Despite an innate dislike of them I believe I have an apt analogy to add. Jeff is a bouncer who's very handy on the door but has no common sense. The manager duly instructs Jeff to take orders from him and only him. Anyone else making enquiries must be referred to the manager's office, even if it only concerns Jeff. One day a magician uses his Mask spell to trick Jeff into thinking he is the manager. Does Jeff obey the spellcaster? Of course, because he only has to think it's his boss, it doesn't have to actually be his boss. How could Jeff ignore the order without resisting the spell?
In conclusion of this fairly arbitrary comparison, subscriptions/connections are not ethereal cables stretched out between nodes to keep communications exclusive. The only thing stopping a slave's node from being commanded is that it has orders not to if the command is not 'signed off' by the master. A spoofed command sent directly to the slave is simply a normal command with a forged signature. If you happen to have learned the required signature in advance you need not worry about the master at all.