Apr 27 2010, 02:43 PM
Hi All I'm creating a mercenary ork character. First time I'm making a plain vanilla concept. So I'm a little mixed up.
Combat skills
heavy weapons
Social skill
Utility skills
Pilot ground craft
Any idea for qualities and cyberwares ?
Apr 27 2010, 03:02 PM
I recommend that you pick something that you are good at, something to specialize in, something where you'll be really useful. Then round yourself out. So, what's your focus? Weapons? Face? Tech/mechanical?
Apr 27 2010, 03:21 PM
I would be the thug so weapons. The group doesn't have a driver so I could drive.
The group is always in stealth mode. So even if I'm good with weapons I will not be able to use them a lot. We drive around town with machine sprites so they need a real driver.
I'll have to boost my negociation and pilot skill.
Apr 27 2010, 03:33 PM
When you take Negotiation, Con and Etiquette, you might be interested in the Influence skill group.
You'd pay 10 instead of 12 points per rank and would get Leadership for free, which fits well with a higher-ranking merc.
Force of personality, commanding small groups in battle and all that.
Other skills worth considering, though not a must (skillwires?) :
-Survival (or the Nature skill group, though it's not really worth it- rather consider the Outdoorsman quality from RC if you need a bump to that)
-some Mechanics skill
-First Aid (a good skillsoft, not too shabby Logic and a good medkit should suffice)
-anything from the Athletics skill group, though not necessarily as a group
As you see, the list of possible skills is terribly long and unaffordable in it's entirity.
Absolutely a must, though :
-some way to dodge, either the Dodge skill or Acrobatics (if you're good at close combat, i'd suggest the latter)
-Perception. I cannot stress this enough.
Good ware :
-some way to gain additional IPs
-Muscle Toner (or a fully pimped out cyberarm with maxed AGI and gyromount)
-Skillwires (practically a must for a fully rounded military skill set with 400BP)
-either Platelet Factory or Trauma Damper (the latter if you have good armor, as you'll resist Stun damage more often then)
-Synthacardium (helps with Athletics, including Acrobatics to dodge)
-Attention Coprocessor
-probably some senseware, though all of that could as well be bought as gear
-your piloting skill can be boosted for a relatively low cost with nanites
-Tailored pheromones give a nice bonus to social skills
-Enhanced Articulation is more expensive than a Synthacardium, but one of the best ways to gain a bonus to Stealth skills as a mundane.
Qualities :
None are really a must. For a Quebecois, Bilingual would be fitting, though not particularly useful in most situations. First Impression gives a nice social dicepool bonus, though it's specific on the situation. Guts or Toughness would be appropriate for a merc as well, though both seem a bit overpriced to me. There's some number crunching possible with SURGE, but it may not fit the concept (and Quebec comes off as extremely biased to any of the weirder character options out there).
Flaws would likewise be dependent on the background- has the character made enemies or does he even follow a personal vendetta, does he have a dark spot in his past, is he actively prejudiced, does he have a problem with the abuse of combat drugs or does he go berserk in combat? All of these could be fitting for a merc from Quebec.
Apr 27 2010, 03:40 PM
Ok, you're going to want to focus on Agility and Reaction. Agility is your attack skill and also things like Infiltration. Reaction is what you'll use when driving around. Unfortunately, there is no driving skill group, so you have to pick up each driving skill individually. I recommend the Pilot Ground Craft skill, which lets you drive cars, motorcycles, bikes (but no planes or boats or jet packs or Star Wars AT-AT Walkers or spaceships, all of which have their own Pilot skill).
B 2, A 5, R 5, S 2, C 2, I 2, L 2, W 2, Edge 6
Firearms skill group 4
Stealth skill group 4
Pilot Ground Craft 6
Resources 200,000
That all costs 324 build points. You could spend another 60 points in Attributes if you wanted and 16 in skills or qualities or you could buy a lot more skills or a lot of qualities...
Apr 27 2010, 10:39 PM
I'm looking at the skill list and...
Dodge. You need Dodge.
Apr 27 2010, 11:06 PM
QUOTE (Udoshi @ Apr 27 2010, 06:39 PM)

