QUOTE (NeoJudas @ Mar 30 2013, 12:45 AM)
When the entire Russian Army can fall prey to Russian Winters. Weather Magic is not GGD level magic at all. Also recall there is a lightning-spewing dracoform running around the mountains in the eastern steppes harrassing jets as well (Target:SH?).
You know, this bit I've never gotten. Modern-day jets are all-weather machines. They might not be able to fly through a full-blown tornado, but a storm matters little to them. Minding that Feuerschwinge was downed by a couple of jet wings, how are dracoforms a threat to outnumbering jets?
As for the entire army falling prey to weather - seriously, with 2070s transport aviation?
QUOTE (NeoJudas @ Mar 30 2013, 12:45 AM)
I'm not questioning the (meta)human to Paranormal numbers. What I'm saying is technological means are crap and have proven to be crap (until Blue 229 perhaps) when confronted with Weather Magics. I'm also pointing out that with the possible exception of Magadan, the Yakut seemed to have no real interest in the coastal regions for at least 100 or more kilometers (which is near standard ranges for the heavier embardments from naval cannon of a non-missile nature). Missiles (cruise and otherwise) also travel a lot less speeds which gives the Yakut forces more time to respond.
I believe most SR cruise missiles are hypersonic, but yeah, sure. Still, what do they have against those missiles raining down upon each of their town and villages? I've devised a spell covering from satellite surveillance, but any cruise missile with decent Pilot should be able to find the target metahuman buildings even in a rather large area protected from overhead observation.
QUOTE (NeoJudas @ Mar 30 2013, 12:45 AM)
The earlier SR manifestations have spoken of smugglers using the Mammoth's as pull animals. Okay... I used to laugh, until I realized something the size of an Indian Elephant had movement power and could work in teams
Yeah, mammoth stats are in Running Wild for 4E; I believe I've included write-ups for those. Still, a mammoth is not exactly a tank or even a heavy IFV in what comes to armouring and weaponry.
QUOTE (NeoJudas @ Mar 30 2013, 12:45 AM)
and wouldn't sink into the muck the way Russian Tanks and Half-Tracks would (forget wheeled vehicles). Hovercraft (where possible), VT Craft and VSTOL aircraft were certainly the only way to rapidly deploy forces at any distance.
Not all of Siberia is swamps, and the dry parts are traversable by wheeled vehicles. Still, judging by the fact that tracked vehicles are used in RL Siberia, including the swampy areas of the forests and the tundra, I kinda doubt the tanks are all that doomed. (Actually, there's even a Russian saying "Tanks are not afraid of dirt", meaning that the problems encountered are insignificant next to the effort put).
QUOTE (NeoJudas @ Mar 30 2013, 12:45 AM)
And that is the one thing that part of the world is in no short supply of. Distances.
Yes, but even now a VDV division can be deployed anywhere in Siberia in half a dozen hours, with armour, artillery and all the good jazz. Distances don't matter all that much with planes, hydrofoil ships and LAVs.
QUOTE (NeoJudas @ Mar 30 2013, 12:45 AM)
If one decent Yakutian magician (spirit of not) with a "Destroy Firearms" or "Destroy Heavy Weapons" or "Destroy Ammunition" spell and the game goes completely the other way. Unless surprise was somehow obtained, the Yakutians would win every time due to stupid shit like high frequency engine noises, engine exhaust, petro-chem fuels ... or just (meta)human stench. And since spiritual concealment power(s) and guard do not work against the vehicles with the same flexibility that they do living (para)critters, the russian mages were simply stretched to cover things too far.
How is counterspelling not an option against the usual area-effect spells (also, I presume you were using Demolish [Object] and Sludge [Object] spells from Street Magic?) Besides, getting to an established military based equipped with sensor suites and spirit guardians can be a rather dangerous endeavour, so I wouldn't could on the Yakut cutting it without losses.
QUOTE (NeoJudas @ Mar 30 2013, 12:45 AM)
I also could find little information on the (in)famous Russian "Cities not on a Map". I could track down maybe 6 of them (out of a rumored 22 or so), but none of them were larger than 50K inhabitants at the height of the cold war. And as of 2010, there were perhaps 3 remaining and they were all deeply inside what is solid Soviet/Russian territory along the Arctic Coast.
Those were all opened under the DRA government in SR timeline. Also, their population numbers were always included in the census data (at least judging by the Soviet precedent).
QUOTE (NeoJudas @ Mar 30 2013, 12:45 AM)
I also noticed that the city of Yakutsk was so friggin far away from literally everything, that the highways and railways (none of which would qualify for an american interstate btw) were so readily cut off that it brought back historical flashbacks to the WWII invasion by Germany and how the Russians just closed the doors, gated the city, and waited them out getting only the occasional air drop of supplies from allied forces.
I'd say that Russia doesn't have too many roads that'd qualify as interstate highways even between the major cities, if only thanks to the climate.
As for the cutting of the roads - well, that's absolutely not how the Eastern Front battles went. An exemplary operation with a solid concentrated force locked in a city, encircled and supplied by aviation was the Catastrophe of the Sixth Army in Stalingrad, and it cost both Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe very dearly.
QUOTE (NeoJudas @ Mar 30 2013, 12:45 AM)
Guerilla Warfare is what the Yakutians/AS would likely go for, sure. But I'm sure that every so often things would get very "Wild". Having literally a super-pack of 100+ wolves (shapers and otherwise) accompanied by eagles, hawks, thunderbirds and lesser rocs being backed up by the bears and tigers ... mixed thoroughly with perhaps 100+ (meta)humans allies ... yeah, even a large soviet regiment is screwed.
The thing is, what do they have against tanks, heavy artillery and aircraft support? A single heavy howitzer salvo wipes any known position clear; so they still have to count on stealth, surprise strikes and going into hiding again. All the while, with drones, sats, spirits and astral space mages all providing recon info getting into fighting range covertly does not appear to be banal.