Feb 28 2011, 10:15 PM
Different materials resist damage (like exploding creepers) to different degrees. Sand is, AFAIK, the second least sturdy material after glass. Build your house with cobblestone walls. Creepers will still be able to damage it, but are unlikely to destroy it outright. Also, if you know there are creepers right next to your house, lure them away! If you leave the creeper's blast radius before it actually explodes, its "fuse" resets, so run like hell to a defensible position.
Mar 1 2011, 01:21 AM
i allways forget to make lots of bows and arrows <.<
also, i have taken to dwarfism . . i simply burrow down into natural stone and make my home in there . .
Mar 1 2011, 01:46 AM
Caves, natural or otherwise, make the best starter homes in my experience. Tunnel downward for stone and other resources, then build an exterior house on top of it. Keep the original bunker as a fallback position. Don't forget doors, not just on the outside, but to separate your "living space" from your ever-expanding mine system where monsters tend to spawn.
Mar 1 2011, 04:55 AM
Made a pit trap from hell (~ 80 blocks deep, 10x 12 wide all by pickaxe:)) and now have more pork than a government contractor. And eggs! Now all I need is milk, maple syrup and I can have pancakes and bacon.
Note: watercourse traps don't work well unless you drown the target (or lavablade them) so the downward "shaft" needs to be enclosed, or they'll just float down safely. Duh me.
Shall make the npc harvester later on, but need more diamond, so might start afresh - god I love unlimited water, took me too long to get the hang of it

Oh, can someone answer for me - is Obsidian the best thing to resist damage from fire-ball hurling undead? Thanks. (It hit a couple of creepers and things got messy for a while.) putting in "reactive armour" (sand or gravel between walls) is good if your walls are high enough that the undead don't use it as a ramp to get closer to you.
Other things - once you hit admin rock, you can make a dropshaft (straight down) with 3 blocks deep water and you can drop forever and get out safely. You can also slow yourself by putting a waterfall down the shaft, but do line any voids with glass bricks so you know where you're going:)
Happy mining,
Mar 1 2011, 05:46 PM
According to the
Minecraft wiki, obsidian is impervious to explosions.
Mar 1 2011, 05:53 PM
Yeah, but that needs diamond to be mined.
And i have not found a SINGLE diamond yet.
Heck, i don't even have 40 iron . .
Coal is not an issue, due to being able to burn wood with wood to get charcoal . .
Mar 1 2011, 09:29 PM
For all of us playing MineCraft and wanting a bit more bling in our games:
Mar 1 2011, 11:27 PM
Those high-res mob skins are nightmare fuel. No, thanks.
Mar 2 2011, 12:21 AM
To Paraphrase indiana jones:"Spiders . . why did it have to be spiders?"
this is now the second board where the textures are regarded as creepy pasta ^^
Mar 3 2011, 02:25 PM
I've been playing on a server with some friends from WoW.
I took over an island to build on. My first order if business is to setup the dirt fields that I'm going to use to plant trees that will take care of my wood needs. I want to be able to have about 9 trees growing at once and I'm planning on planting trees with a 4 block gap between them. Once I've done that, then it's digging downward to get enough stone to start building the island fortress.
Mar 3 2011, 02:41 PM
Remember: you can only go 64 blocks upwards/downwards.
It's basically soil, stone,(minerals somewhere in here) lava, administration.
Then comes the nether, if you can get a portal going.
One does not simply dig into Nether.
Mar 3 2011, 04:02 PM
Man, with all this talk about minecraft here, maybe there's enough to get a dumpshock multiplayer server going or something.
Mar 3 2011, 05:18 PM
Maybe, but i don't know how one would go about something like that.
And seeing how it's Java based, the load is pretty huge. And it's complicated <.<
Mar 3 2011, 07:23 PM
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Mar 3 2011, 12:18 PM)

Maybe, but i don't know how one would go about something like that.
And seeing how it's Java based, the load is pretty huge. And it's complicated <.<
You can download the client instead of running it in java.
Mar 3 2011, 07:26 PM
you can download the .exe but it's STILL Java.
same on the server side.
If that were not the case, it would not be cross plattform compatible between linsux, windumb and crapple OS suX
Mar 4 2011, 06:21 AM
QUOTE (PBTHHHHT @ Mar 3 2011, 11:02 AM)