I'm looking at the skill list and...
Dodge. You need Dodge.
Yeah, or at least gymnastics to do gymnastic dodges.
I'm a little curious as to why you have so much invested in social skills. Unless you're the face (or the GM separates people and has them use their social skills alot) they aren't generally that needed. Still good to have con so you can fast-talk, but the others aren't nearly as needed.
You might also want to considering drawing in your weapon focus some. Remember, the ability to use a dozen different weapons is great, but you can only ever use one (or two I guess) at a time. I'd consider dropping pistols and blade. You have automatics for your main weaponry, can use heavy weapons when needed, can lob grenades, and can use unarmed when things get up close and personal or you need to go without a weapon for some reason (Like getting past a high security checkpoint)
If you grabbed so many skills because of being a mercenary, remember that a mercenary isn't someone who can do anything, it is someone who does (combat related) things for money.
Athletics skill group might be a good idea. Being able to run, jump, swim, and climb can all come in useful. Armory skill is good so you can take care of your weapons.
As for augmentations, lots of options.
Muscle toner is going to be a big one, as the bonus agility is really handy.
Muscle enhancement might also be good if you plan on going unarmed much.
Bone lacing, once again, mainly if you plan on going unarmed so you can do P damage.
Dermal Sheathing. I've always been a fan because it isn't obvious like plating, but isn't super expensive either.
Synaptic enhancers or wired reflexes or MBW would be a good idea for an extra IP or two.
Platelet factories if you plan on getting shot much (Here's a hint, you do).
Trauma dampers might also be a consideration if you plan on getting shot alot, especially if you have alot of armor.
Some good qualities... well, regular sammies aren't my most common area... Toughness might be good if you've soft maxed body already. The 'always calm' one might be fitting for a mercenary. Black market pipeline for weapons would be appropriate. For the most part, just stuff that grabs you I guess. There aren't really any 'direct boost to combat power' qualities, they all boost more specific things.
Apr 28 2010, 02:42 AM
Thanks it was a great help !
I even made him addicted to betel ...
Apr 28 2010, 04:11 AM
Yeah, addictions are great for the merc stereotype. Alcohol addiction, and likely a combat drug or two might also be good. Oh, might be wanted in some country for having blown up their [insert something important here]
Apr 28 2010, 10:29 AM
For a merc I'm going to say Bone lacing for that extra punch (and at better levels more survivability) something to boost agility would be good and I'd agree with dropping pistols and blades you have other weapons avaliable and unarmed is going to be nice if you dont have anything else to hand.
Other skills maybe not bother with First Aid and just buy a good kit which can replace your skill, Add in some languages (mercs tend to be able to swear / order booze / seduce women in a few languages)
Think ahead armour wise to blalance out against your body score so you dont find yourself armour light if you need it.
Dakka Dakka
Apr 28 2010, 12:49 PM
For a high level Grunt Bone Lacing may be appropriate, but not for a Black Ops/Shadowrun type. Bone Lacing is just to easy to spot and illegal on top of that. Go with Bone Density Augmentation. If you decide you need skill wires, MBW may be a good idea. They come included in the system, but you will need the Restricted Gear quality for Rating II and III is not available at CharGen.
If your character was an outdoorsy mercenary, maybe a digestive expansion and a suprathyroid gland can be of use. Less picky eater and more physical prowess.
Any reason, why you want the character to come from Québec?
Apr 28 2010, 12:52 PM
The character goes by the name of LaMalice (Inside joke of our group)
Metatype : Ork
Body: 4(5) Charisma: 4 EDGE: 3
Agility: 4(7) Intuition: 3 Phys Init 7[10]
Reaction: 4(7) Logic: 3 Passes 1[3]
Strength: 4(5) Willpower: 3 Essence: 0.63
<< Positive Qualities >>
Class I Surge: Dermal Deposits
Black Market Pipeline - Weapons
Tough as Nails (1)
Restricted Gear(Supratyroid Gland)
<< Negative Qualities >>
Flashbacks - Uncommon
Addiction (Mild)(Betel)
Astral Hazing (non-Awakened)
Critter Spook
Mood Hair
skill : (140 bp)
Unarmed Combat 2
Automatics 3
Stealth (Group) 1
Pilot Ground Craft 4
Influence (Group) 3
Dodge 3
Heavy Weapon 1
Throwing Weapon 2
Armorer 2
Athletics (Group) 2
Demolitions 1
Perception 2
Cyberware and bioware :
Attention Coprocessor (1-3) 3
Muscle Toner (1-4) 2
Dermal Sheathing Rating 2
Wired Reflexes II
Bone Density Augmentation (3)
Suprathyroid Gland
Sleep Regulator
Black Seraph (Loy. 1 Con. 6) (Earned for the campain.)
Fixer(QC) (Loy. 2 Con. 3)
Fixer(NY) (Loy. 1 Con. 3)
Armorer (NY) (Loy. 2 Con. 2)
Pirate(NY) (Loy. 1 Con. 3)
Apr 28 2010, 12:56 PM
so I'm assuming your merc team (or his previous team) didnt have any mages / adepts because I'm sure astral hazing would be a major downside to working with you if your a magic user. I can see with very low essance your not going to have much range when your moving but if you kip down for the night the next morning the whole area can be abit less pleasent for some people
Apr 28 2010, 01:03 PM
QUOTE (Lansdren @ Apr 28 2010, 08:56 AM)

