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QUOTE (Sir_Psycho @ Jul 22 2011, 02:23 PM) *
Silk: Anything you want to clarify about the data OoC before you post. It might clash a little with your story, but there's a lot of lies, false fronts and cover-ups, ideally, in my Shadowrun. Deeper layers could totally change the opposition and the stakes.

Here’s what I’ve gleaned from your post (please correct me if I’ve got the wrong end of the stick on something obvious – otherwise I’ll stay in blissful ignorance nyahnyah.gif):

Tanegar probably shouldn’t read this…
[ Spoiler ]

I’ll take three complexes to run biofeedback filter, armour and my agent prog (yet another -1 response so if that agent turns on me I could be screwed! – hence the agent distratction!) That is unless I can load all of these with a single complex? Another simple to email the files. For all that the matrix is supposed to be the speed of thought it takes a long time to do anything!

Current response 2! I need a nexus or a clustered commlink nyahnyah.gif

I’ll take my life in my hands and run a deep analyse on Swordfish to find out what it has been told to burn

Hacking+Logic+Adept+PuSHED+HotSIM = 14D (Capped at 5) 6 hits nyahnyah.gif

I’ll also roll some stealth again just in case you need them (hope not) = 14D (Capped at 6)

3,5,5,3,6 hits
Mister Juan
QUOTE (Sir_Psycho @ Jul 22 2011, 10:33 AM) *
edit: Ah, I now see your avatar is from Cybertechnology. I agree about the full on cyber-zombie comment, but it's a great example of cyberpsychosis, there's a lot of other cool side-affects and fluff for ware in there. Do you have the book Mister Juan?

I think... maybe. Since I've moved recently, a lot of my "non essentials" are still stashed away in boxes. I'll check around this weekend.
QUOTE (Sir_Psycho @ Jul 22 2011, 10:33 AM) *
I think by rules they have negative modifiers by just touching that allergen. I like the idea of the stake or other melee weapon stopping the regeneration and/or powers of a vampire, but wood allergy seems a little strange, furniture particularly. What do you think about that, at least as a distinction. I also assume they don't regen from magical damage or maybe fire damage. It's not RAW but I would be comfortable with replacing it with a silver allergy, but that's up to you. I'll have a read of the HMHVV virus stuff.

Having read the entries on vampires and allergies, I have to say I share some of your reservations. A Severe allergy to wood (which causes damage just by touching the vampire), but only a Moderate allergy to sunlight (intense pain, -4 to all tests, but no damage) doesn't make a lot of sense. May I propose, instead, dropping the wood allergy, upgrading the sunlight allergy to Severe, and giving vampires a Moderate allergy to silver?
No pressure, I'm happy to be book light.and/or keep rule minimal to keep the game flowing, especially until the characters hook up. Any opinions on that being sooner, later? Has the pace picked up enough, you think?

+1 karma to Tanegar for the confidence to even consider levitating the elevator. Thunderbird style biggrin.gif .


The only thing that is contrary to my GM version of the story is Mother's death as I had assumed she was in the Stillwater UV node when she died – thus creating the eGhost Shrike…that's not to say that Shrike couldn't have come into being without Mother there so that's not a breaker by any means! I've set it up so that the UV node copies the consciousness of those who access it so perhaps Aria did some jiggery pokery to bring her friend back for her own purposes…?!? I'm going for the beginning stages of the Eclipse Phase type background with this one…ego casting etc…but it's meant to be the early stages of an imperfect tech

Unless I was half-unconscious when I wrote that, the autopsy observations suggest that she was plugged into some sort of DNI device, through a standard datacable, which caused death conducive to dump trauma. There was blood and wounds, but the character observing was focused on a particular detail. Sorry, I went over your PM's again and tried to keep names and dates vague. I would also like to state for the record I have never seen Swordfish, I just think it's a nice word.
I'll take three complexes to run biofeedback filter, armour and my agent prog (yet another -1 response so if that agent turns on me I could be screwed! – hence the agent distratction!) That is unless I can load all of these with a single complex? Another simple to email the files. For all that the matrix is supposed to be the speed of thought it takes a long time to do anything!
, well you're actually processing vast amounts of data, including the nodes high res architecture and icons while downloading and sending datapackets, anonymously. Pretty impressive, and there's always fun upgrades that can help, not to mention searching for pirated programs with optimize, or getting into coding and hacker cultures.

Current response 2! I need a nexus or a clustered commlink nyahnyah.gif

I'll take my life in my hands and run a deep analyse on Swordfish to find out what it has been told to burn

Hacking+Logic+Adept+PuSHED+HotSIM = 14D (Capped at 5) 6 hits nyahnyah.gif

Don't worry about the stealth, the IC buzzed you but didn't get the hits to notice you and went back to it's business. I'll accept hacking + logic for that action.

