QUOTE (augmentin @ Jul 5 2010, 08:23 PM)
Bit of a circular argument, isn't it? What do most tables run? FAQ or 4A interpretation of mystic adept magic rating applications?
Not really. Once you understand the situation, and realize where the devs fucked up, its not hard to apply a fix.
Another way to look at it is to see 4th and 4A as two different editions. They're similiar, yes, related, yes, but there's a ton of stuff different between the two. Why would you apply 3rd editions faqs and errata to 4th edition? That's just stupid and headache inducing. Ditto for 4th->4thA.
QUOTE (Ol' Scratch @ Jul 6 2010, 09:05 AM)
Astral reconnaissance is a fantastic tool, not to mention all the other little things you can do with astral projection.
Funk has the right of this one, and I have to agree with him. Being able to walk through walls, move at the speed of thought, spot hostile cyberware(assensing lets you do that), and recon the real world(manifested) without showing up on any form of technological surveillance is a scouts wet dream.
Yes, buildings are occasionally shielded against it. But that doesn't mean its not useful. And, really, as a good runner, you should be trying to set up situations in which you can make use of -all- your tools.