so I'm assuming your merc team (or his previous team) didnt have any mages / adepts because I'm sure astral hazing would be a major downside to working with you if your a magic user. I can see with very low essance your not going to have much range when your moving but if you kip down for the night the next morning the whole area can be abit less pleasent for some people
Yup, no mages likes him.
Apr 28 2010, 01:57 PM
Astral Hazing can kick ass if you use it right. Low-force spirits will just go pop when you charge up to them, and the more powerful ones may get weakened so much you can just beat the shit out of them.
Sounds like a good mage killer.
Be careful with wards, though. You can't notice them, but you'll disturb them nevertheless.
This quality requires some well-planned coordination with the team mage.
All in all, the character seems well-rounded.
I wouldn't want to mess with explosives if i just had 4 dice for it, though...i should have thought about that when i suggested picking up the skill.
I'd drop it and instead increase Automatics by 1.
Personally, i find a Trauma Damper to be more useful than the armor-increasing ware. Especially with that Willpower score.
You'll likely have some problems with Stun damage, though this won't be much of an issue if your group doesn't play particularly combat-heavy and you keep a few stim patches at hand.
BTW, do you play with the normal Availability rules?
In that case, you'd need Restricted Gear for the Suprathyroid Gland.
I'd also double-check if Dermal Deposits are compatible with dermal ware such as the Sheathing, i think they aren't.
If this doesn't work, drop the Dermal Sheathing and get either a Trauma Damper or a Platelet Factory instead (the latter can also be bought used if it seems too expensive).
Apr 28 2010, 02:42 PM
QUOTE (Lansdren @ Apr 28 2010, 08:56 AM)

so I'm assuming your merc team (or his previous team) didnt have any mages / adepts because I'm sure astral hazing would be a major downside to working with you if your a magic user. I can see with very low essance your not going to have much range when your moving but if you kip down for the night the next morning the whole area can be abit less pleasent for some people
Don't know why everyone always says this. The hazing has a .63m radius. That's about 2 feet, so unless he is hugging the mage/adept, it generally isn't going to be a problem.
Similarly everyone always mentions the sleeping thing. It'll expand at most 4m (more like 1m with sleep regulator), which is about enough to cover a room, so unless the mage/adept is sleeping with the hazed, it won't really matter (And how often do your characters have to sleep in the same room together?) and even if they are, they just need to leave the room if they want to activate any mojo. That or get the hazed to wake up and walk around some to disperse the BC.
Honestly it is ridiculous that it is a disadvantage for mundane, as the only two problems with it are that you set off wards, and are hard to help with magic (Already true with essence <1 so no big deal). But I'll not get any more into that rant/argument here.
Oh, no real need to include the possible rating range with the name of the augmentation unless that is for personal bookkeeping or something.
Apr 28 2010, 03:48 PM
QUOTE (Karoline @ Apr 28 2010, 09:42 AM)

