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As stated in the title, can celerity and skimmer disk foot augmentation stack?

Nothing says that they can't stack, but I don't want to get silly and try it... then get smacked because of pulling a munchkin.
As far as I know they do. Have you looked at Raptor cyber legs too? Or cyber skates? Why not stack up everything you can to get really fast nyahnyah.gif . I imagine I would allow these in game actually. You want to pay the BP for celerity and buy the cyber and take the essence hit go to it. You paid for it so you might as well use it.
Skimmer disks allow the character to hover over the ground, moving by adjusting their inclination. Celerity would no more stack with skimmer disks than it would with riding a motorbike. Likewise, it wouldn't stack with raptor legs, because celerity enhances the musculature of the legs, while raptor legs replace the legs. It's common sense.

Celerity would stack with skates, cyber or otherwise, and likewise they would stack with satyr legs.
Hey now don't start bringing common sense into this. SR rules is no place for that kind of craziness. nyahnyah.gif
I wasn't trying to be a munchkin about this. I was just wanting peoples thoughts about it.

Here's another question... if you have one cyber lower leg (standard grade) and one cyber foot (alpha) how do you calculate the nuyen cost?
QUOTE (KCKitsune @ May 18 2010, 07:33 AM) *
As stated in the title, can celerity and skimmer disk foot augmentation stack?

Nothing says that they can't stack, but I don't want to get silly and try it... then get smacked because of pulling a munchkin.

RAW says sure, go ahead. Common sense says go to hell. I suspect you'll find that it'll be errata'd eventually. Probably in 2102 or something.

I wasn't trying to be a munchkin about this. I was just wanting peoples thoughts about it.

QUOTE (KCKitsune @ May 18 2010, 07:33 AM) *
Here's another question... if you have one cyber lower leg (standard grade) and one cyber foot (alpha) how do you calculate the nuyen cost?

Depends. If you got a lower leg, I assume it replaces the foot. Assuming you go it first, you'd have no need for the foot. if you got the foot first, I'd say make it the regular lower leg cost to account for the fiddle farting with removing the foot and interfacing it with the present one, although you'd still lose the same amount of essence. Possibly (LL-RGF) essence
Instead of fixating yourself to the "common sense" notion that it would not work, why not ask yourself how it could?

The fact that skimmer disc feet depends on your normal Walking and Running rate tells me that the leg musculature also plays a part in the use of skimmer disc. It is not as if the discs totally replaces your form of locomotion. I see it as more along the lines of cyberskates than as a jetpack that totally replaces any need for leg muscles.
QUOTE (toturi @ May 18 2010, 05:20 AM) *
The fact that skimmer disc feet depends on your normal Walking and Running rate tells me that the leg musculature also plays a part in the use of skimmer disc. It is not as if the discs totally replaces your form of locomotion. I see it as more along the lines of cyberskates than as a jetpack that totally replaces any need for leg muscles.

Aye, that. It seems to me, that the speed you get off of a skimmer disk would depend greatly on the length of the stride of the person using them. A dwarf goes slower, a troll goes faster, and I don't see why celerity wouldn't work with that.

Though, now that I think about it, I'm wondering how skimmer discs would lift a troll.
QUOTE (Udoshi @ May 18 2010, 08:33 AM) *
Though, now that I think about it, I'm wondering how skimmer discs would lift a troll.

Oh, come on now...

This is technology, not magic - it doesn't need a detailed explanation, it just works. If it were SR magic, I could understand the need to know exactly how it operates, but SR tech gets the handwave.
QUOTE (Udoshi @ May 18 2010, 09:33 AM) *
Aye, that. It seems to me, that the speed you get off of a skimmer disk would depend greatly on the length of the stride of the person using them. A dwarf goes slower, a troll goes faster, and I don't see why celerity wouldn't work with that.

Though, now that I think about it, I'm wondering how skimmer discs would lift a troll.

By using new Handwaviumtm technology to boost the power and have an infinite power supply, just like commlinks and everything that isn't a drone/vehicle/laser weapon.

"We at Handwavium Inc. are committed to bringing you the latest and greatest in unexplained physics defying technology, including our wall destroying pistol rounds, and our mini cold fusion reactors inside every commlink. No need to worry about physics when you have Handwavium Inc. at your back."
QUOTE (Karoline @ May 18 2010, 09:48 PM) *
By using new Handwaviumtm technology to boost the power and have an infinite power supply, just like commlinks and everything that isn't a drone/vehicle/laser weapon.

"We at Handwavium Inc. are committed to bringing you the latest and greatest in unexplained physics defying technology, including our wall destroying pistol rounds, and our mini cold fusion reactors inside every commlink. No need to worry about physics when you have Handwavium Inc. at your back."

Oh no... You still need to worry about physics. Shadowrun Physics, just not Real Life Physics. People always tend to ASS-U-ME that the physics of the gameworld works the same way as the physics of the real world.
The troll ones are bigger. Done.
Okay, maybe you're all right. But I've -still- got this ridiculous mental image of a troll with ground-effect hover skirts and fans for feet.
The short answer is that everything stacks (bleh smile.gif ). I'm not sure how important it is anyway, beyond the comedy value of saying what vehicle your troll is as fast as. Running speed is useful, but it's not exactly broken.
QUOTE (Udoshi @ May 18 2010, 09:18 AM) *
Okay, maybe you're all right. But I've -still- got this ridiculous mental image of a troll with ground-effect hover skirts and fans for feet.