Resistance: 10d6.hits(5)=2 You've got the net hits. That's how many topics you can squeeze out of the Swordfish in a single action.
[ Spoiler ]

You can keep on running with the IC on this, revealing as much of this info as you like through that, although remember you don't recognise a lot of this stuff or the selective groupings of such words. If you have relevant knowledge skillls you can roll to bring in ooc knowledge about things like HMHVV, Tempo, Insects, etc.

Part of the idea is that when Merlin, Silk and Pope cross paths some-how, they can all offer unique insight on what may be going on and discuss what they want to do and what they need to do it. Hopefully it won't be as simple as that sounds, but we'll see.

Edit: Edit under the spoiler in red. Writing some stuff to drag and drop in the future, newscasts, rumours, that sort of thing.
Also, the mechanical fish should be huge, like a minisub, and while hanging for dear life against it's surging frame, there's the ever present submarine rotors and their booming sound underwater. You've peeled a panel open, (or whatever your icon is for your hacking program in this case, feel free), found purchase, and started sorting through the insides of the swordfish. I'll leave it up to you to describe whatever's inside it.
QUOTE (Tanegar @ Jul 22 2011, 12:30 PM) *
Having read the entries on vampires and allergies, I have to say I share some of your reservations. A Severe allergy to wood (which causes damage just by touching the vampire), but only a Moderate allergy to sunlight (intense pain, -4 to all tests, but no damage) doesn't make a lot of sense. May I propose, instead, dropping the wood allergy, upgrading the sunlight allergy to Severe, and giving vampires a Moderate allergy to silver?

Nice doing business with you. Your karma will be easily laundered through roleplaying...

edit: In practical news, I'm rolling assault rifle against transparent elevator wall. I'll have to look over those "punching holes" and "shooting through" barriers rules and such. The joys of GM. But hey, shooting. I've also started writing news articles when there's down time waiting for posts. Anything your respective characters would look for in their browser filters?
Ok, I've read the rules for destroying barriers. It seems a little weird to me that armoured glass is 8/9. I understand the high armour rating, but structural integrity? Although it seems with 2 DV per bullet, a full burst is a base DV of 20, so I'll leave as is.
William rolls twice, recoil and smartlinks don't apply.
13d6.hits(5)=6, 13d6.hits(5)=5
The glass rolls for it's life:
Not enough to stage 20 to 8. The assault rifle's burst shatters a man-height and double wide hole in the elevator.
Your elevator's roll. Stand back.
Staged to 19, similar story with your elevator. Big hole in the wall.

Your levitate test is up, i'll leave it to you to fly or die. You can also continue the IC. Gunfire, smashing glass, and using your levitate spell. Funnily enough, reading the rules for destroying barriers, it seems indirect combat spells halve the resisting dicepool on destroying barriers test.
Even without centering. It must have been a little nerve-wracking rolling those die, A twenty story drop on the first IC page would be disheartening. I'm not sure about stories in meters, but given a character apparently falls fifty meters a turn, you may not have had a chance to try again. I have a feeling levitate is going to have many amusing and helpful uses in this game.

The door he's directed you to open, you will find to be locked when you use the handle, it's a basic magnetic bolt-lock with a passcard reader. You have a clearance for this floor, and a mag card. If you wish to bust the door down/open with magic or maybe corvina, it's barrier and armour ratings are conducive with whatever SR4a lists the standard barrier rating for a door is.

If there's any IC knowledge you want about william, you can ask OoC. Things you would reasonably know, I'll provide. The character is pretty loose at the moment, he's stereotypically attractive, with a Teutonic bulk, square jaw, and a sandy blonde short-back-and sides, kept neat. In his professional every day workings, he is amiable, patient, confident and capable. One exception to this rule is Corvina. she was initially offended by his stand-offish manner towards her (and perhaps still is), but Arthur has tactfully explained William's service record fighting bug spirits and who knows what other horrors in his prior vocation. He has never exhibited the subtle nervousness you see now, even during other security alerts and Shadowruns on the facility.

As you've noticed, he dodges your direct questions, you can attempt to force him to explain specific things with charisma linked skills, if you like.
Damn it! Arthur does have Centering, I just keep forgetting about it. He should have been rolling twelve dice for those Drain tests. Oh well.

edit: SR4A doesn't say anything about targeting objects other than vehicles with the Accident power. If two hits isn't enough, I'll go back and edit my IC post.
I'm not totally clear what your centering skill is, though, remember, you only get those dice when performing whatever your pre-chosen centering action is.

I'm going to have to veto Accident for that use. The problem is, passcards, hackers, electricians, and even physical damage is an opposed test, so the use of accident strikes me as unfair and a dangerous precedent. It's more of a wild-card with random effects than an offensive ability.

