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Digital Heroin

Low Down is a dangerous place, a weakening cage in waters surrounded by sharks, and there is fresh blood in the water. The emphasis of the game is gritty storytelling, though thre is room for humor and triumph amidst the darkness as well.

Posting conventions are simple. I ask that dialogue clearly be deliniated in quotation marks, be they the traditional double, or single, and that comms be placed inside of angle brackets. Also, posts should be proofed at least for spelling. Word count is not as important as content. The more content there is in a post, the more I can reciprocate. For the first time a person is mentioned in a post, please place their name in bold, and for locations that are external to the scene, please place them in italics.

Rolls, when asked for, should be placed at the bottom of the IC post inside of a spoiler tag, so as to minimize the need to cross reference. If you are making a roll that is for something not immediately relevant to the scene, such as an extende build test, please make it in this thread.

Please avoid the posting of smilies and sigs in the IC forum, as well as posting time blocks. When a significant time is called for, I will post it up, and if the scene changes, I will lead into the change with a bit of an intro to set the scene.

Karma will be awarded with some mysticism, a little random alchemy, and on a survival basis. As the story unfolds, Karma will be awarded as fits the pace, and all matters regarding its distribution and spending will be made here.

This thread now effectively will be used to handle all OOC business for Low Down, as well as in PM.

Questions, comments, concerns, and death threats? Toss them here, or into my PM box.
Without wishing to spoil whatever nasty surprise you have in store for us, can you give us some indication of whether or not the fire is in Dozen turf, just outside it? I ask because Scratch's first concerns will probably be for Summer (devided loyalties are a terrible thing nyahnyah.gif) followed by her drink...damn expensive, and then Dozen concerns... I don't want to start off my IC post going off in the wrong direction.


Digital Heroin
The fire appears to be somewhere inside of the DMZ, however it is common practice, and overlooked by the other gangs, for the Dozen to offer assistance to the squatter communities there, as the Dozen's origins lie in the people of those communities.

Also, of note in the background info, and current timeline, while Brackhaven has in fact come to power, and he has terminated Lone Star's contract, there are still areas of the city (unsexy areas), where Knight Errant has been slow to take over. At this point in time Lone Star still patrols much of Puyallup, and is only in the process of handing over control to KE. That means that at any time you could theoretically encounter LS or KE cops, or even MPs out looking for their boys.
Saint Sithney
Edit to move this towards the top

Miranda "Scratch" Wild - Human - larcenous Freerunner adept
Jacob "Grim" Graham - Human - Mobile Street Doc
C̣simo "Cozi" de'Ferrara - Ork - Gunner and Criminal Entrepreneur
Micky "Cocktails" - Human - Social Infiltrator
Larenz Konrad "Matto" Marazski - Ork - Bruiser w/ bandages
Alex Brooker - Elf - Courier
Lucky - human - techno-adept critterkiller

"Feral" - Ork - Wolf Shaman
"Bear" - Elf - Mystic street Detective

I want to make a Leadership roll to try an calm the witness and get the bystanders organized so that no one panics in case things get worse.

I assume I won't get my First Impression bonus, but we never really discussed how you want to handle Emosofts. Rather than the straight RAW bonus, I'd be happy using it as a teamwork test where my Agent tries to give me advice, and it helps me choose the correct course.

If we're doing it RAW my roll would be this for two hits.

If we're doing teamwork, the rolls would be this (2 hits from teamwork) and this for a total of 2 hits again.

So, two hits regardless. If you need me to roll up something else DH, I'm game. In the mean time, I'm going to start barking orders. twirl.gif
could we get a post to organize the characters? save some digging when I'm trying to learn everybody's names/ descriptions etc.
Combat Mage
For the character reference list:

Feral, Wolf Shaman
[ Spoiler ]

Got a lucky opportunity to access the net on my trip so that's why you see a post from me.

As soon as we are in Grim's Van I would like to summon a force 4 beast spirit.

Magic 5 + Power Focus 1 + Summoning 1 + Mentor Spirit 2 = 9 dice
Summoning Roll = 1 hit

Spirit Resist Force 4 = 4 dice
Spirit Resist Roll = 1 hit, glitch

Drain = 2, WIL 5 + CHA 4 + Focused Concentration 1 = 10 dice
Drain Roll = 3 hits, no drain

So unless you want to do something because of the spirit's glitch, the summoning failed.

