I am looking for players to go to the remains of the Stillwater Community on the borders of Redmond. The year is 2072-73 but once there you will be entering into a UV node simulator that will take you to the edges of the future – and a dark dark place it is! The node will plunge you into a Realer than Real apocalyptic setting where you will need to fight to survive – to aid you in this you will have access to milspec gear and SOTA (circa 2070) technologies. Unlike RAW the node is capable of representing real life to a surprising level and even magic and the astral have been successfully modelled. What’s more the tech exists so that no matter who you are going in (from hardened shadowrunner to corp secretary) you can become more or less anyone inside the node...(This is a derivation of the simsense skillsofts except they can be higher than 4 and can also replicate magical skills – although they only work inside the node.) The game world encompasses the greater Seattle Metroplex area and parts of the surrounding countryside, circa 2105.
Mission Briefing
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“Welcome to Stillwater...you can call me Sandman. Thank you for agreeing to join us to beta test the capabilities of our simulator program, it’ll be a wild ride! I will give you a chance to meet each other shortly but I can tell you now that you represent a broad mix of people, from community members to military and security personnel, shadowrunners, students and even a couple of former wage slaves...
You might ask why we are bothering with all of this...although none of us can see the future we’re pretty certain that history will repeat itself and that at some point there will be a new VITAS outbreak or something similar to the insect spirits in Chicago. As we are more or less self-sufficient again here at Stillwater we would represent a tempting target and we want to be prepared... we believe that the best method of training is to live through it.
The mission parameters are simple... You will be playing the parts of future denizens of the Stillwater group in a time shortly after the world has gone to devil ratshit in a big way. Our society only has a precarious grip on civilisation and you will get to see a world where it has been largely stripped away in favour of survival. The scenario is a war game exercise to push the capabilities of the program and assess it for levels or realism. The previous defensive scenarios have been a success but we want to see what happens when we project force out into the game world to achieve an objective.
At the moment that objective is to seize an Aztech satellite launch facility on Fox Island in the Sound. They will be clinging on to their little fiefdom on the island so you can expect technological and magical resistance. There is a single road link as well as the possibility of a risky aerial assault or an aquatic insertion, or all three... Your starting point will be here at Stillwater in any case.
The operational directives will largely be determined by yourselves and we can supply you with a broad range of virtual equipment. Not only that but you don’t have to go into the simulator as yourself... our spiders can do a bit of virtual magic to equip you with entirely new skill sets...so, you’re a desk jockey who always wanted to be a samurai or a master mage? Here’s your chance!
You will be a small strike force tasked with seizing the objective and neutralising key defences so that a larger force can move in and occupy it briefly.
Now although this is a virtual simulator the SIM levels are running hot and I should warn you there is an element of risk...but then that’s why we are paying you well for your assistance, and there haven’t been any fatalities so far...
Are there any questions? If you would like to follow Desire she will take you downstairs to the node room...
...ok, for those of you who are left let me make this clear...we need to make this work! All our scenarios to date have failed and we have upped the ante yet again in a bid to succeed on this mission. This isn’t about testing the program, it’s about being prepared for and surviving what’s to come! We hope that your mixed expertise along with the equipment and skills we will make available to you will be enough.”
House Rules & Character Gen
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UV Node
- Some aspects of your character will be constant, for example mental stats and edge. You can, however, respend the remaining BPs at any time by leaving the game world temporarily to respec. As noted in the briefing this allows a samurai to take the mage quality, spells and so on...(see Character Gen below for more details). Note: I haven’t play tested this but I thought it might be fun to experiment with it...
- You will use ‘real world’ skills as per UV nodes in Unwired. Skilled hackers / TMs may be able to some degree cheat the UV reality by rolling a logic+software vs the system rating of the node (very high!) any net hits allow you to mimic a skill you don’t have. The UV reality will constantly try to reassert itself so this skill will last for a number of rounds equal to the hits generated.
TMs and AIs with their intuitive grasp of the code can use tweak their perception of the node to allow them to act faster (at a price), they can gain +1IP for a round (on top of any other IP bonuses to max +4IP) and then resist Physical drain equal to twice the number of Initiative Passes they had that Combat Turn (resist drain with Willpower + Edge). Hackers can’t as they don’t have access to their real world programs or response cyber etc. (Note I haven’t had a chance to playtest this either so it may get reworked if it seems over powered or abused) - The Simsense reading of your brain means that magic & astral space does exist in the virtual environment. There will be no background count as this hasn’t been simulated (and makes my book keeping easier).
