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We are not going to the thorshot area.
We're going to the island across the bay to take out the Azzie stronghold.
QUOTE (sabs @ Oct 3 2011, 10:55 AM) *
We are not going to the thorshot area.
We're going to the island across the bay to take out the Azzie stronghold.

Why are you taking out the Azzie Stronghold? Shouldn't humanity be working together nyahnyah.gif

Also, is this tied into Earth Dawn? I smell horrors about...
Azzies are dirty Horror Friends.
Ah I see.

Well, I have another question for you Sabs. I was looking at your character sheet and I noticed that your mental attributes are a much better than your physical attributes. Is this sheet for your actual meat body or the character in the simulation? I am confused because if you are a rigger then you kind of need physical attributes to jump into stuff. If you are controlling remotely you don't use your logic attributes. Is there something I am missing because I really want to be a heavy, but I don't really know how to make this kind of character with the rules set...
Riggers don't use physical attributes jumped in. They use Response, for pretty much everything.

Attack: Sensor+gunnery
Melee defense: response+melee skill
Infiltration: response+infil
Maneuvering: response+vehicle skill
perception: sensor+perception

jumping/running/etc are response+vehicle skill (in this case Pilot:Anthroform)

Oh, very well then. I have never really looked long and hard at the rigger rules, I was mainly worried about the sensor problem with drones. Sensor is used to attack and if we are going up against horrors I want my attack dice darnnit! But the example you listed as your walker seems pretty decent. I think I will rip that off from you if you don't mind nyahnyah.gif

Question: What kind of Damage bonuses would I get for having ram plates on my mech's fists???
Name: Jennifer Cadelrosa
Race: Human
Concept: Mech Pilot
Body 3
Agility 3
Reaction 3
Strength 2
Charisma 2
Intuition 5
Logic 5
Willpower 5
Edge 4

Blades 5 (7) (Mecha)
Eletronic Warfare 4
Gunnery 6 (Mecha)
Hardware 2
Perception 3
Pilot Anthroform (Mecha) 5 (7)
Pilot Groundcraft 5
Dodge: 4
Leadership: 3
Infiltration 2

English: 4
Spanish : N
French: 4

Knowledge Skills:
Military: 5
Drone Specs: 4
Vehicle Modifications: 3
Search and Destroy Procedures : 4
Racing: 3
Vehicles: 5

Biocompatability: Cyberware
Thrill Seeker
Phobia (Swimming)
SINner (Standard)

IP: 1/5 7/17

Contacts: Back Story coming up
Raul Torres 2/3: Drone Mechanic/coreman

Corporal Dirk Robinson "Cheese" 2/3 Supply Center officer:

Quali: 2/3. Ghoul Street Doc

Attention Co-Processor 3
Control Rig
Orientation Syatem
Simsense Booster
Nanohive R4
Encephalon R1

Cerebral Booster 2

Control Rig Booster R3
Learning Stimulus R2
O-Cells R2
Recall Amplifiers 2

Hermes Ikon Upgraded to 6/6, Customized Interface, Biometrick Lock, Hardening 6, Optimization (Command), SimSense Accelerator, Responce Enhancer (R5)
System 6
Firewall 6
Armor 4
Attack 4
Biofeedback Filter 7 (Ergonomic)
Sniffer 5
Analyze 5 (Ergonomic)
Browse 5
Command 6 (Ergonomic)
Edit 5
Encrypt 5 (Ergonomic)
Reality Filter 6
Scan 5

BAE Titan Super Heavy Mecha [H 3, Ac 3/14, Sp 54, P 4, B 10, A 20, S 6]
Walker, 2x Full Mechanical Arm [Str Boost [4]], Rigger Adaption & Cocoon, Life Support [1], Response [5], Signal [5], Weapon Mount [External, Flexible, Remote], Weapon Mount [External Reinforced, Flexible, Remote] Vehicle Sensor Package [Camera [6] +Smartlink +Lowlight +Thermo +Magnification +Vision Enhance [3] (front), Camera [6] +Lowlight (rear), Laser Range Finder (front), Motion Sensor (front), Radio Signal Scanner [6], UWB Radar [4], Radar [6]] *Indicates Overmod

