QUOTE (Aria @ Jun 9 2011, 09:05 AM)
Can you point me in the direction of this rule please? I always thought you could have a rated camera on a microdrone...otherwise the chance of them actually seeing anything interesting (not blindingly obvious) is unlikely!?!
You can have rated cameras on micro drones.
I think you are confusing a ton of similiarly worded lingo
MicroDRONE is not Micro Button Camera(explicitly counts as rating 1) or a sensor tag(explicitly holds a rating 1 sensor) but DOES have a 3 capacity Microdrone sensor array because it is a drone, which has no relation to a Micro or RFID sensor package (see table on 4a 334). If that helps.
QUOTE (James McMurray @ Jun 9 2011, 07:32 AM)
So, TJ says the camera comes with a mic. Udoshi says t doesn't. If it comes with the microphone the available slots can be used for audio OR visual mods.
Trideo cameras have sound recording capability. (SR4A p. 332)
Trideo cameras can be upgraded with visualenhancements (same page)
They can record sound, but their rudimentary microphones cannot be upgraded.
This is the right of things. Trid cameras have sound, but are not Microphones, and don't use the rules for them. Thank you for the clarification.
Regarding Smartguns: Accessories vs Mods is a completely fucked up ballgame of inconsistent rules.
The Core Book Smartgun(332) says it has a "small camera" and that it can be equipped with vision enhancements.
Problems: The rating of the camera is not given, so you don't know how many enhancements it may take, unless you assume its 3 because thats its device rating, or you replace it with a better camera.
Problem 2: the core book internal smartlink was written before arsenal's Mod rules, and under basic rules, may still get 'free' vision enhancements.
The Arsenal Smartgun mod(153) says: "This modification is the internal version of the smartgun system." Thats it, and gives an outdated page refernce to 4th edition. So, clearly, it works as it used to, but now takes up a mod slot.
Then there's the arsenal Camera Upgrade mod(smartguns only) that says "this modification upgrades the guncam with vision enhancement systems. It can be taken more than once, each time adding a new vision enhancement system."
Then there's Arsenal's poor guncam (33), which actually has no mention of taking vision enhancements, but I'm kind of ignoring that.
Two things to think about.
1) Since you can have both Accessories and Modifications, why would an Accessory be Better, or have different capabilities, than an Internal one.
2) In that case, why does the camera upgrade mod exist?
The reason for this inconsistency is actually Anniversary Edition: When smartlinks were written, cameras did not actually have ratings. If you check the master tables in the back of Arsenal, its still listed with its old stats.
Under the Old system, accessory limits/capacity did not exist. The only limit was availability and money.
Anniversary edition came along and introduced accessory limits to tone this down. (ultrasound was, in fact, changed -twice-, one in PDF 4a, and again in print, which confused the fuck out of dumpshock for a while. Ditto for Bows)
The rules for Smartlinks were never reconciled with this change. Thanks a million, catalyst.
That being said, the easiest way to incorporate all these rules into a single coherent thing is like this.
All Smartguns have a rating 3 camera, and can have the usual number of enhancements that allows.
if you want more, and have it as a Mod, the guncam upgrade takes over from there.
If you want to spend a ton of money and replace the camera with a new one, or just dodge the question of the cameras rating entirely, use arsenal's rules for changing a package (105)
Thats my advice at least.
Its kind of a broken system because catalyst never went back and gave ratings to all the things with built-in cameras so they could take advantage of the new accessory limitations.