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Full Version: Ideas For Cyberware That Just Never Made It
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
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Those'd be some pretty short spurs. Though they'd probably get the point across...

Yeah. I think she had them poisoned as well. I don't have her sheet, however.
that just sounds painful.....
Innovative -- never know when a character might find the kneed to spur-n unwanted advances.

Alright Siege, that's enough. You've got the other two threads to play in.
Dikoted Shoulder/Elbow Spurs!
QUOTE (Kagetenshi)
Those'd be some pretty short spurs. Though they'd probably get the point across...


Pun intended?

Sorry. There's just too many punsters on this board.
Using my razor wit to make a quick jab. Unfortunately, my best lines require extensive setup that never works right.

QUOTE (Kagetenshi)
Using my razor wit to make a quick jab. Unfortunately, my best lines require extensive setup that never works right.


I wanna have monofilament wit.
Or a navel hold-out pistol. Meaning you deal Navel Damage! biggrin.gif
@shockwave: Amazing that someone else reads Appleseed. Seriously one of the best Cyper/Mecha-Punk manga ever done. (I think that Ghost in the Shell took that prize) Check out the name and you will realize why I wanted the a/v stalks (In addition to being massively useful for all sorts of stuff) I would really like to work up stats on the Hecatonchires system but I don't think it could be done in SR with the essence threshold being what it is. Say what you want about balance in the game but there is no way that even the most cybered beings in the world are a match for a grade 10 magical initiate. SR defintely favors the awakened.
And unless that Grade 10 initiate is really really lucky, they'll be tossing about as much magic as a Grade 3 or 4 initiate. Magic loss gets nasty.

QUOTE (Siege)
QUOTE (k1tsune @ Feb 16 2004, 08:26 PM)
QUOTE (Siege @ Feb 16 2004, 03:25 PM)
A Navel datajack?  I'd prefer one that doesn't require someone to drop the soap before use...


Better than an anal datajack.

That was the butt of my joke -- Navy, homosexuals, the infamous "dropped soap in the shower".

Sorry, obscure references.


..."Jackass"? rotfl.gif
You know they're making an Appleseed movie, right? Cel shaded 3D graphics.

Trailer pointed out by Ian at

To stay on topic: I came up with this method of stringing up monowire lines in a pinch. You implant a spool of monowire in your hand, a small adhesive reservoir in your thumb, and a cutter in your thumbtip. Basically you press your thumb against the wall like you would at a thumbprint scanner and the device unreels some monowire through an imperceptible hole in your thumbtip. A quick squirt of adhesive and you've got one end anchored securely. Run over to the opposite wall and press your thumb against it again; the wire is snipped, and another dab of adhesive is expelled to anchor it. Voila: instant tripwire! Just whipe the excess adhesive off on your pant leg or something. It dries fast, but not instantly.
O.o scary.
and to go of on a tangent to that idea what about five monwhips implanted in your hand. One in each finger. That would kick ass. but be rather detrimental to you if you miss.
QUOTE (Hasaku)
You know they're making an Appleseed movie, right? Cel shaded 3D graphics.

Trailer pointed out by Ian at

god i hope they subtitle that.
QUOTE (Hasaku @ Feb 18 2004, 10:08 PM)
You know they're making an Appleseed movie, right? Cel shaded 3D graphics.

Trailer pointed out by Ian at

god i hope they subtitle that.

Man, I love learning Japanese. *grin* I don't have to worry as much about subtitles.
QUOTE (k1tsune)
QUOTE (REM @ Feb 18 2004, 10:24 PM)
QUOTE (Hasaku @ Feb 18 2004, 10:08 PM)
You know they're making an Appleseed movie, right? Cel shaded 3D graphics.

Trailer pointed out by Ian at

god i hope they subtitle that.

Man, I love learning Japanese. *grin* I don't have to worry as much about subtitles.

sarcastic.gif *thwacks and runs*
and to go of on a tangent to that idea what about five monwhips implanted in your hand. One in each finger. That would kick ass. but be rather detrimental to you if you miss.

Too hard to control. Go the Littleboy route and stick it on your wrist; that way you can hold things at the same time.

Kanada Ten
Retractable Knuckle Razors. I've posted that before, but I think my ideas are far more fascinating than they actually are and feel the need. talker.gif
Hah! Yes! Finally, an "Appleseed" movie that might not suck!

John Campbell
QUOTE (moosegod)
I heard of a player playing a woman who got cyber spurs on her knees. Pointing inwards. Yeah, the player was playing a rape victim.

QUOTE (John Campbell)
QUOTE (moosegod @ Feb 16 2004, 04:25 PM)
I heard of a player playing a woman who got cyber spurs on her knees.  Pointing inwards.  Yeah, the player was playing a rape victim.


"Spit or swallow" takes on a whole new meaning.

Crusher Bob
CP2020 had some teeth as fashionware, they didn't break or decay, they didn't stain, and so on. Worth it if you had a few thousand burning a hole in you pocket.
and to go of on a tangent to that idea what about five monwhips implanted in your hand. One in each finger. That would kick ass. but be rather detrimental to you if you miss.

Five monolines on each hand, MBW 4, and the highest quickness possible.

"Little Boy" from Spriggan.

As for unusual cyber, I once had an idea for a cybertorso with fake breasts that actually concealed directional mines. By the rules, directional mines deal no damage at all outside of the target area. By the rules, you could theoretically set one off with it resting on the palm of your hand and be unscathed.
Then you take a human, give him the Large option from Critters, Muscle Replacement, and enough armor to soak anything lighter than HMG fire, toss a minigun on his arm, and call it a day.

QUOTE (John Campbell)
QUOTE (moosegod @ Feb 16 2004, 04:25 PM)
I heard of a player playing a woman who got cyber spurs on her knees.  Pointing inwards.  Yeah, the player was playing a rape victim.


Only if combined with "Killing Bite" as mentioned in a different thread..
Drain Brain
I didn't want to make a new thread and have everyone moan about me re-hashing things, so I thought I'd bump this thread up a little...

What I am considdering is this. Now, I'm GM most of the time, so I can rule whatever way I please... but I want to keep this one for myself if others would considder it feasible.

Here's the plan...

Headware memory can get expensive, both in terms of cash and essence. What I want to achieve is the runner that simply uses a chipjack - Matrix states that a single OMC can store up to, what, 10000MP? So what I need to know is can I read AND write to a chip in my jack?

The novel "Lone Wolf" sees the central character dictating a report straight into the chip in his 'jack, so why can't I have one function as a massive (and removeable/interchangeable) version of HeadMem?
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