Jul 17 2011, 09:27 AM
Please feel free to add or Comment
(especially on ones that can be worded better)
Paranormal Animal Handling Permit
Lone Star Officer
Gun License
Detective License
Pilots License
Drivers License
Press License
Building Inspector License
Technomancer License
Magician License
Spirit Summoning License
License to Kill
Talismongering License
Jul 17 2011, 09:33 AM
Shadowrunning License
"What! let me see that?!"
"Well it scans Legit...guess we got to let them in."
"Where's your R&D?"
"It's down that hall, second door on your left, you can't miss it."
Jul 17 2011, 09:39 AM
Building inspector isn't a license it's a position or job, ditto for lone star officer, you might cost them like fake licenses but their really a form of fake ID,
Matrix Security Consultant
Locksmith/Security Equipment Vendor
Bounty Hunting License
Doctors License (Credentials might be a better term but functionally the same thing)
Lawyer's License (See above)
Jul 17 2011, 10:22 AM
I don't think that there is something like a "License to Kill". That's something thought up for James Bond.
Also I don't think that there is a license to be a magician or a technomancer. Now there can be a license for being allowed to know certain attack spells or complex forms (kinda like a gun license).
Jul 17 2011, 10:50 AM
QUOTE (KCKitsune @ Jul 17 2011, 11:22 AM)

I don't think that there is something like a "License to Kill". That's something thought up for James Bond.
Also I don't think that there is a license to be a magician or a technomancer. Now there can be a license for being allowed to know certain attack spells or complex forms (kinda like a gun license).
License to Kill and Shadowrunning License are a joke, just fyi 8P
Jul 17 2011, 11:43 AM
QUOTE (KCKitsune @ Jul 17 2011, 06:22 AM)

I don't think that there is something like a "License to Kill". That's something thought up for James Bond.
Also I don't think that there is a license to be a magician or a technomancer. Now there can be a license for being allowed to know certain attack spells or complex forms (kinda like a gun license).
Actually, in the fluff, some places do need you to be registered to allow you to make use of your Magician abilities legally. The UCAS and CAS are two of those place. Awakened Yakut and Amazonia are not.
Jul 17 2011, 02:57 PM
QUOTE (Bushw4cker @ Jul 17 2011, 04:33 AM)

Shadowrunning License
Probably not a joke in LA.
Show it to the guards before the heist, and everyone has a full-on agreement to use dirty powdered low-lethality rounds to make for impressive gunfights and other things that'll look good on the 'Trids yet still allow everyone to go home to the loved ones afterwards.
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
Jul 17 2011, 03:01 PM
QUOTE (CanRay @ Jul 17 2011, 07:57 AM)

Probably not a joke in LA.
Show it to the guards before the heist, and everyone has a full-on agreement to use dirty powdered low-lethality rounds to make for impressive gunfights and other things that'll look good on the 'Trids yet still allow everyone to go home to the loved ones afterwards.
Indeed, I like that...
Jul 18 2011, 12:51 PM
QUOTE (LurkerOutThere @ Jul 17 2011, 04:39 AM)

Building inspector isn't a license it's a position or job, ditto for lone star officer, you might cost them like fake licenses but their really a form of fake ID,
Bull recently pointed out, that a fake license could just be a fake badge (which I guess probably has some AR backup to its material appearance)
if you need a license for everything that's R, you would need
-Shock Frills license
-ECCM Software license
-concealed carrying license, smartlink license
-Cram license, Jazz license
Jul 18 2011, 01:02 PM
This comes in big with the game I'm running right now set in Denver.
Answering the question of what licenses do you need to take a handgun(or other licensed item/activity) into any sector of the city can be a bit frustrating for moi. In the end I generally let the player run with what they seem to think is needed. If I think they are wasting points I'll have them cut back if they are being too stingy well that might just get resolved in game (though I will give them some hints before that).
Until we actually get regular listings of licenses by nation we'll never really know. Even then we won't really know because different nations will handle licenses from other nations differently dependent on treaties and rules between nations. Even if you give blanket agreements that a license in one nation will cover them all (You really think they would allow that?) the agents of said corp and nation can still cause problems and it is still up in the air exactly how that license would be accepted, and hey that is how it works in the real world sometimes. Laws can be arcane.
Jul 18 2011, 01:40 PM
QUOTE (Gerzel @ Jul 18 2011, 08:02 AM)