Man, with all this talk about minecraft here, maybe there's enough to get a dumpshock multiplayer server going or something.
At the very least we should find a already running mulitplayer survival server and play there.
Mar 4 2011, 09:04 AM
Interesting minor tidbit: Cobblestone can be smelted into placeable blocks of regular stone. Presumably for those who want the smooth, seamless look for their Fortresses of Doom.
Mar 4 2011, 09:17 AM
That and it's also more explosion resistant than cobble stone.
Also, you can make metal blocks that let you repair tools i think.
Mar 7 2011, 03:51 AM
I'll be back, I know it, but after falling twice (!!) to my devillishly-mundane lava trap (and my gear ) I've decided to take a break from that game.
Yeah, for all of 4 hours last night.
Bloody hell, made my first tnt and spent the next 20 minutes cackling as I watched lambs and pigs trot over my mine-laiden landscape.
Protip: Mining with tnt is worth the time.
ProTip2: bury the damn TNT! God, makes a helluva hole then. Detonate whenever enough animals are there for a laugh.
Protip 3: Don't chase arrow-firing skeletons while holding tnt and forget where the activated tnt is. (fell into a big-ass hole I'd "dug" with a wandering cow earlier. To quote Leo, "We need to go deeper.")
Also, nothing creepier then watching a wandering zombie horde backlight by the backscatter light of an enormous cavern, unless it's hearing them all moan and come toward you enmasse, arrows leading. Right into the Lavablade, MUHAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAHAHAHHAAAAAaaaaaa...SSssssssss....BOOOM! (Obsidian worked better, redesigned the blade as well.)
Mar 7 2011, 06:46 AM
yah, i feel your pain ^^
Mar 9 2011, 02:13 AM
Was all worth it once the Lavainator 4000 finally worked (after teething problems, lava and obsidian)
~1500 items an hour, could be hugely optimised. And made into an "above ground" trapper as well, to get some of them tasty animals.
Left it running for 6 hours, inventoy was full. Emptied inventory, was full again....lotsa feathers, bones, arrows, not as many gunpowder as I'd have liked.
Still, have enough for 124 tnt, so that's got to be fun later on
Mining! It's about explosions!
Mar 9 2011, 06:19 AM
*nods* suddenly, the mountain on which i had built my little keep, had vanished right from under my shelter o.O
Mar 10 2011, 12:36 AM
God damn, that took ages, but it was fun.
I dug a 60+ deep hole, in the ocean (I cofferdamned the lot) and planted trees about, now I just watch as all sort of thing fall into the lavainator. 80x50x60 is a helluva lot of iton picks and TNT.

TNT, hmmm. Sadly, not so great for finding gems. Great for finding lava lakes that drain into your home.
Dragonage 2 today, huzzah
Mar 10 2011, 06:18 AM
one can only go 64 blocks deep or up, due to engine limitations.
did you fill the ground with lava? how doyou get the items then?
Mar 10 2011, 02:16 PM
QUOTE (Tiralee @ Mar 10 2011, 12:36 AM)

God damn, that took ages, but it was fun.
I dug a 60+ deep hole, in the ocean (I cofferdamned the lot) and planted trees about, now I just watch as all sort of thing fall into the lavainator. 80x50x60 is a helluva lot of iton picks and TNT.

TNT, hmmm. Sadly, not so great for finding gems. Great for finding lava lakes that drain into your home.
Dragonage 2 today, huzzah
Wait you have DA2 I have 9 more hours to wait.
Squiddy Attack
Mar 19 2011, 04:14 AM
Bah, I've finally been dragged into Minecraft... Help! It's eating my soul!
I've burrowed out a nice underground bunker, and am building the "Tower of Trathira" on top of it.

I think maybe I'll attach a floating island to the tower when I'm done...
Only problem is, though, creepers absolutely love my door for some reason. I swear my
door's been blown up at least eight times now, and there was one time a creeper blew me up (and blew open the entrance to my bunker!) while I was repairing the damage from a previous creeper bombing my door.
And then a third creeper blew up my door again first thing the next morning.
Mar 19 2011, 04:35 AM
Dig a secondary entrance to your bunker. If there's a creeper at the front door, go out the back, lead it away, and kill it. It helps to have a bow.
Squiddy Attack
Mar 19 2011, 05:29 AM
I can drop into a tree from the top of my tower and lead them out into the water.
Interestingly, I've noticed they're a lot less likely to explode on you in the water than on land.
Mar 19 2011, 06:54 PM
THAT is only in your mind. Believe you me.
I have been playing for more than a week straight by now <.<;,
easiest way to keep them from blowing up your door is having kill holes in the ground.
So, if you are on level -1 and creeper is on level 0 and there is a block above you at +1 so you can see it's feet but it can't see your head, it should not go boom at all, no matter how much you are hitting it.
but remember that hitting it WILL make it jumb back a bit and thus see you.
run to door, hit THROUGH DOOR ONCE
run back away from door, wait 5 to 10 seconds.
repeat untill creeper is dead.
the timer for going boom resets after some time.
Squiddy Attack
Mar 19 2011, 10:43 PM
Actually, I meant it more specifically when fighting them.
If I kill a creeper on land, it explodes and breaks something. So far, this hasn't happened if I lead it out into the sea.
Mar 20 2011, 12:03 AM
if you kill it, it should not explode period O.o
it only explodes if the timer goes down to 0.
you playing online or offline?
Squiddy Attack
Mar 20 2011, 01:59 AM
Hm. In that case, what I'm seeing is that they never decide to explode while I'm fighting them in water.
Mar 20 2011, 11:12 AM
Very Strange.
Do you play offline or online?
If online, on which server?
Squiddy Attack
Mar 20 2011, 07:44 PM
Mar 20 2011, 08:06 PM
If you find a nice server to play on, you are going to have much more fun i hope ^^
Mar 21 2011, 10:34 PM
So, if you build a well lit floating base, shouldn't it be more or less immune to most monster attacks?
Mar 21 2011, 10:37 PM
mostly, but remember, YOU still have to go out and do stuff.
Apr 13 2011, 09:52 PM
Article/review of a game in beta stage that is similar in style to minecraft, but different...
ace of spades.
Apr 13 2011, 09:54 PM
*blink blink* O.o
Sep 7 2011, 11:17 PM
So who's looking forward to the 1.8 update better known as the Adventure Update?
Sep 7 2011, 11:21 PM
i'm a bit meh about it . . .
gonna fucking hate the new enderman mob <.<
wish they implemented stuff from the BETTER THAN WOLVES mod . .
Sep 8 2011, 12:07 AM
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Sep 7 2011, 07:21 PM)

