Sep 21 2010, 12:05 AM
Simply put, Minecraft is a sandbox game where you build stuff out of textured cubes in a random but incredibly expansive 3d world. Your goal, survive the nights. During the day on the surface you can collect resources, build stuff, but make sure you're in cover by nightfall, as monsters and undead spawn and will seek you out. Likewise, be wary of dark depths underground as you dig deep into the earth to find stuff like diamonds and ores.
To be honest, it looks like well...not like crap...but oldschool 8 bit. But its awesome. Its one of those, "Holy crap when did it become 3 am?" kind of games. Its not free, costing 9 euros, which comes out to around 13 bucks I think. But its kind of a lifetime account, entitling you to all updated content when the game gets released.
Its addictive, its fun, the music is nice, and it feels rather creepy at night.
The only thing I wish was that the monsters were a bit more active in trying to hunt you down at night, as it stands, a good locked door and decently high walls are enough.
Sep 21 2010, 12:54 AM
I'm just waiting for my credit card to arrive. Stupid school PO Box not forwarding my mail.
Sep 21 2010, 01:07 AM
Do you awaken Durin's Bane?
Sep 21 2010, 01:14 AM
QUOTE (Kagetenshi @ Sep 20 2010, 08:07 PM)

Do you awaken Durin's Bane?
I'm sure that'll be in later editions.
Sep 21 2010, 01:44 AM
Sounds good, may take a look!
Sep 21 2010, 02:16 AM
The game does sound interesting but I hear the sandbox style game play makes it a bit of a griefers paradise in muliti-play. Still I might give it a try.
Sep 21 2010, 07:03 AM
I havent checked out multiplayer servers yet, hopefully there will be 'peaceful coop' ones.
The only thing I would mark as a downside at the moment is that its just you solo and gets a little lonely. Now if you could slowly add friendly npcs, bots really, that could do some of the tasks you've already setup, plant and grow and harvest trees, crops, etc. Giving me further incentive to protect my regions so my minions, um, serfs, um...citizens, could toil peacefully or in relative safety during the night would be awesome.
Heh, this game definitely encourages you to adopt almost a dwarven mentality, establishing grand, deep underground fortresses and workshops. At least in the early modes, wood is such a relatively difficult resource to consistently acquire (you either have to run around alot for trees, or wait until the ones you've planted closest to your fort are mature enough to harvest) its easier to make a view pickaxes and just get stacks and stacks of stone. Plus, with wood being a primary component in all of your tools, its not something you can really afford to use as lumber for a wooden fort in the beginning stages.
The game itself is still in its developmental stage, so I have hopes for future content. Its also undergone a dramatic increase in 'net popularity lately, so much that i think we crashed his main site.
Sep 21 2010, 09:53 AM
*sigh* just died 4 times in a row trying to get my corpse-lewt back. This game can be brutal
Sep 21 2010, 12:04 PM
QUOTE (Voran @ Sep 21 2010, 03:03 AM)

The game itself is still in its developmental stage, so I have hopes for future content. Its also undergone a dramatic increase in 'net popularity lately, so much that i think we crashed his main site.
I'm guessing the fact that it is being featured in Penny-Arcade is a big part of the increased popularity.
Sep 21 2010, 03:01 PM
QUOTE (Voran @ Sep 21 2010, 03:03 AM)

The only thing I would mark as a downside at the moment is that its just you solo and gets a little lonely.
Are you sure that isn't the point? The game might be a commentary on the desolate existence of the programmer, toiling in solitude to construct virtual palaces that no one will appreciate.
Sep 24 2010, 11:44 PM
Check this excellent fan made trailer out, it should give you some idea of just how awesome this game is and its only in Alpha release, so many features have yet to be implemented for it to be considered Beta and Gold releases by its Developer Notch and growing Company in Sweden (IIRC).
Sep 25 2010, 12:48 AM
QUOTE (CanadianWolverine @ Sep 24 2010, 07:44 PM)

Check this excellent fan made trailer out, it should give you some idea of just how awesome this game is and its only in Alpha release, so many features have yet to be implemented for it to be considered Beta and Gold releases by its Developer Notch and growing Company in Sweden (IIRC).
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaMTedT6P0IWow, that was some really awesome stuff.
Also, that was better than most official trailers I've seen for other games.
Sep 25 2010, 06:31 AM
This game does certainly lend towards ragequit

