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Full Version: New Spell Concept: Vorpal Sword
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She hates you. She hates you all!
QUOTE (Bombastic 451 @ Nov 10 2010, 08:56 PM) *
First of all, I don't like it being compared to a light-saber, even though I imagined it as a glowing semi-transparent blade. The idea is that this blade is nothing more than an extension of the casters aura. A constant stream of manna flowing out of him and only molded it the shape of a sword. The moment the caster releases or ceases to sustain it, the sword dissipates. One good blow to the back of his head could cause enough loss of focus that the spell is dropped. Secondly, this is my third version of this spell, and I've entertained many other concepts on how to restrict its power. One was to make it a metamagic, but I didn't think it seemed like a metamagic. Another idea was to make its duration instant, take the net hits away from the DV and say the spell lasts for (net hits) combat turns until it must be recasted, but again this seemed to far from RAW. I'm also very tempted to make this spell "caster only", or take up that Improved Reflexes suggestion.

To be honest, that sounds like a special visual and touch-mechanic effect for a basic touch range damaging combat spell to me. Take something like "death touch" and give it the bonus effect that the mage effectively gains +1 reach when using it, describe it with some cool visual effects, and there yah go.

That way you have no new balance issues because every time you hit with it, its a new spellcasting roll & drain resistance test. Might even not change the drain compared to death touch; spell gains some extra drain for the reach, but looses some drain for having the obvious visual effect (which alerts the target), so call it a wash. Keeps it consistent with other spells. (Reach isn't much of a bonus in SR4.)
Of course, this does mean the spell can't affect non living targets (assuming it is mana based combat spell- a physical spell could hurt them just fine, but won't work in astal space). Again, that just makes it consistent with other spells...
Bombastic 451
QUOTE (tagz @ Nov 10 2010, 06:55 PM) *
Nope, you nailed it. A more complex bullet has a higher OR so would require more hits on say, SnS, then it would on regular ammo. But the fun thing is that the spell only reduces ITNW's power, it doesn't change armor ratings or AP, so even though the spell is harder to cast on SnS it would retain it's halving AP quality.

Oh, and it should read "Net hits" not hits in the spellcasting description. Working off memory I forgot all about OR until you brought it up.

OK. I'm not giving up on Vorpal, but I would like to try this spell in a future mission. Pete, you've been warned.
Bombastic 451
QUOTE (Mongoose @ Nov 10 2010, 07:30 PM) *
To be honest, that sounds like a special visual and touch-mechanic effect for a basic touch range damaging combat spell to me. Take something like "death touch" and give it the bonus effect that the mage effectively gains +1 reach when using it, describe it with some cool visual effects, and there yah go.

That way you have no new balance issues because every time you hit with it, its a new spellcasting roll & drain resistance test. Might even not change the drain compared to death touch; spell gains some extra drain for the reach, but looses some drain for having the obvious visual effect (which alerts the target), so call it a wash. Keeps it consistent with other spells. (Reach isn't much of a bonus in SR4.)
Of course, this does mean the spell can't affect non living targets (assuming it is mana based combat spell- a physical spell could hurt them just fine, but won't work in astal space). Again, that just makes it consistent with other spells...

That's something to consider. I'll need to think it over though. I'm not sure if it would completely, work. My impression is that your saying the caster must first resist drain for forming the sword. Then again every time he makes an attack. Could help with balance, but sounds like a new mechanic, that concern would still remain. If I was going to make it a combat spell, I would have it as a Physical, Indirect. This spell is not intended for astral combat. As the spell is, a free spirit could pop onto the astral and avoid a potential attack, pop back in out of reach of the caster, then hit him with a ranged spell.
My bad again, checked my notebook. It WAS hits and not net hits over the threshold. Net hits would make the spell far too ineffective as a common bullet would still have an OR of 2.

Besides having the OR outright effect the spell besides whether or not it even takes place is a break from typical mechanics IIRC.
QUOTE (tagz @ Nov 10 2010, 09:32 PM) *
My bad again, checked my notebook. It WAS hits and not net hits over the threshold. Net hits would make the spell far too ineffective as a common bullet would still have an OR of 2.

