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QUOTE (ggodo @ Mar 9 2011, 11:37 PM) *
speaking as a native of what will be the Tir, I'd love to see more about it. Any tips for finding info on a more street level of what life in the Tir is like? Every bit I've found is Princely politics, but there's little about the average SINner or SINless would be up to.

The old Tir Tairngire book only has one chapter dedicated to politics, all the rest is day-to-day life in an Elven Fascist wonderland. Some of the material there may (or may not) be out of date in 2073, though, because of what may (or may not) have changed in everyday living from the coup. I know that in my head, lifestyles don't change that fast even following legislation (it's not like the real-life Civil Rights Act magically ended racism, right?), so much of the material is still on-target.

And, just as an aside, I'm actually kind of with you, there. I dig the Immortal Elves as much as the next guy (I guess), but it was always the "street level view" of such a fucked-up society that I found appealing. The genuine beliefs of the everyday Peace Force member, how being raised/indoctrinated in a culture like that affects people when they find themselves outside of that culture, yadda yadda yadda. I like the Tir more than I liked the Princes.
Hmm. . . . I'm going to need to pick that up sometime. I wonder if any of my local shops have it.
QUOTE (ravensmuse @ Mar 8 2011, 08:22 PM) *
I'm actually ignoring the re-negotiating of Denver (and all of the current crap coming out of CGL) and having my group help Ghostwalker establish himself. They're having a pretty good time of it.

Same reasoning, opposite direction. I had my team chasing their mark across downtown Denver in the middle of a war by the treaty nations to displace Ghostwalker.
QUOTE (ggodo @ Mar 10 2011, 02:57 PM) *
Hmm. . . . I'm going to need to pick that up sometime. I wonder if any of my local shops have it.

Amazon's got 'em starting at about $7, looks like. That's not too bad, for one of the Findley books from back in '93.
QUOTE (Grinder @ Mar 10 2011, 12:04 AM) *
Great news! love.gif You may admit by now that you only got into freelancing to work on all the TT-related stuff. grinbig.gif

Ironically, I'm not actually doin' any Tir stuff, myself. I'm exchanging lots of emails with the guys who are, there's a bunch of brainstorming going on...but I've managed to busy myself with other stuff, so far. Adepts, Ancients, espionage; there's plenty of Shadowrun to go around. cyber.gif
Kyoto Kid
QUOTE (Wesley Street @ Mar 10 2011, 07:49 AM) *
Don't forget Surfin' Bird by the Garbage Men.

...close, actually, it was The Trashmen.

...Papa Ooh Mow Mow*

*also, the sound effect for the "Snowball 99 Gun" in Chaykin's American Flagg
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