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Scratch is still around...
Saint Sithney
I'm here, and I know BlackHat's still about as well.
Digital Heroin
Alrighty, it warms the cockles of my heart that y'all are still onboard, seriously. I think part of my absence was anxiety-based... I get busy, I miss updating, I feel an ass, and don't post that day and a bad cycle starts. That's something I am working to resolve. I just got in from a long travel day, so I'm going to crash, but tomorrow, aside from work prep, is being dedicated to reviewing my game notes, and a resuming of the game will follow.
Saint Sithney
If you haven't PMed the non-responders yet, I know a lot of them are still around.
Maybe not paying as close attention, but not out of reach.
QUOTE (Saint Sithney @ Dec 30 2010, 10:49 AM) *
I'm here, and I know BlackHat's still about as well.

Yeah, let me review the IC (to refresh myself on the situation) and dig up Grimm's character sheet today, and I'll post something tonight.
Digital Heroin
Ok, caught up on review. Expect a post in the next few hours, depending on workload (I love an office where they don't give a shit if I surf). I'll also be sending out PMs to those who haven't come back yet, to see how they stand. As they say at sea, shit is about to get real. Ok, only douchebags say that at sea, and usually when it's an exercise, and shit is definitely not real.
Digital Heroin
There we are, the scene has been updated, and action continues. I'll call for initiative from everyone now, but it won't be in effect right away. Feel free to post in any order until I signal here full on combat has officially started.

Also, Karma is being tallied up, but I'm just figuring out what level of progression to go with for the game. It'll be awarded next time the majority of people get back to the Dive, and usually that will be the time when such thing happen.

Anyone have any concerns at this point? Questions? Comments? Death threats?
just got your definitly here..

and heres my insh roll...
[ Spoiler ]

edited; oops, I am way out of practice...Initiative 9- 1pass...(actually had to look innish up in the book. thats what i get for 6 months of pathfinder and deadlands..*sheepish grin*
Micky's initiative roll:

Reaction 3 (+1 Nova coke in cigarette) + Intuition 3 : [6,6,5,2,3,5,5] = (5)
: Initiative 12, 1 ip
Saint Sithney
Can I activate my autoinjector to shoot some Cram once I see the shot, but before Initiative comes up? Ought to be a free action.

Rea 4 +4 Ini = 8d6.hits(5) → [1,4,2,2,4,5,6,3] = (2)
So moves on 10 1IP. 11 2IP with the Cram.

Should I roll perception to try and spot the shooter?
Am I right thinking that the boy with the uzi is on our turf or did we move on to neutral territory?!? Oh, and having read the IC thread more carefully, is Scratch within LOS of the sniper and can she see backup approaching?
Grim's initiative = 4d6.hits(5) = 1 hit, so 5. (With 2 IPs
He's probably in cold-sim now, but if shit hits the fan, he may spend some actions switching to hot-sim
Digital Heroin
Saint: Until one of the Dozen actively engages the sniper, or Scratch engages the lookout, we're still out of initiative, so feel free to dose up.

Aria: I try to stick to the details a character would be able to observe themselves in my posting. Scratch can't directly see the sniper, as that face of the building is around the corner from where she is at. Someone else providing video would be the only way for her to see them, but it wouldn't be LOS of course.
just made my post. I will be going for a first aid check and a trauma pactch check if I have time to get there befort initiative begins. wont post it in case there is not enough time. if there is I can add it later. will drop the 1st aid check here anyhoo.

first-aid:2(+2 combat wounds)+logic 3=7dice= (7d6.hits(5)=3)

If you're using one of grim's medkits, you can add it's rating to you dice pool.
Couldn't keep track of who took some, but I'll go back and check at some point to make sure my gear list is up to date.
QUOTE (BlackHat @ Jan 8 2011, 10:12 PM) *
If you're using one of grim's medkits, you can add it's rating to you dice pool.

I went back and re- read my earlier posts before rolling and since Matto had been on the roof and I didn't mention picking one up, I didn't add one.*grin* It is one of my pet peeves when players in my games pull crap out of thin air. even so, I figured with his skills and background he'd carry a small collection of stuff that would help in a pinch. I went with basically what I carry in my hunting kit; tube of antibiotic, tampons, maxi pads, a few flexible bandages, tweezers, single edge razor blade,and an ace bandage.
double post.sorry
Saint Sithney
On the down side, there's a healing/modifiers table on p253, and it's pretty much all penalties.
Really, all you need to worry about for now is stabilization and getting him moved.
More accurately, all you need to worry about for now is that there is a sniper shooting at your position!