Shoulder Mount GE Vigilant Light Autocannon [8P, AP –5 / -7*, FA, RC 13, belt]
+700 AV Assault Cannon Rnds
Shoulder Mount ArmTech MGL-18 [10P (-2/m), AP -2 , BF, 18©]
+Smartlink + Air Burst Link
+200 HE Grenades

GE Vindicator Minigun [7P, AP –2, FA, RC 14, belt]
+2000 EX Rnds
+5000 Regular Rounds
Mec Sword [11P, AP-2, R 4]
Well, they do say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery smile.gif
Hey sabs: Since your command program is probably better than your sensors, and by using remote controlled you are not susceptible to stun, why not use your command rating for everything? p247 SR4a is the relevant table.

Is there actually any benefit in jumping in at all: I understand the minuses, but where is the win?

the control rig booster, mostly. That and the coolness of it. Also, all actions are complex actions, when doing remote control via the command.

Command+optimization, is probably better usually, except for driving tests.
For Driving tests:
response+pilotskill+vr+control rig+control rig booster.

Honestly, Command is probably way too good.

Basically, using jumped in, I get +5 dice (2 for the control rig, 3 for control booster) that I would not get using Command.
OK thanks. I think the "not a complex action" is good all by itself. I knew about the +2 from control rig, but I hadn't seen the control booster before.

I think I need to make me a rigger soon!
The +2 from control rig is for all actions
The Control Rig Booster, only works for vehicle tests.
(But when jumped into a Mecha, that covers a lot, and I would argue with Aria pretty hard that it should work with things like Dodge, and possibly melee defense)

Yes, it'll work with dodge and melee defense - you'll need it ork.gif

Sabs, just a slight oops with your IC post...what makes you think your bullets bounce? and what makes you think it'll ignore you? devil.gif

Comments in Red:
QUOTE (Seth @ Oct 3 2011, 04:31 PM) *
Wow that is a nice piece feature. I've only been using this site a year and I didn't know about it.

Just checking my understanding of our status:
  • We are in a simulation of the end of days YES
  • We saw some impressive strike in the middle of Seattle: Probably a thor shot rather than a nuke NOPE, THOR SHOTS AND NUKE!
  • We fought some Shedim possessed bodies, and saw a shadowy figure that may have been a super-shedim KINDA. I THINK THE SHEDIM 'CALLED OUT' BUT I DON'T THINK YOU'VE SEEN THE MASTER YET...
  • We have talked to some refuges, and chatted with the crazed cultists who are dancers from the end of time KRAZZZY smile.gif Feral muttered something about them not supposed to be here and damn Aria for meddling...

What we don't know
  • I'm not sure where we are headed for now: I guess we are headed to wards where the thor shot's landed to see what is there AS SABS SAID, YOU ARE GOING TO AN AZZIE LAUNCH FACILITY ON FOX ISLAND. I'M SURE THE BRIEF IS IN POST 1 - SOME HOMEWORK FOR MR SETH smile.gif
  • I don't think we have an idea of what the threat is WEIRD SHIT?
  • Usual infantry position: kept in the dark and fed bullshit! ...

Is there any other information that is important to be aware of?

If I can clarify anything else I'll be happy to help biggrin.gif
Thanks Aria: that was very helpful.

Do you want me to astral scout ahead? Personally I think that's a good idea. What's the worst that could happen? don't bother answering that question...
Yes, Astral Scout is good smile.gif

Aria? How do you want me to edit my post wink.gif
QUOTE (sabs @ Oct 3 2011, 09:02 PM) *
Yes, Astral Scout is good smile.gif

Aria? How do you want me to edit my post wink.gif

Astral scout is good?!?

I'll let you be as graphic as you like but essentially your bullets spew ichor where they hit the mass...and you get the feeling that you are then watched. Nothing comes to eat you...yet ork.gif

@Friendbot: That's one big bastard mecha!!! Size of a car standing up...just so you are clear, sneaking will be a bit of an issue...but then you have BIG guns! After rereading the rigging rules Sabs was right (as usual) and gunnery covers anything fired from a vehicle/mecha so there's no need to take heavy weapons too unless you want to fire them when you get out...