You absolutely must create this character. Then post his/her madcap adventures in the pink mohawk thread nyahnyah.gif
QUOTE (Dr.Rockso @ May 18 2010, 08:34 AM) *
You absolutely must create this character. Then post his/her madcap adventures in the pink mohawk thread nyahnyah.gif

Actually, its funny you should mention that. I've been considering making a skater-punk ork/troll go-gang, and a character who's from it. (in-line skates do the same thing as skimmer discs).

The catch is, they're all Awakened, and compete in a motorcycle-gang level environment by summoning up low-medium spirits with movement.
make him a rigger too . .
hover feet and hover drone to ride on, costume and his battlecry: EX-TER-MI-NA-TE!
Ol' Scratch
Skimmers are just a sci-fi version of skates. They don't provide their own locomotive force; they just push you up off the ground like an air hockey table. I don't see why they wouldn't work with most other movement enhancement options, either by the rules or common sense.
Just to add a twist to the general topic:

Do people generally add all the multipliers together before applying them? Or do they apply them 1 at a time? If the latter, then what sequence do you use?

I have ruled that we just add the multipliers together and go from there, but then the Uber-fastguy celerity/satyr-leg/skimmer disk guy might loose a meter or 3. I don't overly care about that level of detail for my game, but wonder what others do.
Ol' Scratch
I tend to add them all together in most circumstances, even when the rules say/suggest otherwise (such as second-hand alphaware cyberware suites, for instance), simply because it's faster and easier.
QUOTE (Udoshi @ May 18 2010, 10:58 AM) *
Actually, its funny you should mention that. I've been considering making a skater-punk ork/troll go-gang, and a character who's from it. (in-line skates do the same thing as skimmer discs).

The catch is, they're all Awakened, and compete in a motorcycle-gang level environment by summoning up low-medium spirits with movement.

Although with Skates you can push off on the ground to go uphill, the fans, not so much.

I am torn between corps puttign their facilities at the top of a slight rise to prevent the fan-bois (ha ha) from getting in, or at the bottom of a depression to stop them from leaving.

QUOTE (Dr. Funkenstein @ May 18 2010, 09:19 AM) *
I tend to add them all together in most circumstances, even when the rules say/suggest otherwise (such as second-hand alphaware cyberware suites, for instance), simply because it's faster and easier.

Ah, so two 10% discounts would be a 20% combined discount? I call it Lazy Math(because something's wrong with a game when you need to break out a calculator), and i've noticed shadowrun uses it here and there. Arsenal's speed/acceleration calculations being based off the base rate, stacking initiation/submersion discounts. I've been wondering how to apply it for Augmentation, between grades, adapsin, and biocompatability.
Although with Skates you can push off on the ground to go uphill, the fans, not so much.

They are ducted Fans more or less, so if you hold them at an angle towards the ground, you should get a bit of movement i guess . .
Or stand on one, point one straght back as a jet engine or something ^^
OK, just an update, I was just able to squeeze in skimmer disks and my character now has a movement rate of 25/62.
Ol' Scratch
And we all know how important your personal movement rate is in Shadowrun. <nods sagely>
Raven the Trickster
Not particularly unless your group is using minis of some sort. Not that my group is, at least not yet.

Edit: That said, I did still manage to talk my GM into letting my troll have skimmer disks built into his milspec armor (for the rare occasions he uses it anyway), but that's more for getting towed behind a small vehicle than for actually using them for the speed boost nyahnyah.gif
Xahn Borealis
QUOTE (Hagga @ May 18 2010, 11:38 AM) *
I suspect you'll find that it'll be errata'd eventually. Probably in 2102 or something.

I doubt it. A year before then, war was beginning. biggrin.gif
QUOTE (Udoshi @ May 18 2010, 11:33 AM) *
Ah, so two 10% discounts would be a 20% combined discount? I call it Lazy Math(because something's wrong with a game when you need to break out a calculator), and i've noticed shadowrun uses it here and there. Arsenal's speed/acceleration calculations being based off the base rate, stacking initiation/submersion discounts. I've been wondering how to apply it for Augmentation, between grades, adapsin, and biocompatability.

It was said a while back by on of the SR Dev types that all multipliers should be added together and then multiplied against the base value.

So yes, two 10% discounts would be a 20% discount total.

Works the same way for Essence discounts from improved cyberware grades and certain Qualities.
Raven the Trickster
But that contradicts one of the in book examples. In Augmentation when they're talking about getting second hand alphaware cyberware (20% discount + 20% cost increase), the net total is actually an 8% discount (AU 32, alphaware muscle replacement 2 = 1.6 essence, * second hand = 1.92 essence.)
QUOTE (Raven the Trickster @ May 19 2010, 02:33 PM) *
But that contradicts one of the in book examples. In Augmentation when they're talking about getting second hand alphaware cyberware (20% discount + 20% cost increase), the net total is actually an 8% discount (AU 32, alphaware muscle replacement 2 = 1.6 essence, * second hand = 1.92 essence.)

Welcome to SR where the rules can't even be agreed upon by the various authors and no one catches it before it hits print. I can hope 5e will be better, but that's not likely.
You mean, SR5eD20? *runs*
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ May 19 2010, 03:47 PM) *
You mean, SR5eD20? *runs*

d20 would be so much better if you ditched the "class" concept and made all of those class features feats with pre-reqs. Then you could define your own class as you get experience.

Mage that gets sneak attacks? Why yes! Every other level when you get a feat you get to pick a casting level or a d6 of sneak! rotate.gif
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