QUOTE (Ryu @ Jul 12 2010, 06:14 PM)
The question is what you can get out of 15 BP that have to fit into your quality budget. Is your banshee an adept or a magician? (Leading question, I know.
Right now the only positive quality she has is lighting reflexes, negative qualities are infertile infected(how on earth is that one a negative quality for a PC character) and neoteny.
The basic concept is eternal child face character, might lead for intresting situations when your ID says your 28 and you look 12
One of the awakened qualities might be optimal for future potential, but i think i want to keep her mundane(as much as you can call a Banshee mundane)
I might still make her a dryad as base race instead of normal elf, for that nice +3 to social skill rolls.
Keeping her mundane was the reason why i leaned toward Lightning reflexes to give her a boost in iniative so she can make most of those 2 base IP:s, she's in no way ment to be a front line compotant but regenation, fear and few points on pistol skill should enable her to pull her own weight in combat.