Heck, its even got its own tvtropes ragequit heading. How it happens? You're deep in the earth toiling away to get diamonds or precious ore, when you get jumped by a creeper or some unexpected monster that kills you, or you do something stupid that lands you in lava and you lose all the crap you've been carrying, including those hard earned ore, crafted armor, etc. And you know it'll take too long to get your gear back before it poofs, or you KNOW your lewt fell into lava and that's it.
Sep 26 2010, 11:30 PM
That clip it making me get around to giving this a shot tonight.
Sep 27 2010, 06:06 PM
The only game I play is the one I just lost. Damnit.
Sep 27 2010, 07:33 PM
Part of me still thinks its a 3d Dwarf Fortress clone

I know its not quite but the are both similar.
Sep 28 2010, 02:45 AM
QUOTE (Dumori @ Sep 27 2010, 03:33 PM)

Part of me still thinks its a 3d Dwarf Fortress clone

I know its not quite but the are both similar.
I was kind of thinking along those lines, only my thought was more 'This guy and the DF guy should get together.'
I just got it earlier today, and although I haven't gotten super far, I've burned a few hours on it already. Unfortently the one I got the furthest on I died and all my stuff vanished, so figured I'd try again. Just haven't been able to do as well since. I seem to have a heck of a time finding coal, and no coal means no torches, which means no light, which makes it really hard to mine.
Sep 28 2010, 10:10 AM
QUOTE (Karoline @ Sep 28 2010, 03:45 AM)

I was kind of thinking along those lines, only my thought was more 'This guy and the DF guy should get together.'
I just got it earlier today, and although I haven't gotten super far, I've burned a few hours on it already. Unfortently the one I got the furthest on I died and all my stuff vanished, so figured I'd try again. Just haven't been able to do as well since. I seem to have a heck of a time finding coal, and no coal means no torches, which means no light, which makes it really hard to mine.
I'm still not sure if the dev has had his acounts unfrozen the sales boomed so much that paypla locked him down. In the first two weeks of this lockdown he had 750K in there. If its still locked there will be a lot more there now.
Looking at the membership and who has accounts at that time the game had grossed close to 2mil
Sep 28 2010, 11:19 AM
QUOTE (Karoline @ Sep 27 2010, 10:45 PM)

I just got it earlier today, and although I haven't gotten super far, I've burned a few hours on it already. Unfortently the one I got the furthest on I died and all my stuff vanished, so figured I'd try again. Just haven't been able to do as well since. I seem to have a heck of a time finding coal, and no coal means no torches, which means no light, which makes it really hard to mine.
It also means no home.
I recommend strip mining if your problem is coal. Find a place you want to build something big, then drop the height of the hills that are nearby. Dirt only goes down 2-4 blocks at most then you start hitting stone and possibly finding coal while you tear down the mountain.
Sep 28 2010, 10:48 PM
QUOTE (StealthSigma @ Sep 28 2010, 07:19 AM)

It also means no home.
I recommend strip mining if your problem is coal. Find a place you want to build something big, then drop the height of the hills that are nearby. Dirt only goes down 2-4 blocks at most then you start hitting stone and possibly finding coal while you tear down the mountain.
I found a nice winter world, and am getting really well established. My mining keeps turning up underground caverns (which scare me) but also tons of coal. I have a few stacks of the stuff now, and don't have much to do with them. So, now I'm working on some good armor and weapons and healing so I can clear out the caverns a bit better.
Now my new goal is finding more iron (I've gotten about 10 or so bars so far) and the better materials. Also, working on my greenhouse to grow me some wheat so I can make bread and such