Might be a good move to make an infiltration check to avoid getting shot.
Then again, neon green mohawk.
ok, that makes sense,SS.

infiltration check.. Infiltration 2 + agility3(5d6.hits(5)=1)

and Matto's 'hawk is black, cyber-eyes are neon green, so shouldn't be a prob on the infiltration check.
If someone's engaging, I assuem we're in initiative order now? Grim will probably move his drone to the wounded troll, and attend to him personally, but I think this will take multiple combat turns (1 for each box of damage Grim is attempting to heal). How damaged is the troll?
IN any case, Grim's turn doesn't come up until late in the round, and he'll likely be busy for the whole combat (and can't help much with a sniper, anyway).
Digital Heroin
Aye, now that we've had shots fired the other direction we will be switching to initiative. Don't worry intrepid travellers, I'm hoping to keep this relatively streamlined. I'll post up the rival gangers' initiative as soon as I get a moment at home, as well as in the tie in 'what the oh shit' from their perspective.
Saint Sithney
So who is still incommunicado?

Combat Mage?

Sucks to lose all our magical backup, but 7/9 isn't bad for a week back after 6 months off.
Digital Heroin
Aye, it does suck to lose the mojo, but I'm not counting anyone out yet. Lord knows I go absent, I can't fault anyone else for it. Anyone who goes missing for a while will have their character wake up in the Dive with a wicked hangover.

I'm considering Cosimo's first shot as a surprise, so going into Initiative we've got

Mickey (12)
Cosimo (11)
Matto (9)
Gangers (7)
Grim (5)

Let's start up posting from there. I'll elaborate IC on the damage to the ganger Cosimo shot, but for the moment assume he has dropped out of sight. Lucky would have LOS on the SUV from the balcony, and on Alex, but not the ganger beside it.

Anyone yet to roll initiative, roll it up now and post when appropriate. If you roll higher than the spot we're at, post in right away.
It's now been so long that I've pretty much completely blanked on the Shadowrun rules, so, um...I may need some help with that when it comes time for me to use them. Just thought I'd mention it.
ok, looked like I was up.
Free action: Spoke to team
Simple action: Observed in detail (perception 2, intuition 3 +1 novacoke):[1,2,3,3,4,2] = (0)

so much for that...
simple action: readied weapon
Digital Heroin
Cosimo's up. Once it gets to the gangers turn I will post an update on just how the battlefield looks at the moment.

Prop, I just PMed you a copy of Alex's sheet (sorry it took so long, I'm leaky in the brainpan). Roll up an initiative (Init in dice, add the hits to your initiative score). And post in accordingly.
Saint Sithney
QUOTE (Digital Heroin @ Jan 15 2011, 02:02 PM) *
Cosimo's up. Once it gets to the gangers turn I will post an update on just how the battlefield looks at the moment.

Did you want me to post my actions here as well?
Digital Heroin
I do like Red's approach, with posting actions here in concert to an IC post. Help's sort things out if I get lost with a post (leaky in the brainpan and all). Cosimo got the drop on the guys, but he still gets to act again now, since it wasn't officially initiative until after he fired his first shots...
Saint Sithney
Oh, okay. smile.gif I just figured it like a surprise test.

Can Cozi see anything or anyone still posing a threat? I still don't know the results of the first two shots.

If there's no one in view, I suppose the move is to scan the surrounding buildings looking for more sniper nests, right?
Lemme know, and I'll write it out.
Digital Heroin
I'll describe it better when the gangers' round comes up, but that sniper dropped from sight. I'm still getting a feel for how things are going to work combat-wise, and if need be I'll post more often next time around IC. Barring the rest of the results, it is safe to say that sniper dropped out of view, at the very least having ducked after being shot. As for sniper nests, the prior perception check is still good. The only other decent buildings for sniper nests would require a lot longer shot, something your typical gang member just would not have the skill for. The building the sniper was in, however, does have another window on that floor, but no one is evident in it at the moment.
Saint Sithney
Alright then. The bones of it are going to be:

Free action: address the crowd.
Simple action: held to use as interrupt on the Ganger's turn.
Simple action: held to use as interrupt on the Ganger's turn.
grrrr! have tried to post three times, only to have the craptacular computer freeze up half way through the post...

Matto is going to continue working on the downed squatter....trauma patch rating 4 and some field medic work...I know in game terms it's somewhat redundant, but fits the story well.
Digital Heroin

- No chance in hell of dodging either attack;
- DV: 7P + 6 net hits = 13P
- Modified Armor Value = 4B + 1AP = 5 (Damage is indeed Physical)
- Damage Resistance: 4 Body + 5 MAV = 9 Dice (2 Hits)
- Damage Taken: 11P

Ganger falls - Cosimo gets free check-fire (only one burst expended)


- Sneak: Infitl + Agility = 6 Dice (2 Hits)
- Spotter Has Good Cover (-4 to Ranged)