- Be warned, I intend this to be an gloriously and exceptionally lethal game and character death in Node should be expected. A Willpower+Edge test will be called for: A glitch will leave you with psychological scarring, a critical glitch will result in actual character death! Assuming survival you will be allowed to rejoin the game with the added bonus of having all edge refreshed and the chance to respend your BPs...otherwise you’ll be able to make an entirely new character
- All books are available. (Including WAR! Mil Spec Tech etc...) Will consider some non RAW stuff provided it has been given the Dumpshock test (ie ranted over in the forums) and I like the look of it...
Character Gen
Stage 1
- Choose a character name, alias, basic concept & background
Stage 2 (optional)
- Create a rules legal 400BP character for out of node. All characters start with 20 karma unless they have been previously played on DS pbp in which case they can keep up to 30 karma. All characters will receive Charisma x2 in contacts and an additional 30,000¥
Stage 3
- Determine your fixed in node stats, which represent your core personality (up to 200 of your 400BPs – you can ask for more and I will consider it!). These must include all mental stats, edge and mental qualities (positive and negative) and they won’t change for the course of the game. A personal preference is for characters that don’t seem to have been made just for a rules benefit so I would prefer no Surged characters unless it is for character rather than game purposes. Otherwise all race types are allowed provided you can justify what you are doing in Seattle and why you might be hired by Stillwater to test their simulator.
Stage 4
- Spend remaining BPs on race, physical skills, qualities, resources, magical or technomantic abilities etc. All characters must total 400BPs (+/- qualities) as normal with the following modifications: Resources can be bought up to availability 20 with no penalty, or higher if the Restricted Gear quality is taken. Ammo that costs less than 5¥ per round (eg regular, explosive, gel) is free (but please list how much you are carrying on your person)
- The karma and cash noted in stage 2 may be spent on initiation and anything else as usual
Stage 5
- BPs and karma can be respent during the course of the game in the event of ‘character death’ or if the character ‘logs out’ and returns as a different player. They will either appear with the reserve force and need to make their way forwards to join the group or as a suitable ‘neutral’ NPC with the attacking group (TBC).
Stage 6
- GM approval of your final build. This is a high powered game with access to some nifty virtual kit but I still want to avoid obvious munchkining!
Negative Qualities that have no bearing on the game will be frowned on unless you can justify them (eg. SINer, Day Job or Incompetent Origami).
BP Respend
- I will (slowly) create some packages based on the Runner’s toolkit and AH’s PACKS to help out with any BP respend. Take them and modify them to your heart’s content or come up with your own entirely. These will vary in complexity and BP costs and may or may not have skills, qualities and resources lumped into them. Please keep a record of your ‘old’ character when you respend as you may wish to resurrect them later. I think the majority of these will have milspec armour (I think you’ll need it!) – there’s a good DS thread with links to visuals for those that want them <<Here>>
Armour / Weapon Packages
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• Stealth Gear [50,000¥ / 10BPs]
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Assumptions: [Body x3 + Str] = 12 to wear without penalty
Softweave Light Milspec Armour [12/10]
+Ruthenium Polymer Coating
+Gecko Climbing Tips
+Thermal Damping [R:6]
+Mobility Upgrade [R:2]
+Internal Air Tank [R:1]
Helmet [+2/+2]
+Military Commlink [4/4] + Custom OS [4/6]
+Image link HUD + Smartlink
+Flare Compensation, Lowlight, Thermographic,
+Vision Enhancement [R:3]
Ingram Smartgun [7P, AP -5, BF/FA, RC 4(5), 40©]
+Gas vent 2 +Detachable Folding Stock
+Sound Suppressor
+High Powered Chambering
+Ruthenium Polymer Coating
+Electronic Firing + Trigger Removal
+Extended Clip
+120 Hi Power APDS Rnds
• Tactical Suit [70,000¥ / 19BPs]
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Assumptions: [Body x3 + Str] = 14 to wear without penalty. Requires Restricted Gear Quality for commlink (included in BP cost)
Softweave Light Milspec Armour [12/10]
+Nonconductivity [R:4]
+Fire Resistance [R:4]