@Everyone: feel free to post IC once you have the bones of a character sorted, you can polish them as we go. I'll try and pull my finger out and get you moving towards the docks

When you all get a chance can you let me know what your edge and leadership scores are so that I can work out how many 'events' you have access to? Thanks
So can I drop those points i put into heavy weapons back into something useful smile.gif you big meanie.

Will I need gunnery for melee combat? I would think that it would be different...Regardless, is there some sort of stealth field I can install in my mecha? Like Chameleon coating? Also, can I install extra armor on it? Once I get that all sorted I will post in character.
Armor 20 is max.
BTw, with the rules the way they are?

20 armor + cocoon + your FFFBA, you're looking at 46 armor if someone tries to shoot you directly.
Melee plus response for hand to hand

Sabs, feel free to spend those points elsewhere

Camo cloak is possible for the mecha but you'd need to loose something else as it's one mod slot and you are already over modded to the max as I recall...
What's really funny is that in that mecha, I have something like 12 dice of infiltration wink.gif
Gash has a leadership score of 4 (defaulting) plus an edge of 3.
Alright, I modified my sheet to fit my needs. Making that in character post as soon as I read the IC thread smile.gif

Leadership 3 + Charisma 2

Edge 4
Leadership: Charisma (3) + Leadership (3) + specialty(infantry)(2) (8)
Edge: 4
I will hopefully have a build of Trismegistus (might change the name, or just go by "Tris") soon. I keep running out of BP. All of the beginning gear (read phat l00ts) is making my head spin, and I'm trying to find a way to fit a Force 4 power focus in the equation along with the stealth milspec suit (and the stats to wear it).

Just out of curiosity, can I just buy a new focus and have it *pop* into existence because of the virtual world or do I have to go the enchantment route and make it?
*pop* works in this game...
Just curious, but how should I enter the game? Do I just *pop* too?
OK scouting fox island.

Assensing rolls: 5 successes. Legundo gets 2

If you want more rolls just roll them: 12 die assensing for Gash, 12 for Legundo (I short changed him in the above roll).

Edit: I already edited this, but lost it, so I suppose it arrived in some other game frown.gif

I'd like to *pop* a force 5 maintaining health foci as well, and use it maintain a force 5 intuition spell
I am going to be part of a faceless troop of soldiers that was sent to escort a supply convoy. We got attacked by...something and the soldiers under my command started firing at each other and turning on one another. I tangoed with some kind of creature and drove it off, but it slaughtered and consumed my entire troop. I mean literally consumed them. There is no trace of them all that is left is a smoking wreckage of a convoy. I gathered up as much ammunition that I could hold in my supply compartments and got the heck out of there. Then I ran into you guys and boy do I have some stories to tell...I am a corporal by the way. I have created my back story and I am about to post it smile.gif

At this point I have no contact with command and I am just fighting for my life. It will be good to see friendlies...
Jax's Brief Backstory

Jax has been in the simulation for a while now, so long that she has almost forgotten that it IS a simulation. So far she hasn't died, but she hadn't faced a horror until now. In the meat world she was an ex-UCAS Tank Specialist that left the military after ten years of service. She is the best at what she does and she does it because she thinks its fun, but the experience of losing everyone under her command in the simulation to the horror has tempered that fiery spirit a bit. She feels lost and frightened. What is this simulation for? Why was she chosen? Everything that seemed so clear to her before is now murky.
@All: Sticks is a Master Sergeant now...guess that needs to be updated on his sheet smile.gif He's got all the responsibilities and none of the perks of being an horficer biggrin.gif
QUOTE (Aria @ Oct 4 2011, 09:31 PM) *
@All: Sticks is a Master Sergeant now...guess that needs to be updated on his sheet smile.gif He's got all the responsibilities and none of the perks of being an horficer biggrin.gif

I 8z you.. 8z!

