In another thread, someone mentioned how cheap Synaptic Boosters (bioware) are compared to Improved Reflexes (adept power): for 1.0 essence, you can get +2 Reaction and +2 IPs. With deltaware, you could get +3 Reaction and +3 IPs for a mere 0.75 essence: but deltaware is expensive, and you can't have any at character creation (even if you could afford it).
The quality Type O System seems to be a way around that restriction: it means that, for you, standard-grade bioware is the equivalent of deltaware when calculating essence cost. However, it's a 30 point quality, so you get that + Adept and you're done for positive qualities.
Synaptic Boosters (2), even at standard grade, are not cheap: 160,000 ¥ = 32 of your BP, and most of your gear allocation. Together with Type O System, that's 62 BP.
Assuming Adept with Magic 5 (4) = 45 BP, that leaves you with 200 BP for abilities, and 93 BP for everything else.
1/ How would you allocate those 4 remaining points of magic?
2/ What's the best use for the rest of that point of essence? I'm thinking 0.5 worth of cyberware, since eventually we'll want the Synaptic Boosters (3) = 0.75, so going over 0.5 in cyber would cost us another whole point eventually. On the other hand, if we skip cyber entirely and stick to bioware, we could stuff in the same 0.5 worth of standard-grade, thanks to our discount. 0.5 worth of standard-grade is pretty sweet: we could get five Skin Pockets! (...or Platelet Factories + Pain Editor.) Still, 0.5 worth of cyber is pretty sweet too, if we can expect to be able to get some use out of a Nanohive or six.
3/ It feels kinda wrong to be spending so many BPs on a single trick. However, it seems like a really good trick.
Thanks, -- N