Don't know why everyone always says this. The hazing has a .63m radius. That's about 2 feet, so unless he is hugging the mage/adept, it generally isn't going to be a problem.
Similarly everyone always mentions the sleeping thing. It'll expand at most 4m (more like 1m with sleep regulator), which is about enough to cover a room, so unless the mage/adept is sleeping with the hazed, it won't really matter (And how often do your characters have to sleep in the same room together?) and even if they are, they just need to leave the room if they want to activate any mojo. That or get the hazed to wake up and walk around some to disperse the BC.
Honestly it is ridiculous that it is a disadvantage for mundane, as the only two problems with it are that you set off wards, and are hard to help with magic (Already true with essence <1 so no big deal). But I'll not get any more into that rant/argument here.
Oh, no real need to include the possible rating range with the name of the augmentation unless that is for personal bookkeeping or something.
I copy pasted from DK spreadsheet.
Astral Hazing is a disavantage because it give a -4 to all spell casted while touching the mercenary. So health spell, invisibility, and so on are not easily casted on the character. The character enjoyed too much his years of killing, and he also has critter spook.
Apr 28 2010, 03:57 PM
Right, like I said, it is a slight disadvantage because you can't get helped easily by ally mages (But really, how often do they throw spells on you anyway?), but that doesn't seem to outweigh the fact that you're near immune to magic that could hurt you.
Also keep in mind that with an essence of 0.63, health spells are already going to be really hard to cast on you, even without the hazing.
Apr 28 2010, 04:08 PM
I used to play mages so I decided to play the opposite. In the background he got the dormant gene and did bad stuff and the gene expressed itself. I think he will specialise into mage killing.
Apr 28 2010, 06:48 PM
Addiction - Mild (Betel) is cheesy. Personally, I'd lump it in with Addiction: Caffeine or Addition: Sugar. You can't suffer worse than a Mild addiction to Betel, and there are no drawbacks to having an addiction to it.
Pick something that is actually a disadvantage.
Apr 28 2010, 06:56 PM
Mundanes can not by the rules take Astral Hazing - it's a Mutagenic quality only available to SURGE victims.
Apr 28 2010, 06:56 PM
Apr 28 2010, 08:49 PM
QUOTE (RedFish @ Apr 28 2010, 02:56 PM)

Mundanes can not by the rules take Astral Hazing - it's a Mutagenic quality only available to SURGE victims.
But SURGElings can be mundane. Mundane is basically defined as 'does not have a magic score'. It is entirely possible to SURGE and have no magic score.
Addiction - Mild (Betel) is cheesy. Personally, I'd lump it in with Addiction: Caffeine or Addition: Sugar. You can't suffer worse than a Mild addiction to Betel, and there are no drawbacks to having an addiction to it.
I suppose I have to somewhat agree, it is something that doesn't hurt the character all that much, as a mild addiction has very lax requirements, very small withdrawl, the drug is legal, the addiction can't get worse, its cheap, and has no downsides.
On the other hand, mild addiction to alcohol is about the same. You need a drink every week (Wow, that must be hard to fit into your schedule), it's legal, cheap, the down sides are fairly small, especially if you time it right or have some medicine or a mage with detox around. In honesty, any mild addiction is a fairly mild disadvantage. Once a week you need to dump maybe 20-30 nuyen on some drugs? Big deal. Depending on how often runs happen, you may satisfy that requirement simply as a byproduct of going on your runs.
I don't really know that one mild addiction is that much less serious than another, and they are after all only mild addictions, and only worth 5BP. Now, if we were talking about serious addiction to Betel compared to K-10 or something, then yeah, one should really be worth more. But that could be said about most any drug and K-10 at any addiction level.
Apr 28 2010, 08:49 PM
QUOTE (RedFish @ Apr 28 2010, 06:56 PM)

Mundanes can not by the rules take Astral Hazing - it's a Mutagenic quality only available to SURGE victims.
The character has got Class I SURGE, though.
BTW, mundane only refers to whether the character is Awakened/Emergent or not.
And it's Metagenetic, not Mutagenic. Sorry for the nitpicking.
Apr 28 2010, 10:07 PM
I took Betel because I didn't want him to be addicted to alchool or Marijuana. He can chew more than one in a day. So he bought 30 packs (300 units). He's Paranoid and need to have more perception.
The character is surged, he got dermal deposits like a troll but is an orc. So I took him Astral Hazing because he had the dormant gene that got trigered when he did his dark bidding against a troop of mage. He also got suplementary metagenic drawback, critter spook and mood hair.
Apr 28 2010, 10:57 PM
QUOTE (Delarn @ Apr 28 2010, 05:07 PM)

