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Grim is up, but AFAIK (assuming my situational awareness is correct), he's not near the combat, and will be tending to the wounded troll with his drone (which will take multiple combat turns to accomplish), so you can probably just skip over me - though if you let me know how much damage he has on him, I can start rolling the first-aid checks ahead of time, but I assume Grim is busy for the remainder of the fight.
Digital Heroin
The troll has taken a truly heroin amount of damage at this point, let's asume he's had 11P done to him, mostly burns, but some glass and such as well.

With Grim occupied, and the Lookout covered, I think it's actually safe to jump out of Initiative at this point. Yes, there were only three of the Assassins involved in the arson/sniper setup. Ambition trumps planning sometimes.
Poor conditions (street) should apply a -2 penalty, but feel free to modify if there are additional penalties (like if he's an awakened troll).
I'm not sure ifthe -2 for remotely aiding through an autodoc applies, sicne he's controlling it via VR, but if it does, just lop 2 dice off of the right.

Is that enough damage to put the troll into overflow? Cause then I would need to stabalize first, if not, skip that step:
Stabilization: First Aid 5 + Logic 5 + Medkit 6 -2 conditions = 14 dice, threshold 2
14d6.hits(5) = 5 hits, so he should be stable.

He will then use first aid to attempt to heal some of that damage. Since his first-aid skill is a 5, he will attempt to heal 5 damage, and that will take 5 combat turns (15 seconds?).
First-Aid: First Aid 5 + Logic 5 + Medkit 6 -2 conditions = 14 dice, threshold 2
14d6.hits(5) = 2 hits, which just beats the threshold, and wouldn't actually improve his situation.

That'd be pretty sad, though, since that is what Grim is here to do, so he'll use edge to reroll the failures:
12d6.hits(5) = 5 more hits.

So 7 hits total, should heal the troll up 5 boxes within the first 30 seconds of Grim treating him, and get him back on his feet. If he's interested in longer-term medical care, Grim would be happy to help, but I assume before any of taht takes place, the gang will want to talk about what just went down.

EDIT: Will add something to this effect IC in a moment
Digital Heroin
The troll was still conscious, just in a very bad way. Nice summation of the first aid process, and a nice little touch of humility at the end.
J. Packer
I dunno... when you burned that Edge, that could have been an Oscar-worthy performance: "Breathe, damnit! I'm not going to lose another one!"
QUOTE (J. Packer @ Jan 26 2011, 01:48 PM) *
I dunno... when you burned that Edge, that could have been an Oscar-worthy performance: "Breathe, damnit! I'm not going to lose another one!"

Lol, that would have been awesome. Next time... when its a PC... and they're really dying.
Digital Heroin
We're out of combat, but for shooting a guy in the knees I'm going to still need rolls... and keep in mind that is more than likely going to be enough to put him into shock and/or kill him, given he is already wounded.
Saint Sithney
I don't really see him getting too many hits in the first place with the -4 dice for a called shot bringing him to 3 dice with a possible +3 more for aiming..

Since I can only vaguely recall the rules for shooting and such, and I can't FIND my SR4 rulebook, what rolls are you looking at for shooting the guy in the kneecap?
Saint Sithney
Called Shots
Characters may “call shots” in an attempt to increase the damage their
weapons will do. Calling a shot means that the character is aiming at
a vulnerable portion of a target, such as a person’s head, the tires or
windows of a vehicle, and so on. The gamemaster decides if such a
vulnerable spot is accessible.
A character can only make a called shot with weapons that fire
in single-shot, semi-automatic, and burst-fire modes, as well as melee
weapons. A character can aim (see Take Aim, p. 148) and then call a
shot at the time of the attack. Calling the shot is a Free Action.
When a shot is called, and pending the gamemaster’s agreement,
the player character has the choice to:
• Target an area not protected by armor. The attacking character re-
ceives a negative dice pool modifier equal to the target’s armor (better
armor is more difficult to bypass). If the attack hits, the target’s armor
is ignored for the damage resistance test; the target rolls only Body.
• Target a vital area in order to increase damage. The attacking char-
acter can choose to increase the DV of his attack by +1 to +4, but
receives an equivalent negative dice pool modifier to the attack.
So a character that opts to increase his attack by the maximum +4
DV suffers a –4 dice pool modifier on the attack.
• Knock something out of the target’s grasp. The attacking charac-
ter receives a –4 dice pool modifier on the attack. If the modified
Damage Value of the attack exceeds the target’s Strength, the target
loses his grip on the object. The gamemaster determines whether
or not the object is damaged and how far away it is knocked.
The gamemaster may also allow other specific effects for called
shots if he chooses. For example, you could use called shots to
knock an opponent over a ledge, shoot out a tire, temporarily
blind an opponent, etc.

