Mr. Angels
Jul 5 2010, 06:25 AM
I was playing FF8 on my PSP the other day and realized that I could easily convert that kind of world into a playable environment using SR3 rules. What are your thoughts?
Jul 5 2010, 06:40 AM
Being an SR4 player, I'm not too up on 3, but it does seem like it would work out great. I say go for it. Just play through very well.
Jul 5 2010, 06:48 AM
Hm... i don't think the system lends itself to that kind of gameplay. Too much of a power variation, too "cinematic" freeform combat. I would prefer another system. A modified "Wushu" ruleset, for example. The standart is free, and lets you describe what you do and awards creativity. With some modifications for complexity it is pretty decent system for such adventures.
But don't let me keep you from using the SR system... might work too, of course.
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