I took Betel because I didn't want him to be addicted to alchool or Marijuana. He can chew more than one in a day. So he bought 30 packs (300 units). He's Paranoid and need to have more perception.
But there is no disadvantage whatsoever to being addicted to Betel (and it is supposed to be a disadvantage, remember?). With alcohol, marijuana, deepweed, or any other drug, there are downsides, and the risk of increasing addiction. You can't ever become more addicted to Betel.
Legal RAW? Sure. Cheesy as hell? Yup.
If he's paranoid, choose a mild addiction to any of the other perception boosting drugs, such as novacoke, nitro, or even long haul.
Apr 28 2010, 11:34 PM
QUOTE (Eratosthenes @ Apr 28 2010, 06:57 PM)

But there is no disadvantage whatsoever to being addicted to Betel (and it is supposed to be a disadvantage, remember?). With alcohol, marijuana, deepweed, or any other drug, there are downsides, and the risk of increasing addiction. You can't ever become more addicted to Betel.
Legal RAW? Sure. Cheesy as hell? Yup.
If he's paranoid, choose a mild addiction to any of the other perception boosting drugs, such as novacoke, nitro, or even long haul.
Or, you know, he could play his character and use Betel.
Apr 28 2010, 11:38 PM
QUOTE (Eratosthenes @ Apr 28 2010, 05:57 PM)

But there is no disadvantage whatsoever to being addicted to Betel (and it is supposed to be a disadvantage, remember?). With alcohol, marijuana, deepweed, or any other drug, there are downsides, and the risk of increasing addiction. You can't ever become more addicted to Betel.
Legal RAW? Sure. Cheesy as hell? Yup.
If he's paranoid, choose a mild addiction to any of the other perception boosting drugs, such as novacoke, nitro, or even long haul.
An If I choosed to use Betel has a replacement drug ? To recover from a harder drug ?
Apr 28 2010, 11:54 PM
QUOTE (Karoline @ Apr 28 2010, 06:34 PM)

Or, you know, he could play his character and use Betel.
Good point.
It's your character, in any event. If your DM allows it, go for it. I was just expressing my opinion on the matter.
Apr 29 2010, 12:14 AM
QUOTE (Delarn @ Apr 29 2010, 12:38 AM)

An If I choosed to use Betel has a replacement drug ? To recover from a harder drug ?
Then your character uses Betal but doesn't get free BP for it?
Apr 29 2010, 12:40 AM
QUOTE (RedFish @ Apr 28 2010, 07:14 PM)

Then your character uses Betal but doesn't get free BP for it?
And your logic in that ? Is there a place in the rules where the addiction mild must be from something that can go deeper. My GM can just say, that negative quality is not removable and the character must always have a fresh one in mouth after the effect are off.
Apr 29 2010, 12:58 AM
QUOTE (Delarn @ Apr 29 2010, 01:40 AM)

And your logic in that ? Is there a place in the rules where the addiction mild must be from something that can go deeper. My GM can just say, that negative quality is not removable and the character must always have a fresh one in mouth after the effect are off.
To quote the rules:
A character with the Addiction quality is addicted to alcohol,
drugs, BTL chips, or a similar substance with a detrimental effect on the
character’s health (note that nicotine, caffeine, and sugar do not count).I highlighted the important part. Betal is similar to nicotine, caffeine and sugar in this instance.
Besides - you don't need a quality (positive or negative) to highlight every aspect of your character's personality. That's what roleplay is for.
Apr 29 2010, 01:03 AM
my GM accepted it ...
Apr 29 2010, 01:05 AM
QUOTE (Delarn @ Apr 29 2010, 02:03 AM)

my GM accepted it ...
And that's fine. Not trying to dictate what your gaming group should or should not do. Just pointing out that there is indeed a paragraph in the rules to prevent it without having the GM necessarily having to defend it through house ruling.
Apr 29 2010, 01:06 AM
Ok thanks ...
Apr 29 2010, 01:53 AM
Since we're quoting rules...
Rather than making an Addiction Test, characters who use
betel, even once, gain a Mild addiction to it.
in its description Betel says that it can have a mild addiction. Also...
Because it is instantly addictive, betel
oft en serves as a gateway drug to more powerful stimulants.
So yeah, maybe it doesn't have any negatives on its own, but taking that means you're more likely to experiment and become addicted to more serious stuff. Also keep in mind that addiction itself has downsides. If our merc here is ever without it for an extended period of time (In a foreign country and can't find the brand that has the same kick (and gets addicted to a couple other brands in the process), in jail, hiding out, whenever) he stars suffering withdraw. That withdraw is just as bad with betel as it is with any other drug.
Apr 29 2010, 07:32 AM
QUOTE (Lansdren @ Apr 28 2010, 11:29 AM)

