Good day runners, how would you implement the Ogre twin from earthdawn into shadowrun.
Now i am not looking to add this option for a PC to play one, but i would love to see the reaction of my crew when they are facing a bad ass Ogre (maybe only awakened ogres) only to see it switch places and heal over a course of a battle scene
So if you think this is cool and have any thoughts on mechanics please post, have a good day runners!
this is the earthdawn's text for ogre twin 2ed:
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Ogre twins are two identical ogres, only one of whom can inhabit the material plane at a time. Like conventional ogres, ogre twins can sense precious metals and magically harden their clubs. Ogre twins are indistinguishable from their single counterparts, unless a character can sense connections between a twin and the astral plane. If a character makes a successful Astral Sight (or Sense) Test against the ogre twin's Spell Defense, he can see a pair of faint, white lines trailing from the ogre twin's head and disappearing into astral space.
Ogre twins can switch places with a thought. Each twin's physical possessions remain on the material plane; the second twin'sbody appears in the same spot occupied by the first twin, in the same position, even in mid-action if the twins so desire. The displaced twin inhabits a small, dimensional pocket between the astral and material planes. The white lines magically connect the displaced twin with the thoughts of the material twin, and also provide the displaced twin with air.
Either twin can use his Spellcasting step to heal himself. Ogre twins usually heal in the dimensional pocket, switching places when the other twin needs healing. The injured twin spends one round in the dimensional pocket, and in that round makes a Spellcasting Test against his own Spell Defense. If the test is successful, the ogre then makes a RecoveryTest of Step 9, reducing his Current Damage by the RecoveryTest result.
If one of the ogres is killed, the other immediately appears on the physical plane to avenge its twin's death. Killing both twins in quick succession is the only way to defeat them.
Sep 4 2010, 11:24 PM
In my original, long time Shadowrun campaign, Bull the Ork Decker had several children through the course of the game, two of which were twins... Billy (Billy manifested Otaku abilities at a young age) and Reba (was casting a force 1 Urban Renewal spell, that she called "Suburban Removal" at age 5. She also figured out low power Slay Bugs spell later on. We were in Chicago, see...).
Anyway, at one point during the campaign, the two ork kids were effectively about 12 or 13 years old, and Reba was killed during an attack. Billy tried to help her out, and ended up absorbing her. And the two became Ogre Twins. It was weird, and towards the tail end of our campaign.
I've since retconned that bit out of their background, since the game is retired... I'm going to be playing Billy in Season 4 of Missions, and as for Reba...
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I kill her during the Convention Mission that I wrote this year, CMP-02 "Copycat Killer". Bull is the Mr. Johnson for the adventure, and he hires the runners to track down the killer.
A bit of a segway, but...
Sep 4 2010, 11:38 PM
It seems like a great idea until your players kill him in one round, or one shot.
Sep 5 2010, 09:20 AM
yeah, the defense side of things is much weaker in shadowrun.