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QUOTE (Udoshi @ Nov 1 2010, 08:26 PM) *
I'm pretty sure you can get Codivore with Intuitive Hacking, actually.

How does being able to use the Medic program without having the Medic program the same as eating the code out of a defeated enemy in order to heal yourself?
QUOTE (Neraph @ Nov 1 2010, 06:29 PM) *
How does being able to use the Medic program without having the Medic program the same as eating the code out of a defeated enemy in order to heal yourself?

Because Codivoring someone is an AI Rating x2(opponents pilot or system, 1 initiative pass) Extended test. And you can choose THAT as your action with intuitive hacking.

You don't choose the medic action as your intuitive hack. You choose the codivore action. Read Intuitive Hacking again - it lets you pick a specific Matrix Action, and make that action without using a program or complex form. But it lets you perform that action, needing a program isn't a prerequisite for the action chosen.

I've been toying with the idea of an AR-hacker using Intuitive Hacking (emulate) to use drainless, non-resonance threading. I'd call him the hollywood hacker, he just asspaces programs from nowhere. I'm not sure how good he'd be at it, only rolling Software, though.
Woah... Doesn't that let people take Technomancer Echoes without Submerging or even being Technomancers?

EDIT: Or heck, Sprite Powers?
QUOTE (Neraph @ Nov 1 2010, 06:38 PM) *
Woah... Doesn't that let people take Technomancer Echoes without Submerging or even being Technomancers?

EDIT: Or heck, Sprite Powers?



I hadn't thought about that. I'd thought about getting a non-tm to intuitively compile a sprite, and while you can do it, you don't have any other benefit of being a TM, like resonance, a drain stat, or even a list of sprites you can compile, and you can't default on the skill, so it doesn't work like that.

I think that depends -entirely- on the Action in question. Hold on. I'm going to break out unwired and see what's abusable.

I think the matrix just got a lot more fun biggrin.gif

QUOTE (unwired37, Intuitive Hacking)
a character with this quality is highly intuitive about a single aspect of the matrix. the character may perform one specific type of matrix action without a program or complex form. The specific Matrix action is chosen when the quality is taken. for example, a hacker with Intuitive Hacking (detect hidden node) may perform that action in the Matrix without a Scan program, adding only the Electronic Warfare skill to the dice pool. This quality may be taken more than once, each time with a different matrix action.

So the key is, it has to be an ACTION. It can't just be a thing you do, it has to be a listed action, and for me that means a dice roll associated with it, which severely limits what you can do with it.

Sprite Powers:
Probability Distribution and Traceroute is in.
Info Sortilege is potentially in, but may need two selections of IH to actually use, because there's two seperate rolls involved.
Gremlins is in, but twice the 'sprites' rating is still zero, because you're not a sprite.
Diagnostics may or may not be in - Teamwork tests don't necessarily have to use the sprites rating (which would be 0)
Cookie is in.
Hardening, the emergent critter power in RW "counts as using a complex action, similiar to going on full defense", so thats usable 2. (same wording as Paladin Sprites, too. Its copy-pasted)
Resonant Conditioning works, but you roll Resonance for it. Still! a nice trick to have up the sleeve for a technomancer. Ditto Spraying.
Tunnel, however, is a clear winner. ( holy shit this is insanely good as long as you have a high Hacking dice pool)

AI Powers
Codivore, Emulate, Spawn are all available. I already used them to create the theoretical Viral AI build a while ago.

Lets see what else you all can come up with!
You're welcome. I'm personally thinking of emulating skillwires, although you couldn't actually run them. Maybe making Widgets, but I think you need the actual Echo to actually use them. There's also threading Complex Forms, although arguably you could only thread a single CF, not all of them.

But Info Sorilege (or whatever) and E-Sensing (I think) can easily be used, and would be really good.
QUOTE (Neraph @ Nov 1 2010, 07:14 PM) *
You're welcome. I'm personally thinking of emulating skillwires, although you couldn't actually run them. Maybe making Widgets, but I think you need the actual Echo to actually use them. There's also threading Complex Forms, although arguably you could only thread a single CF, not all of them.

But Info Sorilege (or whatever) and E-Sensing (I think) can easily be used, and would be really good.

