Mar 9 2004, 06:04 PM
Been looking through the R3 book at mechanical arms. It tells you all about what they can do and what they cost etc etc, but I can't find a maximum number - does anyone know?
I know Deus' body 2 spiders have between 4 and 8 arm/leg combo thingys, which would indicate up to body x 4, but does anyone have a quote? Trying to build something fiendish...
Mar 9 2004, 06:05 PM
Well, there is a slight difference between articulated arms and the locomotion appendages for a walker. I would say no more than 4 'arms' and no more than 8 'legs'
Mar 9 2004, 06:13 PM
the Spider 'legs' are all also capable of articulate manipulation - each leg has tools on the end. They're a bit of both and also state of the art so you can forgive a bit of flanging. But it states quite clearly that Deus' constructs are not new technology, they just make hiterto unthought of use of existing technology. That's why I included them. Even if you discount them (and as definately a 'special' case, that seems appropriate), there's still no max limit that I can find. If its confirmed that there is no limit, I'll mail Fanpro. I'd say body x 2 as a good guide (resulting in a max of 4 from a body 2 vehicle as you suggested Nikoli).
Mar 9 2004, 06:16 PM
Doesn't Fanpro have an email you can shoot questions like that to to get that stuff cleared up and possibly in the errata?
Mar 9 2004, 06:22 PM
That's what I'm going to do if no-one can find me a quote. I've looked, but I could easily have missed it!
Herald of Verjigorm
Mar 9 2004, 06:24 PM
As long as the vehicle can support the costs (load, CF, whatever), you should be able to cram more arms on it.
Mar 9 2004, 06:28 PM
I agree with HofV.
why not a crawler with 10 arms(to clean the sewers, yeah the sewers....
), as long as it has the room for the parts, there shouldn't be a problem with it.
excep tmaybe for balanceing articulated arms holding guns, in which case treat each arm like a firm point.
-Mike R.
Mar 9 2004, 06:29 PM
That'll do nicely. I'd not thought of that aspect of it. 2Cf per arm and Strx10 load reduction will limit them pretty effectively relative to a vehicle's size. Nice one, thanks!
Mar 9 2004, 07:20 PM
Billion-armed nanodrones!
Mar 9 2004, 07:38 PM
Speaking of fun things to try and find caps on, did anyone ever look at the articulated arms in Cyberpirates and wonder if they could make Dr. Octopus? I got voted down because they are for subs and do some wicked damage, but I'm still looking for some way to have more than two arms.
Mar 9 2004, 07:45 PM
Rigg a human shaped walker drone with a couple mechanical arms...not sure how much load and cargo they have, but it might work...also, in man and machine they have the articulated arm, and doesn't it say something about accepting cyber arm mods? that would include a hand right? not quite dr. octopus, but it's more than two...
Mar 11 2004, 04:28 PM
I can imagine that someone with four cyberarms would have to get them as Deltaware...
Mar 11 2004, 04:35 PM
I once tried to build power armor or a mech by using a rigged anthroform drone with a single person crew compartment, and when I was done, there wasn't enough room for a pair of arms, and I couldn't figure out from the rules whether the anthroform came with a pair of arms or not, so I gave up.
Okay, I lie, I managed to get it working somehow, but it had some hideous limitation that I can't recall at the moment.
And if you took away the crew compartment, there's more than enough room, of course.
Mar 11 2004, 05:41 PM
those Art arms in MM are weapons mounts

fun with guns

and you can also get them retractable, which I think would look pretty wizzer.
John Campbell
Mar 11 2004, 09:14 PM
QUOTE (fctarbox3 @ Mar 11 2004, 11:35 AM) |
I once tried to build power armor or a mech by using a rigged anthroform drone with a single person crew compartment, and when I was done, there wasn't enough room for a pair of arms, and I couldn't figure out from the rules whether the anthroform came with a pair of arms or not, so I gave up. |
The anthroform frames do come with a pair of mechanical arms already installed. The walker frames don't.
And it's quite possible to do effective powered armor that way. I've done it, posted the designs here before.
And as far as I know, there's nothing preventing you from stuffing in all the mechanical arms that your chassis's load and CF ratings allow for.
Large Mike
Mar 11 2004, 09:57 PM
Man, why don't more people get themselves extra arms. That would r0x0r.
Mar 11 2004, 10:49 PM
Because it's disconcerning to see a guy with more than two arms. Just like Hatchetman.
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