could conclude it's a Freebie. But let us assume for a moment, that you Pay the regular Character Build Points for te Host as well. Now, let's Take Troll for 45BP. We won't spend any extra Points for Attributes, but take the Base values instead. They will suffice:
QUOTE (p92. Runner's Companion)
or spirits of possession traditions, the spirit’s Physical attributes are added to the attributes of the vessel possessed by the spirit
So, in other words, we end up with the Following:
B: 11
A: 7
R: 7
S: 11
C: 6
I: 6
L: 6
W: 6
Including Immunity to normal Weapons and 6 BP worth of extra Critter Powers (Regeneration, anyone?) and able to earn Karma the regular way.
For a whoping grand total of 360BP.
If you ask me, that's just retarded.