My precious Mecha! My Precious.
I guess you will be called boss man from now on Sticks nyahnyah.gif

In fact I think that Jax will call you boss man instead of sir nyahnyah.gif
Calling a Master Sergeant Sir is asking to get your ass kicked smile.gif
QUOTE (sabs @ Oct 4 2011, 06:16 PM) *
Calling a Master Sergeant Sir is asking to get your ass kicked smile.gif

I am from a Navy family, I am familiar with Navy jargon from my dad and his buddies, but the Army kind of eludes me here. Any time you want to give me pointers on what I should say I would be all for it. I love to pick up new jargon to use in my games smile.gif

Just to be clear, Master Sergeant is a rank above Corporal right? I figured you would take the lead here, though I warn you, Jax is pretty head strong nyahnyah.gif
Master Sergeant is an E8

It's effectively the equivalent of a Chief Petty, or a Master Chief in the Navy.

It's 4 ranks above Corporal.
QUOTE (Friendbot2000 @ Oct 4 2011, 06:20 PM) *
I am from a Navy family, I am familiar with Navy jargon from my dad and his buddies, but the Army kind of eludes me here. Any time you want to give me pointers on what I should say I would be all for it. I love to pick up new jargon to use in my games smile.gif

Just to be clear, Master Sergeant is a rank above Corporal right? I figured you would take the lead here, though I warn you, Jax is pretty head strong nyahnyah.gif

A quick once-over of army ranks is available here:

I'm not much of an Army man myself, but I DO know you don't call an NCO "sir." To throw a monkey wrench in the whole process, my dear sweet Priscilla has seen many winters, so she'll expect to be addressed as "ma'am." biggrin.gif

Charisma 2, Leadership 1 +Tactics specialization. Cheesy? Maybe. But I've got a good excuse coming. Ol' Prissy earned her keep by hammering her fellow trogs into a fire team with real street presence. Now that they're dead and the Vorys have her number, she's hoping to disappear into this black ops business.

I've got most of the stats hammered out. Still need to buy contacts and knowledges, as usual, but I doubt the rest is going to change much. What might change is where she's coming from. The meat-world sheet is coming soon to a theater near you.

Now that I think about it, how does one stat up "contacts" in the UV node? It would seem like the only people we know are the subjects we get inserted with and maybe one or two of the techs that plug us in. If the system's willing to *pop* gear into our hands, and civilization has fallen, who are we gonna call for help?
Ooo Jax and Priscilla are not going to get along too well if that is the case. Jax has both the Braggart AND Thrillseeker qualities. The only reason she is so solemn in my first post is because she had to kill her friends because they were being controlled by a horror. Just about the only time she listens to a commanding officer is when she is put in her place regularly. Basic training was a bitch for Jax nyahnyah.gif

She will listen to you if she respects you, but being as skilled as she is in heavy vehicle piloting, she gets kind of heady. So yeah, you and she might clash until you guys see some real action and have each others backs. Even then she will probably rib your character just to tease her nyahnyah.gif
Calling Master Sergeant Sticks, calling Master Sergeant Sticks. You have a phone call on Line 1 nyahnyah.gif
Zaranthan and everyone else: don't worry too much about contacts except as flavour - everyone's dead! The simulation can to a certain extent create you gear but this is modelled by the fact that it is available in the convoy that's with you. Anything really unusual might need to be justified...
DO I need to hack Jax's mecha? or does it respond to my authorization codes?

computer(3)+analyze(5)+CI(1)+PuSHeD(1)=10d6 4 5 4 1 5 5 1 5 2 6 (5) hits
Okay, here is Trismegistus. I'm still in the process of figuring out what gear to buy, but if we have a *pop* system for reasonable gear then maybe I can just buy them in-game. nyahnyah.gif

If anyone has any suggestions or can point out some errors, please feel free. There are so many rules in Shadowrun, and I always get confused. x_x I have 15 karma left to either initiate, pick up 3 more spells, or save for later. I'm also trying to figure out how to spend the rest of my free knowledge BPs. Anyone know of any spells/skills/languages/knowledge groups I should take to help the group?

Also, Aria, I really like the downside of the Artificer Mentor Spirit where if you find something new/or a difficult problem you have to resist a Will+Cha(3) roll to keep from studying it (you won't put people or yourself in danger, but you'll take the next opportunity to study it in detail). I was hoping to do something like that with the compulsive(mild) negative quality, where it's a composure roll instead. Is that cool?