Underlined seems most relevant.
I thought it was a -4 like to disarm, but I suppose it's a GM call. Also, if we're using advanced combat rules from Arsenal, then you could also get a bonus from being point-blank.
Digital Heroin
Sorry all, been fighting a combination of a bruised sternum and a cold, which has made breathing an adventure in pretty colors and pain. Pro tip: a thin layer of leather does not good armor against repeated punches to the chest make.

For the called shot to the kneecap, as I'm asuming you're not trying to kill him, we're going to go with a -4. If you're not so picky, and just want it to hurt, call it a -2 (to bypass his armor).
Saint Sithney
Just had a thought. How about a surprise test to see if the ganger gets a chance to dodge or not.

He may be completely unprepared to have to dodge a guy shooting his knee from point blank range.
Digital Heroin
*breaks out the defib paddles*

I was waiting on some rolls/feedback/questions from a few people but never say it, and then I hit a brain-bump, and the thread slipped from my memory. There's a reason my new line of cyberpunk fiction I'm working on has a main character whose brain is broken and causes him memory lapses.

I do not want LiL to die, no way in hell... so I'm going to start doing something here and now. If someone lapses out, and they don't post for a while I am not going to drop them (hell, who would I be to do that?), but what will happen is there will be a reason written (read: pulled out of my ass) for their character not to be around for a while. Heck, it makes things even more tense for the characters if fellow gangers dissapear and come back from time to time, especially in crisis times like this.

To that end, and to get back on track myself, I am going to tie in a few things here, throw out the need for some rolls, and kind of tie up the current scene. Saturday evening at the latest there should be (I'm back in the IT customer support world, and have learned a few hard lessons of late about making solid deadline promises) both an IC post, and an OOC (in whence the characters get Karma). As insurance, I am going to do something I have never done on the boards before, I am going to provide a contact point that is not e-mail: enigmatic chicken is my AIM. I am constantly on it at home, if even invisible. If you're finding I am lapsed, and want to kick me in the head, do so there (as well as here). That user name will be removed eventually, just so some random person doesn't grab it and message the crap out of me and make me have to change my rockin' fucked up AIM name.

Questions, comments, concerns, death threats?
Saint Sithney
Looking forward to the continuation... and to retaliation. biggrin.gif

Oh, and here's some more mood music.
We'll be here smile.gif
I like low level games, and I think Micky is a different type of character that I'm interested in continuing
QUOTE (Red-ROM @ Feb 19 2011, 07:04 PM) *
I like low level games, and I think Micky is a different type of character that I'm interested in continuing

Yep, although in hindsight I wish I'd started with a lower magic rating for Scratch (or not chosen some powers) so that she's got something in the magic line to would seem a bit odd for a 300pt character to jump straight into initiation and Magic 6 is soooooo expensive for a pbp game!!!
Not sure what everyone is doing, do we still have "Shot on the steps" guy? and the kneeless ganger?
As I was reading your last IC post, I was thinking of what Grim's response might be, but then I saw the last line, and I liked the idea that Grim would be tending to the wounded (long-term care) instead of tossing back beers, after all the action stopped. I'll post something to that effect tomorrow, but he would be nearby (in his RV) in case we move into action, and should be available via comms. The rest of the team could probably guess he would advocate against violence (out of principle, and because his hands are already busy), but when everyone inevitably disagreed and pointed out the need to step up or more people would get hurt, he would still have their backs and be ready to do what it takes.
yeah, Micky is a Pacifist(5pts) but he can recognize the need for action. He will be trying to steer the conversation to a more nuanced plan, as he has no intention of running in and Hosing people with hot lead

Hey, DH, how well known are we by the Assassins? I mean personally, will they recognize our faces?
Saint Sithney
Ended up with a double post error, so I went with it.

Is it just the four of us at this point?
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