Forgot to check Running wyld, man. Look up biggrin.gif

The thing to keep in mind is that Intuitive Hacking doesn't change your dice pool. In a lot of cases, this means you won't roll any dice because you don't have Resonance or a Sprite Rating.
Oh yeah, all the stupid protosapient AI things.


EDIT: HAH! I'm getting a kick out of the idea of a hacker who Munges things in the nodes of places they hit to cause more damage. hehehehehe.
QUOTE (Neraph @ Nov 1 2010, 07:19 PM) *
EDIT: HAH! I'm getting a kick out of the idea of a hacker who Munges things in the nodes of places they hit to cause more damage. hehehehehe.

Oh man, thats hilarious. Nice find.

... you know, a Munging hacker could then take Animator, and make armies of codezombies as he snacks. I'm kind of reminded of the plot of Tron 2.0.
"You serve your master user! THORNE!"

.Does this mean a regular hacker could AI Realign, if they really, really wanted to?
I seriously hope you guys are joking. Compiling sprites, using AI powers without resonance? Do you guys seriously want the phone-book-sized rule books that would be necessary to plug all the "holes" your no-common-sense readings produce?
Oh, I doubt anyone takes this as legal. It's a hilarious "the rules technically allow for it" kind of thing. Like the D&D character who ran faster than the speed of light. Which was, sadly, errata'd to not function (it was due to strange wording on a spell that allowed you to end its duration early for a +5 foot movement rate increase per round of remaining duration....with a duration of seven days due to some duration-extension feats/spells).
Still, it's nice to see Intuitive Hacking actually become "useful".
QUOTE (Draco18s @ Nov 1 2010, 09:09 PM) *
Oh, I doubt anyone takes this as legal. It's a hilarious "the rules technically allow for it" kind of thing. Like the D&D character who ran faster than the speed of light. Which was, sadly, errata'd to not function (it was due to strange wording on a spell that allowed you to end its duration early for a +5 foot movement rate increase per round of remaining duration....with a duration of seven days due to some duration-extension feats/spells).

Or the Peasant Railgun. Well. more like the peasant railway

What he said. Its just funny.
QUOTE (Udoshi @ Nov 2 2010, 04:45 PM) *
Or the Peasant Railgun.

The peasant railgun is what happens when normal physics gets applied to things the rules do (moving an object from one place to another) rather than the rules gone strange (a guy running 4,000,000 feet in a single round).
Although, the lack of physics technically resolves the Peasant Railgun all by itself: nowhere to the rules say anything about throwing an object faster than the normal throw speed. smile.gif The PR really just moves something from one end to the other faster: as Udoshi said, a railway, not a railgun.
Demonseed Elite
QUOTE (Angelone @ Oct 24 2010, 04:35 PM) *
Which is part of what I was talking about earlier. Why was Dues mixed up with something like the crash worm. Sure he might not have known but Pax sure as hell had something to do with it so I find it hard to believe. I also don't think Winternight had the juice to pull it off.

Deus was not mixed up with the Jormungand worm. That was Pax's creation and by the time of System Failure, Pax was an independent agent, broken away from Deus' Whites. Deus' use for the Whites had diminished greatly by the time of System Failure and it mentions he only had a handful of devout followers left.

If anyone had a desire to bring Deus back in their game, it's not difficult. Canon does not talk about the eventual fate of Deus' Network nodes. System Failure says that on October 31st, 2064, nearly all of the Nodes sink into a coma when Deus' compiling completes, with the exception of the Whites and Ronin's independent Nodes. That's the last thing Shadowrun ever says about them. Canon never says what their fate has been since or whether they still carry a copy of Deus' code in their brains. Who knows, there could be over a thousand people out there somewhere with the pieces of an AI in their heads.
I find the fate of Mirage's nodes far more interesting...since Mirage was running in their heads, they certainly were affected by the in the whole mixture of three more or less fragmented AIs, resonance, dissonace, Jormungand, an UV host, EMP, 5 gazillion personas...

Sounds like a recipe for just about everything one can imagine. Inclunding Horizon, which is my personal conspiracy theory grinbig.gif
I actually brought him and Morgan back in my games just did the reverse of the eghost theory and made them tehcnomancers lol. At this point im not sure what im gonna do with them but ive been having fun scare them hell out of my players giving hints thats the big bad deuce is back =) I think I even threw in Wintermute from the Neuromancer novels in there too for some extra fun =p.
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