I'd like to try again next combat turn but I don't have time for the required rolls right now, so if it get's to the point where we arrive and I haven't rolled yet maybe you could do them for me.

EDIT: Next try. Summoning a force 4 beast spirit.

Magic 5 + Power Focus 1 + Summoning 1 + Mentor Spirit 2 = 9 dice
Summoning Roll = 2 hits

Spirit Resist Force 4 = 4 dice
Spirit Resist Roll = 0 hits

Drain = 2, WIL 5 + CHA 4 + Focused Concentration 1 = 10 dice
Drain Roll = 3 hits, no drain

-> Summoning successful, 2 services owed
QUOTE (Red-ROM @ Jul 2 2010, 02:34 AM) *
could we get a post to organize the characters? save some digging when I'm trying to learn everybody's names/ descriptions etc.

That would be very useful! Any chance you could edit your first post in this thread DH so that we can easily pick up names and basic descriptions? I know you did something like it in the recruitment thread but I couldn't find the page offhand.



ps. Scratch - Human - larcenous Freerunner adept spin.gif
Saint Sithney
see above
Thanks for doing that book-keeping. Much appreciated.

QUOTE (Saint Sithney @ Jul 2 2010, 01:21 PM) *

^-- Awesome.
Saint Sithney
Sorry for all the questions and such DH, but just to clarify, when you said the fire was visible from two blocks away, I took you to mean that the fire was two blocks away. Is that right? I know the turf isn't that big and all...
Digital Heroin
Aye, the fire is only two blocks away physically. Call it about five minutes by foot or RV, the later being hampered by rough roads.
Digital Heroin
Combat: Regarding the glitch, nothing major will happen, just a spirit that does not listen to the call. If it were critical, well that'd be a whole other bag of trouble.

Saint: I like the teamwork option, which was not critical for this roll, but from now on, let's roll it that way. As for pinning the street address down, you can make the roll, yes, but finding data might be a pain in the hoop. The commercial district was already being abandoned pre-crash.
Summoning a force 1 water spirit. failed on the first attempt, but soaked the drain. Good on the second try, soaked, 1 service.

WooHoo, lets hear it for the summoner with Magic1 Summoning1! I may not get it to work much but at least I can soak the drain. LoL
Very busy this weekend...sorry, will try and catch up on Mon...

Why does Matto talk in quotes?

A quick story ( its a quick draft)
[ Spoiler ]
Combat Mage
@Branmac: Actually Feral is still a teenager and scrawny and slim for an ork although he is pretty tall. So he wouldn't need that much space. wink.gif
Saint Sithney
QUOTE (Digital Heroin @ Jul 3 2010, 03:48 AM) *
As for pinning the street address down, you can make the roll, yes, but finding data might be a pain in the hoop. The commercial district was already being abandoned pre-crash.

So, am I looking at a Hidden or Actively Hunted and Erased - threshold 24 or should it be Limited Interest or Not Publicized - threshold 12?
Also, applying the -2 DP modifier for Obscure data?

I figure, at worst, I can pull up some overhead and street level images of the site, so I could beam everyone's com a picture of the place with exits and fire escapes highlighted by the time we hit the scene.

Mostly I want an opportunity to pin down how you want to do extended tests, and, on that note, do you want to do the receding dice pool, where one less die is used each roll, or the regular dice pool?

Anyway, rolling to get the street address at the blaze.
4 Intuition + 1 Regional Knowledge + 4 Homeground = [3,5,6,6,6,6,2,3,3] = (5)
Threshold 2 - Detailed Knowledge, so three over threshold on the test to remember details about the burning building.
Woooo! What do I win?
Things I'd hope to remember include: Dimensions of the building, open spaces or lots of small rooms, where do the squatters generally congregate?

Vasari's extended Data Search test. Browse +6 Agent +2 Obscure -2
[ Spoiler ]

So, Public Knowledge stuff shows up after 4 minutes, Unpublicized Info shows up in 5 minutes, and no Hidden info is found.
Hopefully I can throw a data packet the team's way by the time that we're talking about charging into a burning building.