Also, I just logged in to have a read and keep current on the thread after a night out, and I feel whiskey will impose a consistency modifier if I attempt an IC post.
Arthur's Centering technique is speaking in Latin. Would the lock on the staffroom door count as a "heavy material (6 armor)?" I have difficulty imagining that they'd put a security door ("reinforced material") on the staffroom.
Will try and get an IC up today!
Not sure how much more I can achieve in-node? Can you give me some idea how long it’s likely to be operational given it is being burnt down/rebooted/otherwise fragged? Silk would probably stay around longer than was safe trying to scrape up as much intel as she could but I don’t want to make you conjure up more real/false leads (not sure my brain can cope nyahnyah.gif) so I’m happy to run with my tail between my legs and start digesting what you’ve already given me...on the other hand if there are still gems to find in here then I’ll keep looking until the lights go out!

Mister Juan
And that's a big 1 hit on the Perception roll! Whoohoo!

I'll try to pick up the pace from now on.
Good to have you back.

Aria, it's about time for the IC and whatever else is in the node to take another crack at your stealth. I know it's supposed to be a threshold test with your program rating (well, I think so, anyway) but we can keep doing it opposed. I like the idea of you detecting being scoped for authenticication and quickly ramming together a wall of code that makes you appear to be an innocuous file or process.

Also, if you want more paydirt, I'll need another roll. Whether you want to analyze the icon underneath the parasol, keep trawling the IC's instructions for clues, or analyze the node itself to figure out what's exactly going down, your time frame.

Can't reply yet, but I'm digging the IC.
QUOTE (Tanegar @ Jul 24 2011, 02:37 PM) *
Arthur's Centering technique is speaking in Latin. Would the lock on the staffroom door count as a "heavy material (6 armor)?" I have difficulty imagining that they'd put a security door ("reinforced material") on the staffroom.

Just go with whatever a standard door is, it just has a maglock, that's all, the hinges are still just screws. the kitchen is not locked. William is using some sort of cord to attach the grenade to the fire stair door, as some sort of trap. He'll double back to the door, to defend the office and then fall back to the kitchen, with the staffroom as a killzone. The levitate bought you some time, so you don't hear the grenade explode until you're on your way down the chute. You could probably squeeze in a question about Bloodstar before going down, using whatever charisma test you think is appropriate.
Rolled another analyse to try and find a log of deleted files on the fish 14D = 2 hits (hope that's enough...)

I've already rolled a load of stealth but let me know if you want me to roll again?
Mister Juan
I just want to drop a quick word and say that I am having a blast reading the thread. I've actually reread everyone's post more than a few times wink.gif I feel like I've got this really great story unfolding in front of me, and I can't wait for the next chapter!

So yea, I just wanted to tell everyone part of this game thanks wink.gif
Post edited.
Relevant rolls
Arthur's Lightning Bolt spell inflicts 10P damage on the door (Force 5 + 5 hits)
Door rolls no hits on damage resistance
Arthur takes 1S Drain damage.
Cool. Sorry guys, to explain, my desktop doesn't connect to the internet, I had a virus problem a while back and I had to tear out some of the security itself to regain access to my own stuff. Since then, I haven't been able to plug back in, so I've been putting off re-installing my OS.

That said, I've been borrowing this laptop so I can lay it out and write posts and check my desktop's PDF's and inspirational picture folders. The last few days I haven't been able to get my hands on the laptop, at least not where I need it. Speaking of inspirational pictures, I've been following links on this web-page for hours, great SR/Eclipse phase inspiration, particularly SR magic, but there's some cool pictures of mechs and tech as well. eg. the whole site is full of gold if you've got time to click-walk.

The story shall continue tomorrow. I've got Dexter's post all lined out in my head, Silk will be a bit tricky (more plot seeds), and Tanegar is moving along quite swiftly, almost out the door, but not out of the woods yet.
Thanks for the link! Some interesting things there and I've only had a quick look...

Oh, and enjoying the story very much so far, thanks! smile.gif
Just so you guys know, it is now my mission in life to maneuver the team into a situation where we can make a dramatic escape in a flying elevator car. grinbig.gif
Mister Juan
I completely approve that... noble goal.
So, it's four (nearly five) days past "tomorrow." Is there a new GM post in the offing?
Mister Juan
All good things come to those who wait wink.gif
I believe our good GM is simply having some computer access issue, so I wouldn't be too worried.
Yeah, last time we thought it was dead I resurrected an old thread and now I've got more games on the go than I know what to do with nyahnyah.gif

Fun though biggrin.gif
Sorry about that. I have no real excuse other than a foul mood that's resulted in creativity modifiers. It's picking up, though. A friend of mine just got back from Cyprus, so I'm going over to share some whiskey, so if I'm not too soused I'll try and get some in soon (learned my lesson about specifically timed promises).
Mister Juan
Yea, always keep it vague wink.gif

I find that "soon", "real soon", "as soon as I can" or any combination of words with "soon" somewhere works.
It's been over two weeks since "soon" and over three weeks since the last IC post. Are we officially dead in the water?
I think Mr J and I have assumed we are. The 2072 thread is going strong though if you are looking for a game...
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