Um no that will stay relatively consistent I think. I am saying that some one may bypass or circumvent a way to exceed the speed of light or travel distances that would make it seem like you were going faster than light, or learn something more about the speed of light that allows data or other objects to travel faster than it. Sort of like newtons laws they still exist and work, but we learned more and now they still are solid except under situations where we use relativity. So who is to say in the future we don't have something where we say relativity is still solid except under situations where we use the cupcake theory or whatever.
so you think because information is not light that it could have its speed increased? All forces, particles or effects that do not involve rest mass that I know of travel at the same speed. That speed is called the speed of light but its more fundamental then that.
And relativity has been shown to work in about any big scale and high energy scale there is except one. Quantum mechanics. mix tiny length and time scales with huge masses and energy and there is no good theory for predicting what happens.
Maybe I'm wrong in this, but you seem to like how the universe is shown to work. If so perhaps you should come to terms with how things are instead of alluding to people being stupid or shortsighted or whatever you were trying for:
Sure for as we understand physics now. This idea that we got it figured out this time baffles me. Yes its proven as we understand it, that does not mean someone can't figure out something we never even conceived of that violates/circumvents the laws as we currently know them. It has been done many times in the past before, why do we assume we are so smart that we got it down pat this time.