I'd agree with dropping pistols [...] you have other weapons avaliable
I never got this kind of thinking. Sure, if you're designing something for a military campaign, dropping pistols could work. But for mirror shades work, often you can't get away with lugging a machine pistol around. So you're going to go unarmed instead? Getting semi-auto pistols at 3 costs just 6 BP or 4 for 10 BP, that's a bargain, gives you a ton of options for concealed carry, legal carry (only limited fake ID backgrounds justify automatic licenses), and if you have to go somewhere unarmed and things turn south chances are the first gun you liberate will be a pistol.
Apr 29 2010, 07:56 AM
QUOTE (Karoline @ Apr 29 2010, 01:53 AM)

Since we're quoting rules...
So, in its description Betel says that it can have a mild addiction. Also...
So yeah, maybe it doesn't have any negatives on its own, but taking that means you're more likely to experiment and become addicted to more serious stuff. Also keep in mind that addiction itself has downsides. If our merc here is ever without it for an extended period of time (In a foreign country and can't find the brand that has the same kick (and gets addicted to a couple other brands in the process), in jail, hiding out, whenever) he stars suffering withdraw. That withdraw is just as bad with betel as it is with any other drug.
Still not possible to take it as a negative quality on character creation as far as I'm concerned, since it doesn't fulfill the requirements listed. Where is that from though? Haven't seen Betel in the core rules.
Apr 29 2010, 08:33 AM
QUOTE (RedFish @ Apr 29 2010, 10:56 AM)

Still not possible to take it as a negative quality on character creation as far as I'm concerned, since it doesn't fulfill the requirements listed. Where is that from though? Haven't seen Betel in the core rules.
Betel is from Arsenal pg.74.
Apr 29 2010, 08:43 AM
QUOTE (Stingray @ Apr 29 2010, 09:33 AM)

Betel is from Arsenal pg.74.
Cheers, don't have that book - is it worth getting?
Does seem a little odd they would include something like Betel as an actual drug.
Apr 29 2010, 08:50 AM
QUOTE (Eratosthenes @ Apr 29 2010, 01:57 AM)

But there is no disadvantage whatsoever to being addicted to Betel (and it is supposed to be a disadvantage, remember?). With alcohol, marijuana, deepweed, or any other drug, there are downsides, and the risk of increasing addiction. You can't ever become more addicted to Betel.
Legal RAW? Sure. Cheesy as hell? Yup.
If he's paranoid, choose a mild addiction to any of the other perception boosting drugs, such as novacoke, nitro, or even long haul.
..Addiction to Betel Legal RAW and cheesy?? yes but Addiction to G3 (Arsenal pg. 74) takes cheesyness to it's own level..
Apr 29 2010, 08:56 AM
QUOTE (RedFish @ Apr 29 2010, 11:43 AM)

Cheers, don't have that book - is it worth getting?
Does seem a little odd they would include something like Betel as an actual drug.
IMOO..yes it is worth it, new weapons,new armors,new electronic toys..
Apr 29 2010, 11:00 AM
QUOTE (Stingray @ Apr 29 2010, 03:56 AM)

IMOO..yes it is worth it, new weapons,new armors,new electronic toys..
Heck, I'd practically get it just for the weapon and vehicle mod stuff, and the new vehicles and drones. Tripling the number of weapons available, doubling the armor, and introducing alot of cool things like survival gear for everything from toxic areas to space to deserts, and spy toys is just even more bonus. It's one of the three books that I always have open when making a character.
Apr 29 2010, 01:52 PM
QUOTE (RedFish @ Apr 29 2010, 09:43 AM)

