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Full Version: Critter: Hrafn
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Johnny B. Good
I wanted an awakened raven pet in our game, but was sorely dissapointed when there wasn't one in RW. Really, I was confused. Bird that is a staple of mythology almost everywere (Eyes and ears of Odin anybody?), no awakened variant. Somehow there's an awakened Koala (GODDAMN DROP BEARS), but no awakened Raven. So here one is, statted and priced.

Comments, criticizim, concerns appreciated.

[ Spoiler ]

EDIT: Added compulsive (Mild, hoards shiny things) to weaknesses.
I think I might use these.

Until my group is smart enough to get some chrome ball bearings and throw them at the Ravens.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooh! Shiny!"
Interesting, I like the idea and I think I will also see about using this in some way.
their intelligence stats sound a bit off. i can't imagine a bird being the most intelligent being on the planet. i'd say 5/4 - 6/4 max
Johnny B. Good
QUOTE (Makki @ Jul 14 2010, 04:25 PM) *
their intelligence stats sound a bit off. i can't imagine a bird being the most intelligent being on the planet. i'd say 5/4 - 6/4 max

For reference, Merlin Hawks have in INT of 6 and a LOG of 4, and ravens are notably smarter than hawks. Also, critter INT and LOG stats are not analagous to metahuman INT and LOG stats. They convey problem solving ability in relation to general critter intelligence, which means these things are basically spider monkey smart, even magically smart, but still not truly sapient.

EDIT: Until they flock up, that is.
QUOTE (Makki @ Jul 14 2010, 09:25 AM) *
their intelligence stats sound a bit off. i can't imagine a bird being the most intelligent being on the planet. i'd say 5/4 - 6/4 max

Real life ravens, along with most of their relatives, show nearly sentient levels of intelligence.
I'd give it 'accident' as well, given how often Ravens are the harbingers of ill-fortune.
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