All at force 6 (or higher, on foci)
Combat sense spell
Increased Reaction
Detect Enemies (extended)
Increase Body
as a for example
Combat sense spell
Increased Reaction
Detect Enemies (extended)
Increase Body
as a for example

And the mage still... well, doesn't die, but is in serious trouble. Detect enemies doesn't go out that far that it will prevent you getting surprised by a sniper, but assuming that the mage isn't surprised:
6 from combat sense
9 from reaction
So 15 dice on defense, which means you still get hit, but only 1-3 net hits, which means 10-12 damage. For soak you're looking at:
6 armor spell
9 body (could be higher, but not super likely)
8 armor (fairly common)
-4 AP
-4 APDS ammo
So 15 dice to soak with, which is a good 5 hits, which means anywhere from 5-7 damage. Not enough for a kill (assuming we aren't talking about a called shot for increased damage), but it is serious damage. And you're comparing something that a sammy can easily easily easily do from chargen with something that would require 60+ karma and a few hundred thousand nuyen after chargen on the part of the mage.