Cheers, don't have that book - is it worth getting?
Does seem a little odd they would include something like Betel as an actual drug.
They also include an improved version of chocolate, some gingko extract food supplement and a form of artificial blood plasma in the drug section.
The chemistry chapter spans the full range from legal highs that hardly do anything to an improved and deadlier version of Kamikaze, weaponized hallucinogens, and everything in between.
It doesn't include the really fundamental stuff that will make half of the group want to stat out a new character, such as Runner's Companion or Street Magic- but it has a lot of nice gadgets that can be brought into the campaign at any point.
And it's not limited to stuff for combat oriented characters or riggers, everyone will find some new pieces of gear in there.
It's not a must-have, but a really nice add-on.
Apr 29 2010, 01:57 PM
QUOTE (Rasumichin @ Apr 29 2010, 08:52 AM)

And it's not limited to stuff for combat oriented characters or riggers, everyone will find some new pieces of gear in there.
Except maybe awakened, though even they might like some of the gun options, and there are a couple toys here and there for them. Think it introduces some extra manatech stuff, not to mention awakened drugs... okay, guess even awakened have a use for the book.
Actually hackers/technomancers might have the least use for it.
Apr 29 2010, 05:02 PM
QUOTE (Karoline @ Apr 29 2010, 01:57 PM)

Except maybe awakened, though even they might like some of the gun options, and there are a couple toys here and there for them. Think it introduces some extra manatech stuff, not to mention awakened drugs... okay, guess even awakened have a use for the book.
Actually hackers/technomancers might have the least use for it.
Well, if they are into drones, they absolutely need it.
Awakened would like the new armor options best, i think.
And some of the drugs, of course.
eX is probably the best choice for Charisma-boosting drugs in the game (unless you're from a LOG-based tradition, of course).
Speaking of drugs, there's a lot of compounds useful for hackers and mancers, too.
Saint Sithney
Apr 29 2010, 09:45 PM
Combining Paranoia and significant levels of Influence Group is a little weird. Not wrong, but weird and terribly unhelpful. Paranoia, as the negative quality, gives you a -3 modifier to any interaction with everyone except Contacts with a loyalty rating over 4. That basically negates your entire Influence Group lvl 3 since you're horribly put off by everyone you meet. Also, if you're getting the Black Market Weapons Pipeline for anything besides RP purposes, it's kind of a waste. Weapons are cheap unless you're dealing with large quantities. Better to choose a Wares Pipeline for a cyber guy.
Apr 29 2010, 10:17 PM
QUOTE (Rasumichin @ Apr 29 2010, 01:02 PM)

Well, if they are into drones, they absolutely need it.
Awakened would like the new armor options best, i think.
And some of the drugs, of course.
eX is probably the best choice for Charisma-boosting drugs in the game (unless you're from a LOG-based tradition, of course).
Speaking of drugs, there's a lot of compounds useful for hackers and mancers, too.
Awakened drugs ...
QUOTE (Saint Sithney @ Apr 29 2010, 05:45 PM)

Combining Paranoia and significant levels of Influence Group is a little weird. Not wrong, but weird and terribly unhelpful. Paranoia, as the negative quality, gives you a -3 modifier to any interaction with everyone except Contacts with a loyalty rating over 4. That basically negates your entire Influence Group lvl 3 since you're horribly put off by everyone you meet. Also, if you're getting the Black Market Weapons Pipeline for anything besides RP purposes, it's kind of a waste. Weapons are cheap unless you're dealing with large quantities. Better to choose a Wares Pipeline for a cyber guy.
I'll look that up. Thanks.
Saint Sithney
Apr 29 2010, 10:30 PM
QUOTE (Delarn @ Apr 29 2010, 03:17 PM)

I'll look that up. Thanks.
Blackmarket Pipeline (wares) will only save you 19,000 nuyen at startup, but, if you're planing to keep this guy around, it will save you lots of money on a Sam's biggest money sink, Deltaware. Also, you can have a ready and willing contact to buy up the used cyber from all the prime runners your gm sends at you. Without a pipeline, it can be hard to find a guy to buy up generic bioware before it spoils.
Apr 29 2010, 10:46 PM
QUOTE (Saint Sithney @ Apr 29 2010, 06:30 PM)

Blackmarket Pipeline (wares) will only save you 19,000 nuyen at startup, but, if you're planing to keep this guy around, it will save you lots of money on a Sam's biggest money sink, Deltaware. Also, you can have a ready and willing contact to buy up the used cyber from all the prime runners your gm sends at you. Without a pipeline, it can be hard to find a guy to buy up generic bioware before it spoils.

It allowed me to pass from a scooter to a Horizon-Doble Revolution.
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