Oh, and trying to find some darn string. Only seen one spider and it didn't drop any string. I really wanted a bow.
Sep 29 2010, 12:51 AM
2 million? I bet you this guy is pretty happy.
Sep 29 2010, 01:52 AM
What difficulty are you guys playing on? I started on Saturday night, but I haven't died yet.
I got mad lucky in some caverns. Got about six pieces of diamond. I have a fat-assed diamond sword and a diamond pick-axe that owns.
I have a nice bunker-style house, though now that I'm familiar with how to build stuff and how to look for ore, my ambitions have.... grown.
Sep 29 2010, 03:11 AM
On the off chance my fellow forum goers here haven't seen these:
http://art.penny-arcade.com/photos/1010842689_DYj3P-L.jpghttp://art.penny-arcade.com/photos/1015419613_NYok6-L.jpghttp://i558.photobucket.com/albums/ss24/gp...85541495409.pngEdit: Hmm, those don't seem to be working with the img tags, so here they are as url
Oh and have fun looking at all the fun stuff on youtube that is Minecraft related, some of it has the potential to blow your mind.
Sep 29 2010, 03:45 AM
Hadn't seen that last one.
And I'm playing on normal difficulty. My main problem so far has been 'splodin zombies, since they don't go away with sunlight.
Sep 29 2010, 08:01 AM
After giving up on my first world (too many sad memories of personal failure), I loaded up a 2nd world, and seem to be doing well. Heh I totally agree with that 2nd penny arcade strip. Day 1: Dig a hole in a wall. Day 2: Acquire more sand, wood, etc. Day 3: Castle Skyscraper.
What would be awesome is the ability to crank up the nighttime hordes, and also build catapults or semi-automated turrets. I mean, I've got like over 9000 tons of cobblestone that should make good weaponry if hurled across the landscape.
Only thing I'm noticing on my 2nd map so far is i'm running into a smaller frequency of diamond than my 1st map, but I'm still only on my first island, and oddly have a crap-ton of iron ore, so we'll see how things go.
Sep 29 2010, 11:13 AM
QUOTE (CanadianWolverine @ Sep 28 2010, 11:11 PM)

I quite enjoy the guy in the lower right who is curled up in a hole.
Sep 30 2010, 12:00 AM
Played this a bit last night, I'm obsessed with making my 'base' look awesome, I still have yet to workout how to get all the good stuff to make weapons and ect, but that will come in time and by playing it more.
Sep 30 2010, 02:04 AM
Been playing with the inventory editor on a copy of one of my 'not serious' worlds, largely to see how much fun I can have with nigh infinite stacks of TNT. Worldbuilding through explosives.
Oct 16 2010, 12:29 AM
So, just a little writing exercise of sorts that I did.
[ Spoiler ]
I awoke this morning to find myself on the beach of a land I do not recognize. I have no memory of how I came to be here. I assume a ship wreck, though I can find no wreckage on the beach.
There is a small mountain not far from where I awoke, I decided to climb this mountain to get a lay of the land, hopefully spot a town or any other signs of civilization. Alas, my climb was in vein for this. As far as the eye can see stretches vast wilderness. The only other living things I've seen so far have been some cows and sheep.
My search of the mountain revealed (after falling through a mist hidden hole) a cave. I noticed a seam of coal which could be useful if I can extract it for fire to keep cold and dark at bay. The cave goes much deeper than I'm willing to explore without light or a safe place to return to.
I've decided it would be best to set up some form of camp, a base where I could keep supplies while I searched for signs of other people. I started by felling a tree for its lumber, which I fashioned into a crude pick, so that I could obtain more durable stone.
The pick broke quickly, but I had obtained enough stone to make several more tools, including a new pick and an ax. I also took the time to mine out some of the coal, hoping to put it to use when night falls.