+Internal Air Tank [R:1]
+Chemical Seal
+Smart Area Jammer [R:6]
+Satellite Uplink
Helmet [+2/+2]
+MCT Tactical Commlink [7/7]+ Custom OS [6/6]
+Slaved Commlink [4/4] + Custom OS [4/6]
+Image link HUD + Smartlink
+Flare Compensation
+Vision Enhancement [R:1]
+Vision Magnification
+Mage Sight Goggles
• Infantryman [50,000¥ / 10BPs]
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Assumptions: Body 5 to wear without penalty
Medium Milspec Armour [14/12]
+Mobility Upgrade [R:3]
+Wrist Gyromount
+Internal Air Tank [R:1]
+Chemical Seal
Helmet [+2/+2]
+Military Commlink [4/4] + Custom OS [4/6]
+Image link HUD + Smartlink
+Flare Compensation, Lowlight, Thermographic,
+Vision Enhancement [R:3]
Ingram White Knight [8P, AP -5, BF/FA, RC 8, 100 (belt)]
+High Powered Chambering
+Gas Vent 5
+300 High Power APDS rounds
• Fire Support Unit[60,000¥ / 12BPs]
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Assumptions: Body 5 to wear without penalty. 6 capacity remaining on suit
Heavy Milspec Armour [16/14]
+Mobility Upgrade [R:3]
+Strength Upgrade [R:3]
External Weapon Mount [Left Arm] + HK 229-X
+Internal Air Tank [R:1]
+Chemical Seal
Helmet [+2/+2]
+Military Commlink [4/4] + Custom OS [4/6]
+Image link HUD + Smartlink
+Flare Compensation
+Vision Enhancement [R:3]
+Vision Magnification
HK 229-X [7P, AP -1, SA/BF/FA, RC 3, 28©]
+High Powered Chambering
+Gas Vent 3
+50 Hi Power Rnds
Pather Assault Cannon XXL [10P, AP –5, SS, RC(1) 15 ©]
+30 Rnds
• Light Mecha [Modified Vehicle - 19BPs]
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Assumptions: All metahumans except Trolls. Form fitting / light armour only inside the mecha
Resources: [19BPs]
Artemis Warlock Light Mecha [H 2, Ac 11/22, Sp 54, P 4, B 6, A 12, S 6]
Walker [Hydraulic Jacks [6]], 2x Full Mechanical Arm [Str Boost [2], Snake Fingers], Rigger Adaption & Cocoon, Life Support [1], Response [5], Signal [5], Sat Uplink*, Turbocharger [1]*, 2x Mini Drone Rack*, Chameleon Coating*, Vehicle Sensor Package [Camera [6] +Smartlink +Lowlight +Thermo +Magnification +Vision Enhance [3] (front), Camera [6] +Lowlight (rear), Laser Range Finder (front), Motion Sensor (front), Radio Signal Scanner [6], UWB Radar [4], Radar [6]] *Indicates Overmod
2x TacNET Buddy II [MCT Fly-Spy +Camera [6] Low Light, Thermo, Vision Mag, Ultrasound +Radio Signal Scanner [6] +Motion Sensor [Senses: Sight, Hearing, Low Light, Thermo, Magnification, Ultrasound, Radio Signal Scanner, Motion]+ Chameleon Coating]
Vibrosword [8P, AP-2, R 2]
SA Nemesis LMG [6P, AP –5, BF/FA, RC 10, 50 ©]
+Smartlink, safe target system, gas vent 2
+300 APDS Rnds
Cost 95,000 / 19BPs
• Heavy Mecha [Modified Military Vehicle - 27BPs]
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Assumptions: All metahumans. Form fitting / light armour only inside the mecha
Resources: [27BPs]
Ares Juggernaut Heavy Mecha [H 3, Ac 6/11, Sp 30, P 4, B 8, A 16, S 6]
Walker [Hydraulic Jacks [6]], 2x Full Mechanical Arm [Str Boost [2] R Arm Cyber Spur [8P, AP -, R1], L Arm Weapon Mount], Rigger Adaption & Cocoon, Life Support [1], Response [5], Signal [5], 2x Weapon Mount [External, Flexible, Remote]* Body Stabiliser [1]* Vehicle Sensor Package [Camera [6] +Smartlink +Lowlight +Thermo +Magnification +Vision Enhance [3] (front), Camera [6] +Lowlight (rear), Laser Range Finder (front), Motion Sensor (front), Radio Signal Scanner [6], UWB Radar [4], Radar [6]] *Indicates Overmod
2x Shoulder Mount: Ballista Quad Missile Launcher [14P (-7/m), AP -2/-6*, SA, RC -, 4(m), Sensor 4]
+8x MKII Missiles +Microwave Designator
L Arm Mount: Ares MP Laser III [7P, AP -1/2, SA]
Cyber Spur [8P, AP -, R1]
Enfield AS-7 Autoshot [8P (7P / 6Se), AP -2 (-5/-7* / -1/2), SA/BF, RC 10, belt]
+100 EX Rnds +100 AV Rnds +100 SnS Rnds
Cost 135,000 / 27BPs
• Super Heavy Mecha [Modified Vehicle - 29BPs]
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Assumptions: All metahumans. Form fitting / light armour only inside the mecha
Resources: [29BPs]
BAE Titan Super Heavy Mecha [H 3, Ac 3/14, Sp 54, P 4, B 10, A 20, S 6]
Walker, 2x Full Mechanical Arm [Str Boost [4]], Rigger Adaption & Cocoon, Life Support [1], Response [5], Signal [5], Weapon Mount [External, Flexible, Remote], Weapon Mount [External Reinforced, Flexible, Remote] Vehicle Sensor Package [Camera [6] +Smartlink +Lowlight +Thermo +Magnification +Vision Enhance [3] (front), Camera [6] +Lowlight (rear), Laser Range Finder (front), Motion Sensor (front), Radio Signal Scanner [6], UWB Radar [4], Radar [6]] *Indicates Overmod
Shoulder Mount GE Vigilant Light Autocannon [8P, AP –5 / -7*, FA, RC 13, belt]
