Herald of Verjigorm
Mar 1 2004, 05:52 AM
Like the test of 72 stacked quotes.
Shanshu Freeman
Mar 1 2004, 10:05 AM
QUOTE (Herald of Verjigorm) |
Like the test of 72 stacked quotes. |
Mar 14 2004, 10:29 AM
One thing a former GM of mine liked to remind me of with Dikote is that it is an Industrial Process. It is made for beams and other large objects. If anything, there should be an additional multiplier tacked onto the price for have to work with something as small as a sword.
On the other hand, he also told me of a character he allowed once which spent an insane amount of money to have somebody take his flechette rounds, open them up, dikote every individual fragment, then repack them into the bullet to increase the damage code. But the cost was extremely high.
Mar 14 2004, 10:46 AM
Another thing would be a non-monetary cost. How exactly are you going to find this blast furnace, schedule time to use it, or even pay someone who knows the process to do the process (and turn a blind eye)? There might be many months of waiting at any of such a facility. Cost doesn't always have to be entirely in

you know

Edit: Whups, contributing to necrophilia of old threads. Sorry
Mar 14 2004, 02:13 PM
Um, Glay, that's the entire point of street index, it's to represent the costs of such incidentals along with the proper bribes to not be remembered or recorded when it comes time to pick up said item.
Mar 14 2004, 02:26 PM
However, I do think Glav has a point that things may take time and effort on the part of the character. It is a good way for a gm to limit things at character generation and in game.
Mar 14 2004, 02:39 PM
Yknow, wierd thing. I never looked at the street index of Dikote until today. Man, with an index of 10 that's some expensive coating. Better to just get one of those fineblades from the Mercs sourcebook. Nearly as good.
Though when I think about it a bit more, nearly half the time I get some cool piece of tech, its because I've taken it from the fingers of someone who won't be burdened as much by material things anymore.
Mar 15 2004, 02:44 AM
I think about 300 cm^2.
Mar 15 2004, 04:19 PM
The fact that the katana blade alloy is not ruined by the furnace is beyond me, by the way...
Mar 15 2004, 06:19 PM
QUOTE (Namergon) |
The fact that the katana blade alloy is not ruined by the furnace is beyond me, by the way... |
Depends on the alloy - not all katanas use the same one. Technically, a classic katana would be wrecked in the furnace, yes, but there's also alloys that shouldn't be bothered. Or, at least, there's alloys that can survive the process and then be re-heat treated to get back into fighting form.
Mar 17 2004, 10:13 AM
I love when people nit pick about reality in a game where the discussed object is to be used to cut Earth Elementals and magic wielding Dragons in half.

Just an observation. Not a knock on the engineers out there who know far more than I on this topic.
Keep up the good work I enjoy your comments.
Mar 17 2004, 10:32 AM
the inclusion of fantasy elements in fiction is no excuse for wild inaccuracy in those elements which are not fantastic. earth elementals and magic-wielding dragons follow rules which are, nominally, internally consistent; coating items with a diamond film should also be internally consistent.
Crimson Jack
Mar 17 2004, 11:09 AM
mfb sounds like a lawyer in real life.
Mar 17 2004, 11:24 AM
QUOTE (Domino) |
I love when people nit pick about reality in a game where the discussed object is to be used to cut Earth Elementals and magic wielding Dragons in half. 

I love when people nitpick reality checks in a game where cybernetics, machine guns and high technology are half the selling point.
Mar 17 2004, 11:43 AM
Touche pussycat.
@ mfb. Relax dude, I was just making an observation. I didn't say there was anything wrong with it. Note the emoticon in my post.
Personally Dikote™ isn't one of the aspects of reality in SR I have a problem with. Dikote works well enough for me why worry about real life details? Other don't feel that way so you have this thread.
House Rule and let House Rule.
Mar 17 2004, 09:17 PM
Actually, mfb makes a good point. While we shouldn't expect ultra-realism in our games, there are some issues that just don't make sense by what we know of physics/science in general.
Shanshu Freeman
Mar 17 2004, 09:27 PM
Sorry Kage. You know I'll do anything for a laugh.
Mar 17 2004, 09:49 PM
Shanshu, with all due respect, shut up.
Mar 17 2004, 09:57 PM
er, didn't mean to offend. just stating my POV as clearly as possible.
Mar 17 2004, 11:23 PM
D'ye remember the flamewar that thread turned into? There are a few topics that go hand-in-hand with thread degeneration, including but not limited to politics, creationism, and magic in real life (the presence or lack thereof). They're better left untouched.
Other than that, no harm done

