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...what do you use?
BBB SR4A pg.282. there is stats for Lone Star Squad member. LS and KE are both "LEO"'s so
it gives pretty good direction of KE's stats. smile.gif
Knight-Errant Police Squad - PR 3
B 3
A 4
R 4
S 3
C 3
[b]I 4
L[/b] 3
W 3
Ed 3
Ess 6
Ini/IP 8/1
CM 10

Movement: 15/25

Skills: Clubs 3, Longarms 3, Perception 2, Pistols 3, Unarmed Combat 3

Knowledge Skills: Law Enforcement 3

Gear: Armor Jacket (8/6), Franchi SPAS-22 (7P; AP -1; SA/BF; RC 0; 10[m]), Ares Predator IV (5P;AP -1; SA; RC -; 15[C]), Defiance EX Shocker (8S[E]; AP -1/2; SS; 4[m]), Stun Baton (6S[E]; Reach 1;AP -1/2), contacts with Image Link and Smartgun Link, Jazz Popper

Notes: SPAS-22 is equipped with a smartgun link (+2 dicepool).

Jazz: +1 Reac, +1 IP; Duration 10 x 1D6 minutes.

Best use in a firefight is to "take aim" then squeeze off 1 shot for a total DP of 10. Shotguns are normally loaded with slugs, but can be loaded with Gel Rounds for more non-lethal scenarios.


Basically a reskinned, tweaked Lone Star officer. I debated giving them Full Body Armor from the core book, but figured that'd be reserved for the SWAT members, or at least a little heavier response teams.
QUOTE (Neraph @ May 9 2010, 10:09 AM) *
Knight-Errant Police Squad - PR 3
B 3
A 4
R 4
S 3
C 3
[b]I 4
L[/b] 3
W 3
Ed 3
Ess 6
Ini/IP 8/1
CM 10

Movement: 15/25

Skills: Clubs 3, Longarms 3, Perception 2, Pistols 3, Unarmed Combat 3

Knowledge Skills: Law Enforcement 3

Gear: Armor Jacket (8/6), Franchi SPAS-22 (7P; AP -1; SA/BF; RC 0; 10[m]), Ares Predator III (5P;AP -1; SA; RC -; 15[C]), Defiance EX Shocker (8S[E]; AP -1/2; SS; 4[m]), Stun Baton (6S[E]; Reach 1;AP -1/2), contacts with Image Link and Smartgun Link, Jazz Popper

Notes: SPAS-22 is equipped with a smartgun link (+2 dicepool).

Jazz: +1 Reac, +1 IP; Duration 10 x 1D6 minutes.

Best use in a firefight is to "take aim" then squeeze off 1 shot for a total DP of 10. Shotguns are normally loaded with slugs, but can be loaded with Gel Rounds for more non-lethal scenarios.


Basically a reskinned, tweaked Lone Star officer. I debated giving them Full Body Armor from the core book, but figured that'd be reserved for the SWAT members, or at least a little heavier response teams.

Ares Predator IV instead of III, body to 4 ,Rc of Spas is 1 when folding stock is used.
For basic goons against shadowrunners, these stats are ok, but these kind of "LEO"s are completely unable to diffuse difficult situations with negotiations, scare off would be perpetrators without using guns, and generally keeping the peace.

But if you just need something quick to deter the runners these are ok.
And has no Dodge too.
Nice stats, I like the feel of them.
As noted before, you'll want to pump up Body - these guys are encumbered by their armor.
Also, Enfield AS-7 might be a better option than the SPAS. Uses clips rather than a magazine so much easier to change ammo types.
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
QUOTE (Zyerne @ May 9 2010, 08:06 AM) *
Also, Enfield AS-7 might be a better option than the SPAS. Uses clips rather than a magazine so much easier to change ammo types.

And it can even use 24-Shot Drums if you like...

Keep the Faith
QUOTE (Tymeaus Jalynsfein @ May 9 2010, 05:23 PM) *
And it can even use 24-Shot Drums if you like...

Keep the Faith

yeah and adding shock pad + personalized grip makes it even better for burst firing..
QUOTE (FriendoftheDork @ May 9 2010, 03:53 AM) *
For basic goons against shadowrunners, these stats are ok, but these kind of "LEO"s are completely unable to diffuse difficult situations with negotiations, scare off would be perpetrators without using guns, and generally keeping the peace.

But if you just need something quick to deter the runners these are ok.