I spent too much time chopping down trees for their lumber, and allowed night to sneak up on me. But the dark was not the only thing to sneak up on me! Barely had the sun set before I saw other things moving about. They looked human, but certainly were not. Some had decaying flesh, others no flesh at all! It wasn't long before one of the skeletons started shooting me with arrows made of bone, and so I tried to scale back down the mountain to the spot I had picked out as a likely camp sight. During my flight, I ran into another odd creature, this one exploded when it got near me! Luckily I managed to get away from the blast unharmed, but the damage it did to the mountainside was telling. After that close call, I was cornered during my decent by a skeleton and a massive spider. Luckily I managed to climb a nearby tree. I wait now in its brows, anxious for day, which I hope will cause these creatures to retreat and leave me be.
Day! The sun has risen, though it is taking time to reach me as I am in the shadow of the mountain. I pray that this day is not my last.
The creatures do not like light it seems! The skeletons and rotting creatures burst into flame when exposed to the sun's light, and the spiders became quite docile, allowing me to leave my tree quite easily.
Though the spiders had become docile, I feared renewed hostility in the coming night, and so I made a crude sword with which to slay the creatures. While doing so, I found that the creature which explodes, which I have named a 'sploder' does not burn in sun light, much to my dismay when it exploded near me. I am now wounded, but determined to press on.
Despite my injuries, I've managed to build four walls on a nearby hillock. I hope they will be enough to keep me safe in the coming night. While there is still daylight though, I must do what I can. I've found a large herd of cows, from which I hope to be able to get leather to make armor for my safety.
I have enough leather for a bit of armor, and managed to find some pigs, giving me enough food for a meal tonight. I still have some time before nightfall, need to decide what to do with it.
A bow! Some spider silk from the spiders I killed earlier has made a wonderful bow string. Now I need to find some arrows and I should be able to better defend myself, especially against the sploders.
Night has fallen, and brought with it the completion of leather boots and tunic. Leggings will make a nice addition, and I might even make a helmet so I am fully protected if I decide to explore some of the caves I've seen around the area. I wonder if there might be anything I can do during the night besides cower in my makeshift shelter.
My shelter was insufficient. While it kept the monsters out, I did not build it high enough to stop them shooting over it. To solve this problem, I've dug down a bit to protect me from their arrows. I quickly found another seam of coal, not that the torches I made seemed to bother them in the slightest. Perhaps while I'm down here, I should mine for something better than stone to make my tools and weapons from.
I spent the night mining out another coal seam. I plan to keep going deeper, hoping to strike iron ore to make a real weapon with. That or something to make flint from. I plan to spend the day working on my camp, making it safer for the night. I feel more and more like I am making a permanent fortress than a shelter. Albeit a fortress of wood.
Diamonds! I've found diamonds, but I dare not try mining them out without a better pick. My rock pick simply won't sufice for such a task. I don't know how long I've been mining, time is difficult to keep track of down there. I believe I spent the entire night and the next day.
I have spent more and more time mining, though I've still yet to find iron, despite locating a second diamond deposit. Perhaps I am searching too deep. I plan on going out to explore a bit more, now that I have a more secure base to return to. I've still not given up hope of finding others.
Feb 6 2011, 02:05 AM
QUOTE (Karoline @ Sep 27 2010, 09:45 PM)