- Dives for the driver's side door of the SUV, grabs gun
- Full Defense
Working medical magic on the troll will take longer than combat, so I'm just checking in to say I'm here and paying attention, but probably won't be posting anything until combat is resolved. I could post a first-aid test ahead of time, but I'd be interested to know the threshold (the number of boxes of damage) ahead of time so I can consider what to bring to bear (edge, etc).
Any chance Scratch can try to intercept the ganger before he grabs the gun? It was kind of what she was waiting for...?!?
Digital Heroin
Sorry, I hadn't seen an initiative roll for Scratch, but it's safe to assume she'd be faster than him. I'll edit the lookout part...
Saint Sithney
QUOTE (Digital Heroin @ Jan 19 2011, 11:22 AM) *
Ganger falls - Cosimo gets free check-fire (only one burst expended)


- Sneak: Infitl + Agility = 6 Dice (2 Hits)
- Spotter Has Good Cover (-4 to Ranged)

A couple questions for clarity.
1) The check-fire, is that basically an observe in detail action from last turn to see the spotter, or should I roll a Perception check to see the spotter before firing this pass?
2) Should I subtract the cover modifier from my attack roll, a la SR4, or is he adding it to his dodge roll, a la SR4a?
Digital Heroin
1. Since the sniper dropped out of sight after first burst there was no need to fire the second, and Cosimo's next action was to start observing so the burst goes to an Observe in detail, with no need to roll perception to see the spotter;
2. I prefer the SR4 method, as cover does not help a person dodge, so the -4 would come off of your pool.
Micky is kind of clueless at the moment. I'm not sure where he's at in relation to the burning building, the sniper building, or the SUV. I guess his observe in detail roll was accurate smile.gif
just give me a nod when it's a new combat turn. I only have one pass
QUOTE (Digital Heroin @ Jan 19 2011, 10:19 PM) *
Sorry, I hadn't seen an initiative roll for Scratch, but it's safe to assume she'd be faster than him. I'll edit the lookout part...

Initiative (finally): 7d6.hits(5) → [1,5,1,5,1,1,5] = (3)
Simple action:
Throw - Agi+Throw+Spec:

8d6.hits(5) → [5,2,2,3,2,2,4,3] = (1)

Re-roll failures with Edge:

7d6.hits(5) → [6,2,2,5,4,1,5] = (3) Total Hits 4

Damage = (STR/2 + 1)P (+4Str power throw) = 4P → Resist 8P (Hope he's got some armour on!)

Simple action: ready another knife
Digital Heroin
Oh my poor undercover gangers... of them all the sniper had the best armor, and that was only a duster...
Digital Heroin

- Full Defense Dodge = 8 Dice (2 Hits);
- DV: 7P + 3 net hits = 10P;
- Modified Armor Value = 2B + 1AP = 3 (Damage is Physical);
- Damage Resistance: 3 Body + 3 MAV = 6 Dice (1 Hits); - Damage Taken: 9P;
- Spotter drops out of sight;


- Full Defense Dodge = 6 Dice (2 Hits);
- DV: 4P + 2 Net Hits = 6P (Still potentially painful);
- Modified Armor Value = 2I (Damage is Phsyical);
- Damage Resistance = 4 Body + 2 MAV = 6 Dice (2 Hits);
- Damage Taken: 4P;

My poor wittle gangers...

Prop still about? Anyone seen him?
Saint Sithney
QUOTE (Digital Heroin @ Jan 21 2011, 08:42 AM) *

- Full Defense Dodge = 8 Dice (2 Hits);
- DV: 7P + 3 net hits = 10P;
- Modified Armor Value = 2B + 1AP = 3 (Damage is Physical);
- Damage Resistance: 3 Body + 3 MAV = 6 Dice (1 Hits); - Damage Taken: 9P;
- Spotter drops out of sight;

Did that full dodge include the -2 from the wide burst? If not, losing the last two dodge dice would cost him a hit and make the final damage tally 10P. I wouldn't worry about it normally, but I suspect that's the difference between a massively wounded ganger squawking S.O.S. over the comms and an unconscious ganger starting his trip into overflow.
Digital Heroin
I did forget that, didn't I? Damn the rust is flaking right off of me... yeah, consider the spotter dropped... not that you weren't going to sweep the building anyway, right?
I'm still about, but I kinda blanked on the rules so I didn't put anything up, sorry.
Digital Heroin
No worries Prop. If you've got any concerns, just toss me a PM or ask here and we'll work the rule out.

Fenris: Give me two Athletics test for the grapple, one for climbing to seat it proper, one for gymnastics to make the cross street flying landing. I think that'll approximate it well enough.
Fair enough. From what I vaguely remember I've not done anything other than a simple action anyway (drawing the gun), but I could be wrong.
Digital Heroin
Sorry to let this stall...

Ok, Grim should be up next, and then, pending Lucky's cross street arial antics we're on the top for the next IP. Also, I'm going to start posting in combat more often, to keep the intel fresh and prompt the action along. There is a lot more in store for the Dozen, so I want to keep combat quick and dirty.
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