Besides having the OR outright effect the spell besides whether or not it even takes place is a break from typical mechanics IIRC.
[shameless_display name='self-interest']
This just gets better and better. frown.gif At least keep the OR!
Bombastic 451
QUOTE (pbangarth @ Nov 10 2010, 09:45 PM) *
This just gets better and better. frown.gif At least keep the OR!

I'll consider it. On the other hand, maybe I'll just make it up to you by allowing free spirits with a guarding spirit history to take the Mystic Armour adept power at same cost when you create your next character. wink.gif
QUOTE (Bombastic 451 @ Nov 10 2010, 10:24 PM) *
I'll consider it. On the other hand, maybe I'll just make it up to you by allowing free spirits history with the a guarding spirits to take the Mystic Armour adept power at same cost when you create your next character. wink.gif
Oh yeah? Oh yeah? Bring it on, big guy! I can take anything you can dish out! I can ....

... oh, shit ...
To be honest, that sounds like a special visual and touch-mechanic effect for a basic touch range damaging combat spell to me. Take something like "death touch" and give it the bonus effect that the mage effectively gains +1 reach when using it, describe it with some cool visual effects, and there yah go.

That way you have no new balance issues because every time you hit with it, its a new spellcasting roll & drain resistance test. Might even not change the drain compared to death touch; spell gains some extra drain for the reach, but looses some drain for having the obvious visual effect (which alerts the target), so call it a wash. Keeps it consistent with other spells. (Reach isn't much of a bonus in SR4.)
Of course, this does mean the spell can't affect non living targets (assuming it is mana based combat spell- a physical spell could hurt them just fine, but won't work in astal space). Again, that just makes it consistent with other spells...

Awesome suggestion. Note that reach would give you (effectively) a one die bonus, while a touch spell gives a 2 die bonus on hitting at all.

You could easily have a few spells like this: stun or real damage, mana or physical, elemental auras. With the special effect idea all that would happen is that the vorpal blade would change its looks, become ghostly, fade in and out of reality, or sparkle ominously as you change what you are doing with it

It also means that it is fully consistent with the rest of the spell casting system, which while it has problems, isn't bad
Bombastic 451
QUOTE (Seth @ Nov 11 2010, 02:06 AM) *
With the special effect idea all that would happen is that the vorpal blade would change its looks, become ghostly, fade in and out of reality, or sparkle ominously as you change what you are doing with it.

Not a bad thought. Kind of cool actually.

QUOTE (Seth @ Nov 11 2010, 02:06 AM) *
It also means that it is fully consistent with the rest of the spell casting system, which while it has problems, isn't bad

Sometimes, not always mind you, but sometimes, it's good to run against the grain. Why be a conformist? wink.gif
Seriously, a simple retexture of the Elemental Aura spell makes vastly more sense. I mean, first off, it's already an established spell. Secondly, it makes more sense that this blade that is extended from yourself out of pure mana feels like a natural extention of yourself - hence the Unarmed Skill.
Well, it would feel decidedly unnatural if my arm suddenly grew a 3 foot long pointy bit after punching for years with the working end being my fist.
QUOTE (Neraph @ Nov 11 2010, 06:54 PM) *
Seriously, a simple retexture of the Elemental Aura spell makes vastly more sense. I mean, first off, it's already an established spell. Secondly, it makes more sense that this blade that is extended from yourself out of pure mana feels like a natural extention of yourself - hence the Unarmed Skill.

What does Elemental Aura and unarmed skill have to do with each other?
Max, using the Elemental Aura spell without a weapon (or using the spell itself like a weapon) would use the Unarmed Combat skill.
I don't know, if the spell creates a vaguely sword shaped cone of energy then it makes much more sense to me that it would use sword skill or maybe clubs, but definedly not unarmed.
I think you're getting confused with actual mechanics and visible display. I can have my armor spell look like a shimmery set of full plate from A Knight's Tale but that doesn't mean it gives me more than 2 armor if that's how many successes I get.
[Element] Aura is a generic and adaptable spell that affects melee combat no matter what form it takes. if the combatant is using a weapon, his weapon is enhanced. If not, his fists are.
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