QUOTE (StealthSigma @ May 12 2010, 08:30 AM)
So what we know is that in a year the crew will be able to hijack enough cars to have a total value of 3,387,200
which they will sell for 30% of it's value which happens to be 1,016,160
split among the members.
If runners complete 2 to 3 runs a month for about 30 runs in a year then they would need to be earning more than 33,873 (as a group) on average for each mission they take on for it to be more profitable than stealing cars.
I don't think it will generate more revenue by taking a reduction on the asking price, but I'm going to see.
By going with a 25% asking price instead of 30%, then on average you will take 82.5hrs (66 hours + 16.5 hours rest) to sell three cars instead of 90 (72 hours + 18 hours rest).
By going with a 20% asking price instead of 30%, then on average you will take 76hrs (60 hours + 15 hours rest) to sell three cars.
By going with a 15% asking price instead of 30%, then on average you will take 67.5hrs (54 hours + 13.5 hours rest) to sell three cars.
By going with a 10% asking price instead of 30%, then on average you will take 60hrs (48 hours + 12 hours rest) to sell three cars.
By going with a 5% asking prices instead of 30%, then on average you will take 52.5hrs (42 hours + 10.5 hours rest) to sell three cars.
30% Book Value - 292 cars sold @ 3,480 = 1,016,160
25% Book Value - 318 cars sold @ 2,900 = 922,200
20% Book Value - 345 cars sold @ 2,320 = 800,400
15% Book Value - 389 cars sold @ 1,740 = 676,860
10% Book Value - 438 cars sold @ 1,160 = 508,080
5% Book Value - 500 cars sold @ 580 = 290,000
This assumes that the face is only capable of fencing one stolen car at a time and they're probably pseudo-rough figure using 6hrs of rest for every 24 hours of being awake.
Just to clarify a few things. Fencing items basically will have about 3 steps to get a product from the runners to an end consumer. The runners sell to a fence, the fence. The fence, who should have a superior setup for laundering stolen property will do what he needs to do and probably sell to a black marketeer who then sells to the end consumer. If a runner could sell direct to the end consumer, then a 60% book cost would apply rather than a 30% book cost base. This model really does fall in line with basic economics. If we assume that -most- goods sold on the black market will go for 60% of their book value (used/stolen) then we would be having each individual in the chain getting a cut. The fence pays 50% of the final sell value to the player, the black marketeer pays 75% of the final sell price to the fence, and the end consumer pays the final sell price to the black marketeer.
The players would earn 1,016,160 minus to opportunity costs and direct costs of obtaining the goods to achieve final profit.
The fence would earn 1,524,240 minus 1,016,160 for buying the vehicles, for a profit of 508,080
The black marketeer would earn 2,032,320 minus the 1,524,240 for buying the vehicle, also yielding a profit of 508,080.
Don't let those numbers fool you though, the fence is the most profitable of the bunch and the players are the least profitable.