That makes a bit of sense I guess... Can't argue any of that really...
And yeah, I am not going to hold my breath for a Dumb Negotiator, especially one that is throwing around that many dice...
Keep the Fatih
And yeah, I am not going to hold my breath for a Dumb Negotiator, especially one that is throwing around that many dice...
Keep the Fatih
The nuyen/hr value is really a great thing to tell whether your character would be inclined to do something that makes money. All you have to do is determine how many hours your character -wants- to work in a year. Divide that into how much your character needs to maintain his lifestyle plus savings (savings meaning nuyen saved or spent on non-lifestyle expenses). That essentially will give you a value your character applies as the worth of his free time.
You need 180,000 a year for your lifestyle and you want to get 60,000 in savings/goodies, but you only want to spend 25% of the 7,008hrs available working, then you need to earn 240,000 :nuyen over 1,752 hours. That means your character values his time at about 137/hr. If it's less than that, don't accept it unless you're really strapped for cash.