I seem to have a heck of a time finding coal, and no coal means no torches, which means no light, which makes it really hard to mine.
Sorry for the necro, but I just bought Minecraft a few days ago and I had to point out that you can, in fact, make torches without coal.
1) Build a crafting table. (Fill up the 2x2 crafting grid in your inventory with wooden planks.) This gives you access to the 3x3 crafting grid.
2) Place eight blocks of cobblestone around the perimeter of the 3x3 grid, leaving the center block empty. This creates a furnace.
3) Put wooden planks in the "fuel" slot of the furnace (bottom left), and raw wood in the "input" (top left). The furnace will automatically fire itself, converting the wood into charcoal in the "output" slot (right).
4) Use the charcoal like coal to create torches (one unit of charcoal above one stick in either crafting grid makes four torches).
It's a little roundabout, but an absolute necessity if you can't find coal the first day. I recommend building the crafting table and furnace as your first acts, and make some charcoal torches right off the bat just in case.
Feb 6 2011, 09:40 PM
QUOTE (Tanegar @ Feb 5 2011, 09:05 PM)

Sorry for the necro, but I just bought Minecraft a few days ago and I had to point out that you can, in fact, make torches without coal.
1) Build a crafting table. (Fill up the 2x2 crafting grid in your inventory with wooden planks.) This gives you access to the 3x3 crafting grid.
2) Place eight blocks of cobblestone around the perimeter of the 3x3 grid, leaving the center block empty. This creates a furnace.
3) Put wooden planks in the "fuel" slot of the furnace (bottom left), and raw wood in the "input" (top left). The furnace will automatically fire itself, converting the wood into charcoal in the "output" slot (right).
4) Use the charcoal like coal to create torches (one unit of charcoal above one stick in either crafting grid makes four torches).
It's a little roundabout, but an absolute necessity if you can't find coal the first day. I recommend building the crafting table and furnace as your first acts, and make some charcoal torches right off the bat just in case.
Just tried that out,thanks for the tip. It'll be easier then looking for a coal vein the next time I run out,safer too since you don't have to worry about running into monsters while mining.
Feb 7 2011, 01:57 AM
Minecraft is definitely a game in which, as Yahtzee put it, there is no shame in consulting
the FAQ. Or the wiki, as the case may be.
Feb 7 2011, 07:12 PM
Played this for one week and stopped, it sucked too much time out of me. Still, I had a blast playing it, it was interesting to be able to build stuff. What was interesting was playing a bit on the multiplayer servers, there are some great stuff done with multiple folks working together.
Feb 10 2011, 01:29 AM
Any one know of some good mulitplayer severs? I want to give the on-line aspect of the game a try
Feb 10 2011, 04:40 PM
Someone built the Zelda Classic World in the Minecraft engine O.o
Feb 21 2011, 06:27 AM
So, I just built my first portal to the Nether. The Nether is not a nice place.
Feb 23 2011, 02:53 AM
Tried it (classic - free online version) yesterday noon, bought it 5pm last night, went to bed at 2am after spending 6 hours digging myself out of Moria (I delved too greedily, too deeply...) and into the bottom of the bay of the island I was inhabiting.
This game is pure crack.
1: as soon as you get some cobblestones, make a goddamned stone pick axe and don't waste an hour mining and wasting all that iron ore.
2: the lower you go, the more torches you'll want. Mine a good supply of wood (not boards) with a stone axe before delving too far.
3: Before heading to the centre of the earth, for god's sake, explore your islands/lands/forests first. After spending 2 hours making a makeshift fort, I stumbled across a perfect and naturally-defensible one. It only needed a damn door.
4: Don't be afraid of making too many tools or torches. The fancy stuff can wait while you're learning the ropes.
5: Wood -> Stone-> Iron -> Diamond. In the first half hour, you should have your first iron tool. Armour can wait until you've got a decent supply of iron or like hunting cows.
6: The wildlife.....elch, kill it before it kills you. A Lot.
7: Traps are fun. Physics kills and having a strip of lava over a source of water can and will kill anything not of the nether.
8: The nether sucks dog balls. Avoid until you've got a few copies of diamond weapons/tools and a biiiiiig supply of glass/obsidian blocks. And foods.
9: Ladders, although annoyingly painful to make, are mega-useful.
10: half-steps makes the spacebar wither from lack of use. Make friends with the shallow stair:)
Rant over.
PS: Check out the "space program" that some genius had done with the wildlife and a tnt cannon.
Feb 23 2011, 03:58 PM
heh, loved watching the video. The 72 tnt animal launching cannon was awesome was great, thanks for pointing it out. I loved the end part when he launches 5 or so cows one after another. Mooooooooo.......!
Watching the other space cannon, the guy launching himself upwards was interesting, particularly seeing how the game did the rendering (or didn't) at certain points as the guy was propeled several km's upward and the return to sweet, sweet... hard ground.
Feb 23 2011, 06:50 PM
QUOTE (Tiralee @ Feb 22 2011, 09:53 PM)