Robert Curwen AKA Trismegistus: A hermetic mage seduced by the powers of Anima, his mentor spirit

Basic pitch: Robert volunteered for the UV node project as a test of mental strength. No one else has survived to date, and Anima's driving philosophy is that true power must be taken and not found or merely received. If he survived, then it proved his mental superiority. If he died, then he was weak and did not deserve to live. He got transported in-node as a digital copy of himself, but is starting to have trouble figuring out what is real and what is simulation---including Anima's guidance which may or may not be darker than it was out of the node. He serves as a combat mage and backup medic. He'll trade blows with the darkness, and he'll get you patched up (or at least up and running).

Anima's Personality: She's good to those worthy of her, and wicked to those who aren't. Her personality has rubbed off on Robert, making him far more confrontational than he should be. She plays the part of the obstacle or goal, like Tiamat to Marduk or conversely Coatlicue to Huitzilopochtli. She must be terrible so that we might take her gifts, but that doesn't mean she can't help out a little bit in the meantime...

[ Spoiler ]
Judging by the fact that you retrieved my logs you probably have logs of what my convoy faced. Jax is highly frightened, which is the reason she isn't exactly being careful...Why don't we say you actually retrieved recorded trid footage of the attack from the drones imaging sensor? That should make for some interesting dialogue smile.gif
More spells!
  • You need an AOE spell: when the zombie shedim horde come visiting you want to be zapping loads of them. Stun ball, Mob mind... all good
  • A clairsentience spell would allow you to scout without going astral
  • A physical damage spell is good for dealing with doors / barriers etc. I really like shatter: low drain and you can break anything
  • Increase willpower/logic would increase your good logic skills and your drain resistance allowing you to gamble with more powerful spirits / spells
  • Magic fingers helps you place that grenade in just the right place

  • Don't bother with fire arms, go straight for heavy weapons or automatics. Firearms 1 makes you poor in all guns. Heavy weapons 3 makes you quite a bit better in the weapons that you want to use (if you go for weapons at all)
  • I'd go spell casting 6, Counterspell a bit, and ignore ritual magic (maybe get 1 point just because). You want spell casting to be good: it's what you are going to be rolling for many many things
  • Similarly I'd go high summoning instead of conjuring. Banish isn't very good, and I doubt if we are going to get time to bind any spirits.
  • You are a logic tradition. One of the best things of the logic traditions is that they can get first aid easily: and first aid deals with drain... So I'd pick up at least a point, and get a specialisation in "first aiding drain damage".

  • I'd spend a tiny bit more and get a rating 4 maintenance instead of 3. That lets you run around with 4 IPs instead of 3, and in this game it doesn't require restricted gear.
Seth, my fellow min-maxer I was just about to say the same thing until I read your post XD
Awesome, thanks for the feedback everyone. smile.gif Time to do some rebuilding...
Well I guess I need to sneak closer.

You said the first IC post described where we are going Aria, but I just reread it again, and I am little wiser as to our mission. I understand that we are emulating the end of days, and anyway Gash is used to not really not knowing what is going on,

I'm having a look around the facility, unless I see some magical threats stopping me. I did a few assensing rolls, just so that you can have a feeling for what I might see:


Do you want a chance to respond to Jax's sit rep w/ the information Aria gave you or should I just post saying I joined up with the troop? I am ready to get this mecha into battle >:)
Give me a chance to respond, though It might not be till monday smile.gif I'll be honest.
Crazy 3 days ahead of me.
QUOTE (Seth @ Oct 6 2011, 09:12 PM) *
Well I guess I need to sneak closer.

You said the first IC post described where we are going Aria, but I just reread it again, and I am little wiser as to our mission. I understand that we are emulating the end of days, and anyway Gash is used to not really not knowing what is going on,

I'm having a look around the facility, unless I see some magical threats stopping me. I did a few assensing rolls, just so that you can have a feeling for what I might see:

There's also the mission briefing in the first OoC thread...

I did say there are a large number of watchers flitting about didn't I? Want to make some infiltration rolls? smile.gif
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