QUOTE (Malachi @ Mar 12 2010, 03:26 PM)
couldn't/wouldn't the Hacker be doing the same thing from the Matrix angle? Eg. Opening locked doors and disabling cameras.
That's what I consider Hardware Hacking, which anyone* with a screwdriver* can do. The only locked door
Hardware hacking can't solve is one that can't be opened at all without causing some kind of alarm (see: the "door with a camera on the other side" scenario).
I don't know about your perspective, but coming from previous editions where Decking required hundreds of thousands of nuyen and cyberware to do, SR4's hacking that requires no cyberware and tens of thousands of nuyen worth of gear (seriously, a tenth or less worth of gear from previous editions) doesn't seem as "expensive" or exclusive as previous editions.
Admittedly, its gotten better, but I still don't like it.
Another big issue is that "if you fuck up in the meat, at least you can shoot people" doesn't apply to the matrix. Cybercombat
just kills you or you log out. Logging out means you have to
re-hack an alterted system while your buddies wait for you (because you need to do X, whereas if you were doing hardware hacking you wouldn't have this issue, and if you didn't need to do X, then what
were you doing anyway?).
Just because "the matrix is omnipresent and pervasive" does not mean that it
must be utilized or even that it
can be utilized by most characters. It wasn't until some errata that buying a comlink
even let you onto the matrix without first shelling out some additional cash for a browser. Now they come with a R1 Browse program for free (IIRC).
You also have to realize that while hacking got cheaper
so did everything else. Used to be you got something like 2.5
million nuyen maximum. So even if hacking is 10 times cheaper, everything else is 5 times cheaper, so comparatively, it's only half as expensive.
Oh, and lets not forget
program limits, so even if you give the sammy a cheap comlink, how many programs can he run? Three? So...Stealth, Exploit and....Data Search. God forbid he encounters cybercombat. Stealth, Exploit and....Armor. God forbid he needs to look for files or finds a data bomb. Stealth, Exploit and....Biofeedback filters? What's he doing!?
*Alright, not entirely true. But a matrix hacker need not be involved. It also takes significantly fewer rolls to determine the outcome (ie. one)