i'm a bit meh about it . . .
gonna fucking hate the new enderman mob <.<
wish they implemented stuff from the BETTER THAN WOLVES mod . .
Yeah the endermen do sound like they will be a bitch to deal with but hopefully it'll just make things more interesting with out making things too hard to be enjoyable.
Sep 9 2011, 02:21 PM
I am looking forward to messing up a NPC village just because its Minecraft - so, yeah, I am looking forward to the Adventure Update a great deal. To me it will be like when MP gained monsters, it adds a fun new flavour that usually pertains to dying with diamonds in lava or something.
Sep 9 2011, 11:56 PM
I might end up moving into a village if i find one I like. Maybe I'll even build a wall around it as well, turn it into a fortress.
Seriously Mike
Sep 10 2011, 11:30 AM
QUOTE (Fabe @ Sep 10 2011, 01:56 AM)

I might end up moving into a village if i find one I like. Maybe I'll even build a wall around it as well, turn it into a fortress.
That's a good idea! I think I'll start my game anew and just invedit the useful stuff to make myself more at home (pretty much only slime blobs).
Sep 15 2011, 01:33 AM
Version 1.8 now....holy crap Notch has taken it up a little. Time to farm foods

And yeah, hating the Slendermen. SOOO much.
Sep 15 2011, 11:45 AM
http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?587348...ogether./page25me and bull sometimes frequent this one, if you are feeling like multiplayer . .
Sep 17 2011, 09:43 PM
I've been playing 1.8.1 a bit and I don't really see the problem with the Endermen. Yeah, they can be annoying, even fatal, but creepers are still way worse.
Sep 20 2011, 03:26 AM
Also, hating the "hunger" system.
Farming slimes for EXP out the ying-yang in my befogged forest of torment at Bedrock 5+.
Thinking back, yeah, it was a stupid place to put my railroad/evil lairage, but it does look cool.
Hating the Endermen as I had ~ 7 spawn closeby, plus some aggro spiders and arrow-tossing skeletons. And all I had was tnt (I was remodelling a hill) Things got hectic.
Apart from that, I've had this environment since 1.6 and the 1.81 game just
drops on me sometimes.
Had a creeper spawn in a
very well lit complex, jumped out of my minecart and arrowed the fucker from ~ 40 squares away. That was odd as this tunnel only has one entry/exit and about 1 torch per 2m. (it looks prettier)
No silverfish yet, but they're going to kill me, with the tunnelling I do. Want to make some iron bars, but I need my iron for the railway (gold too)
The plate glass is awesome, makes for nice balconies, bachelor pads....

Started another world to see what the fuss was about - what loaded up was a volcanic craig/fantasy landscape.
Managed to have a bunker in an off-shore finger of rock with glass windows and iron tools by sunset the first day (just got lucky with positioning).
Exploring and looting like a mofo...food's likely to become a problem unless I impliment a baconator/chicken grinder. Haven't seen a cow yet, might be the wrong biome, but have had more sheep turn up than a NZ Swinger's convention.
Spiders are about but only move in groups of 3 (! - the fuck did this happen Notch?!) and no Creepers yet....Ok, that I can enjoy.
Started afresh as I want to find a town/stronghold and glass the sucker in and make a biodome:)
God, there's a desert biome, plus cactus forest, not more than 200m from startpoint.
Hello biological wall of death....
Sep 20 2011, 10:35 PM
Anybody figured out how to get a 512x512 Texture Pack working in 1.8.1 yet? <.<
I can't, for the life of me, figure out how to get it to work without getting an OUT OF MEMORY Error . .
And no, my Computers is NOT out of Memory. The Q9650/GTX580 has 8Gigs and the i72630QM/GTX460M has 16Gigs <.<
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