Have you even looked at the Lone Star guys from the book? That's essentially what this guy is. What you claim they lack, the core rulebook causes them to lack. I just upgraded their gear slightly and switched their useless Unarmed skill to Clubs so they could actually use the baton they were given.

As noted before, you'll want to pump up Body - these guys are encumbered by their armor.

Many of the core rulebook's goons would be encumbered by their armor... which is why I suggest using the first bullet-point optional rule under Tweaking Armor Encumberance on page 44 of Arsenal.

QUOTE ( @ May 9 2010, 02:42 AM)
Ares Predator IV instead of III, body to 4 ,Rc of Spas is 1 when folding stock is used.

Ares Predator IV is noted, body is not needed, Spas-22 does not have a folding stock - page 28, Arsenal.

EDIT: Edited.
QUOTE (Neraph @ May 9 2010, 05:54 PM) *
Have you even looked at the Lone Star guys from the book? That's essentially what this guy is. What you claim they lack, the core rulebook causes them to lack. I just upgraded their gear slightly and switched their useless Unarmed skill to Clubs so they could actually use the baton they were given.

Many of the core rulebook's goons would be encumbered by their armor... which is why I suggest using the first bullet-point optional rule under Tweaking Armor Encumberance on page 44 of Arsenal.

Ares Predator IV is noted, body is not needed, Spas-22 does not have a folding stock - page 28, Arsenal.

EDIT: Edited.

Franchi Spas-22
"due to its folding stock with shock pad and its internal smartgun system, this assault shotgun is popular
with many military and police forces operating in urban combat zones.
.." Arsenal pg. 28
QUOTE (Neraph @ May 9 2010, 04:54 PM) *
Have you even looked at the Lone Star guys from the book? That's essentially what this guy is. What you claim they lack, the core rulebook causes them to lack. I just upgraded their gear slightly and switched their useless Unarmed skill to Clubs so they could actually use the baton they were given.

Many of the core rulebook's goons would be encumbered by their armor... which is why I suggest using the first bullet-point optional rule under Tweaking Armor Encumberance on page 44 of Arsenal.

Ares Predator IV is noted, body is not needed, Spas-22 does not have a folding stock - page 28, Arsenal.

EDIT: Edited.

Of course I've looked at them, that's why I'm saying LEOs should have other skills. I wouldn't remove unarmed though, better to give them Close Combat skill group if they're supposed to be trained in seld defense and baton use. Or the two skills instead.
The LS in the books are also just a skeleton of what would be needed to simulate a "real" cop or even a security guard.

And yes the armor rule doeskin make sense so the optiona rule is better.

BTW why shotguns? Why not give them some SMGs so they can use Automatics and thus could be gives assault rifles where appropriate?

"folding stock with shock pad" is a typo and should probably read "rigid stock with shock pad." Still 1 RC though... check errata?
Check out page 148 of Arsenal...

Recoil comp from rigid stock and shock pads do not stack.
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
QUOTE (Legs @ May 9 2010, 06:24 PM) *
Check out page 148 of Arsenal...

Recoil comp from rigid stock and shock pads do not stack.

Which is why he stated that it is still only a single point of RC...

Keep the Faith
QUOTE (Tymeaus Jalynsfein @ May 10 2010, 03:26 AM) *
Which is why he stated that it is still only a single point of RC...

Keep the Faith


Shock Pad: This shock-absorbing pad can be mounted on
the rigid shoulder stock of a rifle, shotgun, or heavy weapon,
and provides 1 point of recoil compensation.

Note it needs a rigid stock, it can't be mounted on a folding stock.
QUOTE (Stingray @ May 9 2010, 09:07 AM) *
Franchi Spas-22
"due to its folding stock with shock pad and its internal smartgun system, this assault shotgun is popular
with many military and police forces operating in urban combat zones.
.." Arsenal pg. 28

Wierd. I checked it twice before I posted and it didn't have RC. Now it does. I think my Arsenal is messing with me.

QUOTE (FriendoftheDork Posted Today, 09:39 AM )
BTW why shotguns? Why not give them some SMGs so they can use Automatics and thus could be gives assault rifles where appropriate?

Because police officers in the real world have shotguns. You could do assault rifles now since Arizona is issuing heavier weapons though...
When I lived in L.A. (about 5 years ago), the cops had a shotgun AND an AR15 between the front seats.

I even saw a motorcycle cop that had an MP5 (at least that's what it looked like) on the back of his bike.
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