Shanshu Freeman
Mar 17 2004, 11:24 PM
QUOTE (Kagetenshi @ Mar 17 2004, 11:23 PM) |
D'ye remember the flamewar that thread turned into? There are a few topics that go hand-in-hand with thread degeneration, including but not limited to politics, creationism, and magic in real life (the presence or lack thereof). They're better left untouched.
Other than that, no harm done 
~J |
True, true. Thanks for catching that. I can't blame you for being the peace keeper. Thanks for understanding.
Shanshu Freeman
Mar 17 2004, 11:26 PM
QUOTE (mfb) |
er, didn't mean to offend. just stating my POV as clearly as possible. |
oh, mfb, to clarify, I agree with you. I wasn't picking on you. It was a joke referrencing something else from awhile back.
Apr 11 2004, 05:57 PM
Could someone tell me if I can coat a Fineblade. In the description, it states you get the same effect of Dikote, yet lacks intimation of whether one could coat it. I'm leaning towards no, based on that discription, but does anyone have a canon/workable answer?
Apr 11 2004, 07:58 PM
By canon you can, as nothing states you can't so the usual Dikote™ rules hold. GMs may declare differently, though.
Apr 11 2004, 08:48 PM
Though it's not canon, my personal viewpoint is that any weapon which already has a special edge on it (fineblade, monosword) can benefit from the hardness increase, but doesn't gain any damage bonuses (as the edges would have to be shielded from the Dikote or loose their special edge). You can't make a monowire edge sharper, for instance (all a Dikote could do would be to ruin such an edge, actually).
[edit]Looking at it, I'd give the +1 power, too, to account for the relative lack of friction on the edges of the weapon. [/edit]
Apr 11 2004, 08:56 PM
I'm against it, but I remember a friend of mine in someone else's game had one. The description in FoF, which stated it was like dikote but without the cost, more or less stated for me that it can't be done, much like the monosword or monofilament.
Apr 11 2004, 10:05 PM
QUOTE (shadd4d) |
I'm against it, but I remember a friend of mine in someone else's game had one. The description in FoF, which stated it was like dikote but without the cost, more or less stated for me that it can't be done, much like the monosword or monofilament. |
I second what Don said, because I don't feel like being more verbose.
Apr 12 2004, 06:50 AM
QUOTE (Solstice) |
I disagree with my GM |
I disagree with cops who pull me over for a ticket...but I don't argue with them about it.
I disagreee with God on many many many things (like why is it evil to laugh at someone dying in a stupid way?), but I'm not about to argue with God about that.
I agree with you on your side of the argument, but...dikote the knife, the whole knife and nothing but the knife so help you God.
Apr 12 2004, 08:54 AM
Well If this will help then your welcome if not oh well.
In SRM at character creation a Dikoted katana costs 6000


for the sword and 5000

for the Dikoteing. So there for in game it would cost you 12000

+ street index. That is as far as I am going to go if you have questions ask Bitrunner cause my info is based on what I have been told nothing more.
Apr 12 2004, 09:32 AM
I should point out that while Dikoting as described in the book requires a plasma furnace and would simply destroy a katana by means of irrevocably ruining its temper, real life already has Dikoting that doesn't require superheating. Of course, it doesn't do the absurdly psychotic shit Dikoting in the game does, which brings it down to this:
If you like Dikoting and want to keep it canon, do so, and know that per canon, it also magically doesn't ruin temper.
If you like reality and dislike Crazy Stupid Shit®, Dikoting is only useful for increasing the durability of surfaces and does not require any of that silly plasma furnace stuff.
But there's no need to argue over it.
As for only coating the blade, I believe it's been clarly shown that the whole thing needs to be coated. Of course, it naturally follows that the diamond coating is quite flexible, magically active, and very angry. The anger accounts for the additional damage level and power rating.
As for specifics, the surface area of a katana blade, including the nakago (tang), would include the following in very rough figures:
ha, shinogi, kissaki (blade, rear blade, and tip): 28.5" length * 1.5" width * 2 sides = 85.5 in^2
mune (blade spine): 28.5" length * 0.3" thickness = 8.55 in^2
nakago (tang): 6" length * 0.3" width * 2 sides = 3.6 in^2
nakago (tang): 0.3" width * 1" length = 0.3 in^2
nakago (tang): 6" length * 1.25" (average) width * 2 sides = 15 in^2
Total surface area: 112.95 in^2
Metric conversion: 728.70822 cm^2
Final cost: 7,287.08¥
But let's just say 7,500¥ to keep costs realistically clean; I sure wouldn't mind padding an extra 212.92¥ on the top. With street index, 14,000¥. 10,000¥ at your GM's recommendation is quite a deal, and given that the effectiveness of this stuff is worth five times this quite easily, I suggest you quit your damn bitching and fork over the nuyen.
Apr 12 2004, 04:43 PM
QUOTE (Arethusa) |
...real life already has Dikoting that doesn't require superheating. Of course, it doesn't do the absurdly psychotic shit Dikoting in the game does... |
Which might be a big honkin' clue that real life diamond coating is not Dikoting, eh?
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