Roleplayers make distrubing parents. This is based on "We're all going on a bear hunt", and was originally posted here:
We're going on a milk run
We're going to make a million
What an easy job
We're not scared
Uh uh! a Fence
a high voltage fence.
can't go over it.
can't go under it.
Oh no!
we've have to go through it!
Snickerty snack
Snickerty snack
Snickerty snack
We're going on a milk run
We're going to make a million
What an easy job
We're not scared
Uh uh! cameras
IR security cameras
can't go over it.
can't go under it.
Oh no!
we've have to go through it!
Wait run
Wait run
Wait run
We're going on a milk run
We're going to make a million
What an easy job
We're not scared
Uh uh! Locks
Biometric ID Locks.
can't go over it.
can't go under it.
Oh no!
we've have to go through it!
Tickerty tack
Tickerty tack
Tickerty tack
We're going on a milk run
We're going to make a million
What an easy job
We're not scared
Uh uh! Guards
alert, attentive guards.
can't go over it.
can't go under it.
Oh no!
we've have to go through it!
Phut thud
Phut thud
Phut thud
We're going on a milk run
We're going to make a million
What an easy job
We're not scared
Uh uh! Lasers
Powerful defence lasers.
can't go over it.
can't go under it.
Oh no!
we've have to go through it!
Zap boom
Zap boom
Zap boom
We're going on a milk run
We're going to make a million
What an easy job
We're not scared
Uh uh! A Vault
A huge treasure vault.
can't go over it.
can't go under it.
Oh no!
we've have to go through it!
One huge open mouth
Two huge scaley wings
Two big bright eyes
It's a Dragon!!
Quick! back through the vault! tiptoe! tiptoe! tiptoe!
Back through the Lasers! zap boom! zap boom! zap boom!
Back through the Guards! phut Thud! phut Thud! phut Thud!
Back through the Locks! Ticker Tack! Ticker Tack! Ticker Tack!
Back through the Cameras! wait, run! wait, run! wait, run!
Back through the Fence! Snickerty snack! Snickerty snack! Snickerty snack!
Get to our safe house
deactivate defences
Up the stairs
Oh No!
We forgot to activate defences
Back downstairs
activate defences
Back upstairs
into the panic-room
new IDs
go undercover.
We're not going on a milk run again.