If you want the player to have buy-in with you on the restricted use of chemistry, have a discussion with him on your concerns that its use may unbalance the game for the other players. Ask him what he thinks is a reasonable amount of "extra" income earned between runs and come to a set Nuyen amount that you both can handle (and yes, ask him
first if you really want his buy-in).
Once the reasonable amount is set, suggest that he use the normal rules for buying/brewing/selling his goods and map out the time spent for your benefit (have him do the heavy lifting). If he generates more income than the amount you set, he can expect to attract the attention of rivals (both street & corporate) that may burn down his shop, steal his stuff, sell him out to the cops, etc.
Lastly, let him know this is new ground so it may need some modification going forward. But try not to over-react if the first Nuyen amount you both came to was off. If the character is making too much NuYen for a couple games in a row, it won't kill your game right away. After a bit, come back and ask him if he feels it is still balanced. After thinking through his response, you can suggest an alternate amount (or a completely new tactic) that will bring your game to "balance".
... at least that's what I would try if I was in a good mood.

P.S. consider modifying the base 30% selling price down to 24% using the "Item Counterfeit" modifier since he is making these on his own. After a while you can reduce it to 21% from "market flooded". And lastly, make sure you are taking some off the top both when buying raw materials & selling the goods if he is going through a contact (I believe the standard is 5% of the base cost per point of connection and even a bottom level street fixer has to have a connection of 3+).