I'm a similar type player, I'll take the time to write up 3+ pages of background, I'll have well thought out and established contacts, and reasons for all of my skills and equipment...
and I have no problem playing the game "in character" so to speak, as far as making decisions the way I think my character would, screwing over the team if I think this background or something similar were to happen (ie finding evidence of a "lost loved one" as per the flaw quality)...
most of the players I game with are similar, perhaps less in depth in background and npc developement, but that will come up with some....
and I'm with Brol in that when 6 of us get together to play a game, we're not too concerned about speaking with my characters accent or roleplaying out an hour long lunch meet with a contact, we'll roleplay through all the more important bits, making roles and keeping the decisions and all in character, but usually something like a lunch meet for info would only take us about 15-20 min, and once it stops being productive the GM would usually say something like " alright, unless you have something else in particular to ask you all finish up your meal with small talk, he asks if you're still seeing that stripper Candy" player response " and he reminds you of her ex" player response wrapping it up with something like "yeah let him know i've got it under control" - and I'll pick up the check... and that'd be the end of it
we try not to really cut out any roleplaying that we think is productive to the session, but we really try to keep things moving, aside from some one liner banter and witty comments we stick to things pertaining to the session.
and when we play it's usually for 6-8 hours as I said, if we ever ended and the GM said 1 karma i think there's be a revolt
... just had an image of 1 of the players going "wait a minute, 1 karma for surviving the night, 1 karma for putting up with that comment, and 1 more karma for not knocking you upside the head with this book... that's atleast 3, not to mention some of the other BS that's happened tonight"