+100 AV Assault Cannon Rnds
Shoulder Mount ArmTech MGL-18 [10P (-2/m), AP -2 , BF, 18©]
+Smartlink + Air Burst Link
+40 HE Grenades
GE Vindicator Minigun [7P, AP –2, FA, RC 14, belt]
+250 EX Rnds
Mec Sword [11P, AP-2, R 4]
Cost 145,000 / 29BPs
Skills & Equipment Packages
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• Leadership Material [Someone with the tactical knowledge and leadership skills required to bring victory - 160BPs] <<UNDER CONSTRUCTION>>
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Qualities: [10BPs] Guts [+1D to resist fear/intimidation], Trustworthy [+1D to leadership]
Skills: [126BPs] Athletics Group [1], Pistols [5], Con [3], Etiquette [2], Leadership [5+1], Negotiation [3], Infiltration [1], Dodge [3], Perception [3+3]
Resources: [24BPs]
Ware: Attention Coprocessor III [0.3, 9000 ¥], Orientation System [0.2, 1250 ¥]
Essence: -0.5
• Master Gunner [Big guns and a bigger attitude! - xxBPs] <<UNDER CONSTRUCTION>>
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• Super Trooper [You are the mechanised one man army of the future! - xxBPs] <<UNDER CONSTRUCTION>>
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• Combat Mage [You have the spells to back up your words with a vengeance - xxBPs] <<UNDER CONSTRUCTION>>
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• Covert Ops [They will never see you coming! - xxBPs] <<UNDER CONSTRUCTION>>
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• Outrider [It’s all very well being in a tank...you prefer to be in a fast moving tank - xxBPs] <<UNDER CONSTRUCTION>>
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• Mecha Pilot [Why roll when you can stride?! - xxBPs] <<UNDER CONSTRUCTION>>
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• Puppet Master [Sometimes it’s better to be out of harm’s way and let your mechanised minions do the talking - xxBPs] <<UNDER CONSTRUCTION>>
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In Game Events
- To reflect the military nature of the game the group will have a number of points to spend on Events that will provide a tactical advantage at some point in the game or a ‘get out of jail free’ card (these don’t need to be predetermined). These represent the Stillwater reserves camped out on the shoreline waiting for the team to secure the objective.
- The number of points will be determined by the average edge of the group + the average leadership skill (+1 if someone has leadership 5 and/or a tactics specialisation and +2 if someone has leadership 6). Points can be used at any time in the game for an event and some cost more than others, depending on relative effectiveness.
1 Point Event
- Unguided Mortar Strike (thermal smoke or similar to create a distraction or cover)
- Guided Mortar Strike (get some use out of those laser designators to rain fire on the foe)
- Friendly Infantry Unit (to provide some brief covering fire)
- Drone Distraction (to set off alarms or draw fire)
- Emergency Evac (for when the shit has really hit the fan, a suitable extract vehicle will pick you up)
2 Point Event
- Armour or Helicopter Gunship Attack (Having a tank or chopper swing by at just the right moment…easier than using your man portable heavy weapons for a significant target)
- Air Strike (Love the smell of napalm in the morning!)
3 Point Event
- Artillery Strike (sustained fire to obliterate a hardened target!)
You will get one free Event which is your mission insertion. You can choose from the following list or request some other method I haven’t thought of. I would prefer you to all stick together so only one method please. It’s up to you whether you want to use stealth or shock and awe!
- Ground insertion via APC and then either on foot or with the APC driving to the door
- Waterborne insertion via mini sub or stealth boat
- Airborne insertion via VTOL or LAV
- HALO drop or stealth glider (You will have a free skill in its use with no rolls required)
- Within the node there will be matrix access to connect the mission back to Stillwater and for internal comms and to control drones / vehicles etc. Beyond that it starts to get confusing; the node will model the matrix within the matrix but only to a finite level. Given that it is an apocalyptic world you may or may not find pockets of wireless connectivity. I’m not trying to limit hackers as PCs, but my hacking knowledge is somewhat limited...
Hacking will be relevant for the target installation and for controlling drones & any mecha
Any questions or comments please let me know!