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Full Version: What is Alliance Corporation?
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In the food fight adventure in the quickstart rules the elf that is the target of the attack is the mistress of a VP of Alliance Corporation. My PCs managed to convince they could help her, and now plan on using her blackmail potential on Alliance to get her sanctuary with another corp and hopefully get themselves paid a bit. The problem is I have very little idea who Alliance corp is, what they sell, or who they're competing with or owned by. I could just create my own backstory, but I would like to be as true to the setting as possible. any help?
Alliance Corporation does not ring a bell. Correct me if I´m wrong, but I assume this is a story hook to be fleshed out by the GM.

Alliance Corp could be a part of a larger Corporation. See any corp storyline you like? I´m sure you´ll get help developing the idea.
QUOTE (Ryu @ Feb 27 2011, 11:22 AM) *
Alliance Corporation does not ring a bell. Correct me if I´m wrong, but I assume this is a story hook to be fleshed out by the GM.

Alliance Corp could be a part of a larger Corporation. See any corp storyline you like? I´m sure you´ll get help developing the idea.

Oh, I can think of a few, my party already hates Aztech, so they'd like to do battle with them, Mostly this thread was to make sure that I wasn't the only one who didn't know who these guys were. It is very much a story hook for GMs, I just wanted to know if Alliance was mentioned anywhere else or if I could create it from whole cloth. I'll post again when I've got more of a plot outlined.
QUOTE (ggodo @ Feb 27 2011, 03:29 PM) * party already hates Aztech...

There's a group out there that likes them?
QUOTE (CanRay @ Feb 27 2011, 02:59 PM) *
There's a group out there that likes them?

Well Aztech likes Aztech... I think wacko.gif
Clockwork likes them.
Because they pay hard cold cash.
QUOTE (CanRay @ Feb 27 2011, 01:59 PM) *
There's a group out there that likes them?

I know my runners hated them even though I only gave them minimal background on all the corps.
QUOTE (Vegetaman @ Feb 27 2011, 03:42 PM) *
I know my runners hated them even though I only gave them minimal background on all the corps.

My players hate them because their name is a horrendous pun, and the elf wishes he'd thought of it first. That and he's a Dragonslayer Shaman. Aztech's too schemey and untrustworthy.
This is going back a bit, but wasn't Alliance one of the co-ops growing food in farmtown Snohomish?
Alliance Co-Op Foods?

Eh, have fun:)

QUOTE (Tiralee @ Feb 27 2011, 06:04 PM) *
This is going back a bit, but wasn't Alliance one of the co-ops growing food in farmtown Snohomish?
Alliance Co-Op Foods?

Eh, have fun:)


hmm. . . that seems a bit too rural for my team to run into at a Stuffer Shack. Still could be good.
The closest match (according to Nath's 2065 Corporate Index ) would be Allianz Versicherungsverbund AG, an insurance company owned by the Frankfurter Bankverein (the bank that's trying to mess with Lofwyr), but I doubt it exists outside Europe.

A corps with that name could really be anything. I'd almost rather make it a subsidiary of a corp the runners have a little respect for, which usually means Horizon or EVO
QUOTE (TheOOB @ Feb 28 2011, 04:12 AM) *
I'd almost rather make it a subsidiary of a corp the runners have a little respect for, which usually means Horizon or EVO

Wait... 'Runners have respect for any of the Corps?
QUOTE (CanRay @ Feb 28 2011, 12:35 PM) *
Wait... 'Runners have respect for any of the Corps?

Well, if I was a gunbunny I would respect Ares for their high-quality weapons...
OK, I can understand that one.
My friend's Jaguar shapechanger works for them. But I don't think that is quite the same thing as respect.
No, that's being their B****. Well, it would be, if said Shapechanger was a Wolf instead of a Jaguar. nyahnyah.gif
QUOTE (CanRay @ Feb 28 2011, 06:06 PM) *
No, that's being their B****. Well, it would be, if said Shapechanger was a Wolf instead of a Jaguar. nyahnyah.gif

He's their purring kitty and lolcat pet!
Oh man, I'd rather be a B****.
Maybe "Distrust less" would have been a more appropriate way of saying it nyahnyah.gif
If you trust the Megas at all, you're not being paranoid enough.
QUOTE (CanRay @ Feb 28 2011, 09:35 AM) *
Wait... 'Runners have respect for any of the Corps?

Money is power, chummer.

Also, fear is respect... In a twisted way...

QUOTE (Brazilian_Shinobi @ Feb 28 2011, 10:07 AM) *
Well, if I was a gunbunny I would respect Ares for their high-quality weapons...

I have to admit, Ares was always my favorite corp OOC for mostly that reason -- and usually my street sams were ambivalent to them for that reason. When playing, it seems like my GMs let Ares give us all the good "safe" runs (just like how all the screw your ass over ones seemed to be for Renraku).