Or, if we're doing a (dumb >;p) diminishing dice pool, that's a Critical Glitch after 4 minutes (did I mention diminishing DP is dumb?) resulting in an aborted search. Oh Well!
Digital Heroin
Ok so I am currently in Hope B.C. with a dead alternator and no cable for my netbook... I may be net ready over the next few days, but I can guarantee nothing.
Digital Heroin
Still road dead, but with at least net access. I'm trying to catch up on things, and hopefully everyone's still cool. I'll have answers for OOC questions, and IC thread postage as soon as I can gather my thoughts and shake off the nagging headache I've got going.
Digital Heroin
I know that the diminishing pools may sound like a dumb deal, but given the aim of the game from square one was grit, and technology is not always friendly in the Barrens, I'm partial to them for the time being. If they turn out to be a pain in the ass, and grit gives way to futility, I will re-consider.

That said, four minutes is still an eternity in this situation, and even the RV would be as close as possible to the scene by then. The saving grace in this case, the floor plan should be quite evident to anyone who sees it. Standard two story junk motel. Doors to all the rooms in front, tiny windows in back. The office has a door out back as well, which Lucky will be the most likely to see, but that whole side of the bottom floor is aflame. There are two sets of stairs to the second story walkways. One of them, on the office side, is on fire.

Best reference shot I could find was this: Motel 6

The other side of the building would be almost a mirror of the front, save for the office (the brick corner).

Micky's contact call has been noted, but for the time being is in the airways.
Combat Mage
How much later than the poeple on bikes do we (in the van) arrive? If there's still people in the burning house when Feral get's to the scene he would try to help by levitating some out if possible.
Saint Sithney
QUOTE (Digital Heroin @ Jul 15 2010, 01:46 AM) *
I know that the diminishing pools may sound like a dumb deal, but given the aim of the game from square one was grit, and technology is not always friendly in the Barrens, I'm partial to them for the time being. If they turn out to be a pain in the ass, and grit gives way to futility, I will re-consider.

Fair Deuce. I'll still post full rolls, (since there's no way I know of to auto-reduce the pools in the roller,) but I'll annotate the hits for diminishing. You might want to tweak thresholds for tasks from pre-anniversary books, since they didn't account for DDP. As it stands, you're likely to see people with 9 dice glitch out on any extended task beyond simple. frown.gif Anyway, let's give it a shake, eh?
Saint Sithney
I just realized something.
DH, when you said 2 story , were you talking about US style, or UK style? I forgot that in the UK they think of the ground floor and the first floor as separate, so the first story is one story up. I'm not sure if that's even relevant, but I'm trying to get my mental picture right.
Combat Mage
I'm doing a few levitation cast rolls here, trying to get the people on the balcony down to safety. Just tell me what additional rolls I need to make.

Casting Pool: Magic 5 + Spellcasting 5 + Power Focus 1 = 11 Dice
Drain Pool: Willpower 5 + Charisma 4 + Focused Concentration 1 = 10 Dice

Casting Levitate Force 3:
11d6.hits(5) → [6,2,6,6,6,2,3,6,3,6,3] = (6) Limited to 3 hits due to force
Drain = 2S
10d6.hits(5) → [4,3,6,4,3,6,6,1,3,5] = (4) No Drain

Casting Levitate Force 3:
11d6.hits(5) → [1,6,6,5,5,6,5,3,3,5,1] = (7) Limited to 3 hits due to force
Drain = 2S
10d6.hits(5) → [1,6,6,5,3,2,5,1,4,6] = (5) No Drain

Casting Levitate Force 3:
11d6.hits(5) → [2,3,1,4,4,1,4,3,4,6,4] = (1) 1 Hit
Drain = 2S
10d6.hits(5) → [1,2,2,1,5,3,6,2,1,4] = (2) No Drain

Casting Levitate Force 3:
11d6.hits(5) → [6,4,1,6,3,2,3,5,3,4,6] = (4) Limited to 3 hits due to force
Drain = 2S
10d6.hits(5) → [1,4,1,1,1,4,1,2,5,4] = (1) Taking 1S

Using the rule for buying hits (4 dice = 1 hit), you can probably assume you can soak 2S damage with 10 dice (saving a lot of rolling and linking) at least unless the GM says otherwise.
Might want to consider the same thing when casting if 2 hits would be enough to lift someone (not sure if that is the case here or not).
Combat Mage
I wasn't sure if I could because I think I read somewhere that you can only buy hits if there isn't a negative consequence for failing (so it wouldn't work on drain). But maybe I'm confusing it with D&D's Take 20.