1: as soon as you get some cobblestones, make a goddamned stone pick axe and don't waste an hour mining and wasting all that iron ore.
Sound advice, although I usually wait until my wood pickaxe wears out before making my first stone tools. Just out of curiosity, how much iron ore did you waste before you realized you can't mine iron with wooden tools?
2: the lower you go, the more torches you'll want. Mine a good supply of wood (not boards) with a stone axe before delving too far.
As soon as I start finding coal in quantity, I make torches in lots of 64 (the maximum stack size). 64 torches will illuminate a fair-sized excavation or cavern.
3: Before heading to the centre of the earth, for god's sake, explore your islands/lands/forests first. After spending 2 hours making a makeshift fort, I stumbled across a perfect and naturally-defensible one. It only needed a damn door.
More sound advice. Before undertaking any kind of large building project, dig out a hobbit-hole in a nearby hillside to live in while you work.
4: Don't be afraid of making too many tools or torches. The fancy stuff can wait while you're learning the ropes.
Again, torches in lots of 64. Pickaxes, axes, and shovels in lots of four (one of each for the quickbar, plus three spares). You can skimp on spare axes, but you'll go through stone pickaxes and shovels like there's no tomorrow.
5: Wood -> Stone-> Iron -> Diamond. In the first half hour, you should have your first iron tool. Armour can wait until you've got a decent supply of iron or like hunting cows.
Stone is my go-to tool material. Iron is too precious in my experience for everyday toolmaking. It goes into armor, minecarts, and minecart tracks, among other things. Make one iron pickaxe at a time to mine things that stone can't. Otherwise, save those ingots. There's no point whatsoever to iron axes or shovels.
6: The wildlife.....elch, kill it before it kills you. A Lot.
Hunt spiders until you get enough string to make a bow (three units). Thereafter, seek out gravel for flint, and birds and zombies for feathers (don't ask why zombies drop feathers), and make as many arrows as you can. Once you have a bow, never engage in melee unless you have to.
7: Traps are fun. Physics kills and having a strip of lava over a source of water can and will kill anything not of the nether.
8: The nether sucks dog balls. Avoid until you've got a few copies of diamond weapons/tools and a biiiiiig supply of glass/obsidian blocks. And foods.
On the subject of food: grilled pork chops will probably be the staple of your diet. Kill pigs for raw pork chops and use the furnace to cook them.
9: Ladders, although annoyingly painful to make, are mega-useful.
10: half-steps makes the spacebar wither from lack of use. Make friends with the shallow stair:)
I like compact stairs in spiral staircases.
Also, beds were added in the update yesterday or the day before. Three wooden planks side by side underneath three wool blocks. Right-click on the bed at night to advance time to morning.
Feb 23 2011, 08:10 PM
go to youtube, search for:
Minecraft Tutorial 01
keep watching all 30 or so parts.
Feb 24 2011, 12:09 AM
Because asked - I wasted about 40+ iron ores because I didn't read through the FAQ to realise that unless you use a stone tool, you can't get the ore. I was using up my wooden tools, btw:) Also wasted ~ 20 redstone for the same reason.
Also - Multiple bases are easy to make and great if you like to explore. Make a hole, door it up, shove in a furnace and a workbench, make 2 chests and you've got a home away from home (In case you find out you've built over an enormous magma bubble cave.)
Protip - make 2 chests, stick them next to each other, big chest results.
Protip - buckets! water and lava, respectively, you get the source and you're good to go. I love making a lava-lake my new highway because of all the obsidian now covering it...
Also - check out the other biomes! I'm in a snow-covered one and the natural caves are amazing, easily-accessable and defensible.
ATM: making Castle Greyskull. The drawbridge was tricky, but a water-filled moat and a defined current means that each morning, it's "loot da bodies" before I even think of lifing an axe. The ice is interesting, sort of wondering what to do with the snowballs.
Want: Siege weapons. Magic (Redstone, hmmmm) and things apart from creepers (No, not the nether, I've been good I have...NNNNoooooooo....)
Hell - having an invading force of vikings would be awesome, as long as you could "harden" your defences (Face with hardened stone, Obsidian maybe?)
TNT...good times, lotsa harvesting to get it though. Can make some awesome things by dropping down random holes for the lulz
Looking forward to the zombie apocalypse nights. That's going to be AWESOME....While in my floating castle, harvesting undead over my lake of lava.
If in a bolthole....not so good. Sorta sucks if you don't put the door on the right way as well:)
Feb 24 2011, 01:09 AM
Pro tip: Every time you mine out a gravel block, there is a chance it yields a flint instead of a gravel block. You can place and mine the same cube over and over until it yields a flint. Time-consuming, but more efficient than just mining every gravel pit you can find in hopes of randomly getting flint.
Feb 25 2011, 01:23 AM
Minecraft is worse than tvtropes . .
also, i croaked and bought it <.<
Feb 28 2011, 05:05 AM
Feb 28 2011, 07:28 AM
QUOTE (Kagetenshi @ Sep 21 2010, 11:01 AM)

Are you sure that isn't the point? The game might be a commentary on the desolate existence of the programmer, toiling in solitude to construct virtual palaces that no one will appreciate.
Most of my friends over @ gearbox LOVE this game
Feb 28 2011, 12:20 PM
i hate ONE thing about minecraft . . . . . .
*ssssssssssssssssssssss* followed by BOOM <.<
Feb 28 2011, 08:11 PM
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Feb 28 2011, 07:20 AM)

i hate ONE thing about minecraft . . . . . .
*ssssssssssssssssssssss* followed by BOOM <.<
Creepers are the spawn of Hell. On this, there is consensus.
Feb 28 2011, 08:17 PM
i had a nice little shelter built for myself . .
a bed, work wench, furnace, 2 large boxes for stuff . .
from the outside it was a nice looking little thing too!
Cobblestone foundation, wood and sand walls, glass windows, a little fence, some trees, flowers and cacti . . the works!
i worked on that for several hours.
i went from that to a small little 5x5x4 completely cobblestone hole in the ground in a matter of 5 seconds due to 3 creepers deciding to all blow up right there -.-
Feb 28 2011, 09:09 PM
Shouldn't it be possible to build defensive structures around a home to ward off creepers and the occasional runaway lava flow?
Or just build the home such that these things can't get to it? I see a lot of "floating" structures in the videos on YouTube.
Feb 28 2011, 09:38 PM
yeah, sure, but first: i wanted to make it look really nice and homely . . and second, where's the fun in that? <.<
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