QUOTE (CanRay @ Feb 28 2011, 09:31 PM) *
If you trust the Megas at all, you're not being paranoid enough.

Especially if you're working for Aztechnology or Renraku... How anybody could trust EITHER of those corps is beyond the pale.
QUOTE (Vegetaman @ Mar 1 2011, 12:17 AM) *
Money is power, chummer.

Also, fear is respect... In a twisted way...

"...when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women." - Tony Montana
MK Ultra
I would go with Allianz/FBA. Unfortunately, I overlooked the paragraph when I recently used the scenario, and already rolled up NeoNET as Brandeen´s/Cody´s employer. Also a nice story, cuz Cody is a researchmage in the good old Chevillard Research Center now (Brandeen worked in financing and noticed his black funds (though she does not know that he has permission to use these as a Johnson for black ops ;-P)).
QUOTE (MK Ultra @ Mar 1 2011, 09:41 AM) *
I would go with Allianz/FBA. Unfortunately, I overlooked the paragraph when I recently used the scenario, and already rolled up NeoNET as Brandeen´s/Cody´s employer. Also a nice story, cuz Cody is a researchmage in the good old Chevillard Research Center now (Brandeen worked in financing and noticed his black funds (though she does not know that he has permission to use these as a Johnson for black ops ;-P)).

Actually, running against Allianz would be a great setup for future runs involving S-K. One of my potential future plots is gonna involve the Dragon a bit, even if the players may not see his claws. Running against the bank trying to take him down would be a great way to get noticed.
It could be interesting to play on the mistake between "Alliance" and "Allianz". The players could be persuaded that she works for a small business called Alliance and be surprised when they get in trouble with a big German bank.
QUOTE (Blade @ Mar 2 2011, 01:45 AM) *
It could be interesting to play on the mistake between "Alliance" and "Allianz". The players could be persuaded that she works for a small business called Alliance and be surprised when they get in trouble with a big German bank.

That'd be good too, my search remains for more bank fluff. I should've really asked what book he found that info from. the corp incex is pretty awesome though.
I'd almost rather make it a subsidiary of a corp the runners have a little respect for, which usually means Horizon or EVO

Why should anyone respect Hoprizon? At least in my games, Horizon product always comes with spyware viruses on them and can get very annoying very fast by being totally obnoxious. Most of my PC rather work for Aztech than Horizon. But admittedly I don't paint them as the GOOD GUYS so vehemently as CGTL does, what with Scientology being a subsidiary of theirs.

I thought Scientology was full of Bugs.
No, that's the UB. Even bugs have limits.
More like even the bugs don't want to be brainwashed. *Disgusted Look* There's an office of Scientology right near my FLGS...

I'm surprised a bunch of bored nerds hasn't done anything to it yet...
Yeah, sucks how much free rein they have in America (and Canada too apparently). I suppose a bug'd freak out about the sessions and 50s tech mumbojumbo part, and possible psyker powers.


A psyker with a war-oriented paragorn who appears to him as John Travolta from that horrible SciFi flick ... with the extra long nose hair ... how's that for a character concept?
QUOTE (hermit @ Mar 2 2011, 02:42 PM) *
A psyker with a war-oriented paragorn who appears to him as John Travolta from that horrible SciFi flick ... with the extra long nose hair ... how's that for a character concept?

I would burn the character sheet while doing a Pagan Dance around it. Skyclad.

And I'm not even a Pagan, so I'd be doing it badly, too!
That alone would be worth rolling the character up. biggrin.gif
I'm an out of shape, pot-bellied, pasty white computer nerd.

You do NOT want to see me skyclad.

And then there's my dancing to take into consideration.
You do NOT want to see me skyclad.

I went to the Baltic Sea beaches a lot as a kid. Nothing I'd not have seen before, trust me. Skinny dipping really is overrated.
QUOTE (hermit @ Mar 2 2011, 11:52 AM) *
I went to the Baltic Sea beaches a lot as a kid. Nothing I'd not have seen before, trust me. Skinny dipping really is overrated.

It's all about the company you do it in.
It's practically the norm in East Germany. Seriously. Especially among those old enough to actually have experienced the country.
See, I've never been anywhere where it was legal, per se, which limited the people who were involved.
QUOTE (hermit @ Mar 3 2011, 12:29 AM) *
It's practically the norm in East Germany. Seriously. Especially among those old enough to actually have experienced the country.

Yeah. The on time I went swimming in Germany as a kid, a year or two after the wall came down, really had me thinking.
MK Ultra
I think you people mixed up the topics. Anecdotes about the nude baltic sea bathers actually belongs to this thread:
Actually, I believe, this thread fits much better.
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