But if I'm allowed I'd buy hits on everything. I think levitate needs one hit per 100kg moved which would make 2 hits enough for all but the most overweight people.
Ah, well, it does say the gamemaster should allow it when the situation is non-threatening or non-stressful (not sure if this would count) and when the character has a large dice pool and is unlikely to fail (large being relative, but the 4-to-1 ratio suggests the bounds expected), so probably best to roll until DH says otherwise.

I just thought I would bring it up, because in PBP games this can be a real time-saver - especially when you need to link rolls, and roll individually.
sorry to fall behind.Pregnant Wife developed Preeclampsia and hypertension (pb was 200/140 this morning) will catch up later this afternoon.
I've temporarily got actual internet access back (huzzah) so while I have it I thought I'd put my character details up. Now, I've had no word from DH about whether or not the character's legal, so if someone wants to check over it feel free.

Character Background:

[ Spoiler ]

Character Sheet:

[ Spoiler ]
Saint Sithney
Everything seems kosher.

Though it does seem like a strange choice to avoid the Influence skill group. You'd save 4 BP off the top and get the Leadership Skill at no cost. Seems like an army brat could have picked up something on leadership. Persuasion, tactics, morale? Not so out of line.
Digital Heroin
End of vacation/transition back to work time killed me... I'm not sure where my head went for the last few days of leave, but I came back to extended days, and a hell of a lot of artificial stress...

This is my top priority, guys. Above all, this game remains my focus... it'll just be a bit rattled for the next few months.

On the plus side: Come November I will have a schedule that is set in stone, includes no sailing, and a workplace with plenty of time to kill and net access.
Saint Sithney
keep hope alive!
Digital Heroin
Alright folks, I apparently fail at calendar, which is only beneficial in this case. November was in my head, when October comes first, and I come home in a few days. With that in mind, there will be a few days of me just being a lazy assclown when I get home (I've spent the past month and a half being battered at sea), and then it's back into the game.

So... with that in mind, can I get a roll call?
Micky "Cocktails" is still hangin by the van smile.gif
Combat Mage
Feral's still there and trying to levitate people off a burning building. smile.gif
Grim's still here. smile.gif
Alex is still...around.
Saint Sithney
roll roll roll kimosabe

Cosimo on the scene.
Bear is still here as well
And Scratch will be around soon...

Saint Sithney
Yo, Digi. Ought we to bother some of the folks who haven't responded? Will you just play for those characters yourself for a time, or should we try and recruit some replacements?

I want to help get this game cooking again. biggrin.gif
Saint Sithney
Today, we were kidnapped by hill folk never to be seen again.
It was the best day ever.
I liked Micky's character concept. I think it works well for a low power game. Maybe I'll have to see if I can rework him into a 400 bp character for something else. I'm not sure if he will translate well. the drugging con tactic might be limited to street level campaigns...
QUOTE (Digital Heroin @ Sep 18 2010, 10:44 AM) *
Alright folks, I apparently fail at calendar, which is only beneficial in this case. November was in my head, when October comes first, and I come home in a few days. With that in mind, there will be a few days of me just being a lazy assclown when I get home (I've spent the past month and a half being battered at sea), and then it's back into the game.

So... with that in mind, can I get a roll call?

So, is this game getting going in November?
Soo...any signs of life?
Saint Sithney
Is DH back on the scene then?!?
DH was last seen Sept 29th

This is why I came up with Post Or Die
Digital Heroin
With life having settled down some from recent adjustments, I'm going to be trying to make a push back to playing/running things online again. I had a work shift that on paper was beautiful for time off with my shore posting, but turned out to be hell on the system... and just when I had begun adjusting, they changed me to dayworking status. That means less hours in the week worked, which means regular online time... and that means an attempt to resume this game...

...if anyone still cares to play that is.

So, is there still interest for a resuming of the game in the new year?
I am always interested. goonies never say die!
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