This comes in big with the game I'm running right now set in Denver.
Answering the question of what licenses do you need to take a handgun(or other licensed item/activity) into any sector of the city can be a bit frustrating for moi. In the end I generally let the player run with what they seem to think is needed. If I think they are wasting points I'll have them cut back if they are being too stingy well that might just get resolved in game (though I will give them some hints before that).
Until we actually get regular listings of licenses by nation we'll never really know. Even then we won't really know because different nations will handle licenses from other nations differently dependent on treaties and rules between nations. Even if you give blanket agreements that a license in one nation will cover them all (You really think they would allow that?) the agents of said corp and nation can still cause problems and it is still up in the air exactly how that license would be accepted, and hey that is how it works in the real world sometimes. Laws can be arcane.
Yea, this is something that's eluded to in the books, but never really spelled out. I think the example in the books is the difference in magic licenses between say the UCAS, and the Tir. In the UCAS, you need a license for every spell, since they consider mages rare, and scary, where as in the Tir, they're all elves and <breaks out in song> they believe in maaggiiiccc </song> so the license are different.
Its something that the GM would need to set by default for the characters. Myself, if i ever GM again (which according to my previous players, should never, ever happen) I'd probably say for UCAS that one license is required for all "Personal" firearms (defined as non autmatics Pistols, rifles and shotguns), a separate one for automatic weapons, and one for Heavy weaponry(machineguns, rocket/missle launchers, etc), a license for vehicle/drone mounted weaponry... and a individual license for any exotic weapons
I wouldnt require licenses for each weapon, except exotics as listed above.
Jul 18 2011, 01:42 PM
A hacker's license (to own hacking programs)
Jul 18 2011, 01:47 PM
Goes back to matrix security professional.
Jul 18 2011, 01:56 PM
Ah hacking licenses brings in ever more questions.
"But officer I have a license to use this software."
"Not in the Tir."
"We're not in the Tir!"
"The server you accessed is."
Jul 18 2011, 01:58 PM
of course, that involves the Tir finding where you are, and having an extradition agreement with where ever you are, or are willing to send a shadowrun team against you. Or hiring you themselves.
Jul 18 2011, 02:08 PM
I'm always fond being a licensed "Preternatural Pest Control Officer"
"Yes officer is a shotgun, have you seen the size of those devilrats"
Jul 18 2011, 02:25 PM
Couriers' License
Armored van, carrying high-value cargo, etc. A good rating might even get you past the front gate of a corp. facility. Not only that, but a license might help as 'supporting evidence' if you get caught by Lone Star and they find your machine-guns.
Jul 18 2011, 02:27 PM
QUOTE (Aku @ Jul 18 2011, 08:58 AM)

of course, that involves the Tir finding where you are, and having an extradition agreement with where ever you are, or are willing to send a shadowrun team against you. Or hiring you themselves.
And that all depends on how much the Tir wants you and is willing to bribe and bully, er pay and negotiate for you. If the officer is talking to you the answer is "enough."
Jul 18 2011, 02:29 PM
"Running on the Highway " Licence (for my Troll Char that does 88Meters/Rd (+ Successes on Running Test))
with a Dance on The Highway
Jul 18 2011, 03:29 PM
Carry Concealed Weapon Permit (aka License)
License to Practice Medicine
License to Sell Firearms
Jul 18 2011, 05:22 PM
License to Thrill!
Jul 18 2011, 07:36 PM
Possibly a nitpick, but in some places, there are other types of what is generally the same license. Gun Owners license allows you to own firearms, but not necessarily ammunition. Then there is a Firearm carrier license, which allows you to actually have the gun with you, and generally only applies to sidearms (Holdouts and pistols). For Longarms, a hunting License will generally suffice, as long as you are in a rural area. Otherwise, it would fall under the other categories.
And a seperate license for ammunition, of course.
Jul 18 2011, 08:43 PM
QUOTE (Bushw4cker @ Jul 17 2011, 02:33 AM)

Shadowrunning License
"What! let me see that?!"
"Well it scans Legit...guess we got to let them in."
"Where's your R&D?"
"It's down that hall, second door on your left, you can't miss it."
ROFLMAO! Yeah, need to get one of those, all right...
Jul 18 2011, 09:55 PM
QUOTE (HunterHerne @ Jul 18 2011, 02:36 PM)

Possibly a nitpick, but in some places, there are other types of what is generally the same license. Gun Owners license allows you to own firearms, but not necessarily ammunition. Then there is a Firearm carrier license, which allows you to actually have the gun with you, and generally only applies to sidearms (Holdouts and pistols). For Longarms, a hunting License will generally suffice, as long as you are in a rural area. Otherwise, it would fall under the other categories.
And a seperate license for ammunition, of course.
Don't forget the license to own a clip or mag, as well as the license to LOAD said clip or mag

just to add some bureaucratic-ness
Jul 18 2011, 10:24 PM
And seriously you need those licenses for EVERY place you go to. This could well get complicated.
However... got caugtht on one territory? Run over into the next. Now other law enforcement has to worry about you, and they likely as not don't like each other...
I think this is a key concept of making the world of Shadowrun work. You have to balkanize law enforcement, too.
Jul 18 2011, 10:39 PM
QUOTE (Aku @ Jul 18 2011, 03:55 PM)

Don't forget the license to own a clip or mag, as well as the license to LOAD said clip or mag

just to add some bureaucratic-ness
"But officer, I have a license for that clip."
"No. You have a license for a clip. This is a magazine, and you don't have a license for it."
Jul 18 2011, 10:57 PM
"Sir, do you have a Wolf's License?" "I don't need one, I'm a legitimate citizen of the PCC here legally." "Yes, in human form. But when you change into a Wolf, you need a license. And a collar. And a leash." "*Sighs* Better than my trip to Quebec at least..."
Jul 18 2011, 11:16 PM
QUOTE (CanRay @ Jul 18 2011, 06:57 PM)

"Sir, do you have a Wolf's License?" "I don't need one, I'm a legitimate citizen of the PCC here legally." "Yes, in human form. But when you change into a Wolf, you need a license. And a collar. And a leash." "*Sighs* Better than my trip to Quebec at least..."
"By the way sir. There is a requirement that all dogs be current on their shots and spayed or neutered. You're going to have to come with us sir."
Jul 18 2011, 11:17 PM
My table came up with a house rule for licensing that I really liked. Rather then keep track of each individual item (which is so much bookkeeping that licences got ignored) we would issue licenses for certain jobs, in certain jurisdictions, with a certain level. For instance, Paracritter Control Specialist - Sidhe Salish Council ( 8 ). The carrier was assumed to have the right to carry and use items up to the Availability of the license Level, provided that it was rational for that job to require it. We found that while the Availability of an item was never *intended* to be an indicator of how controlled an item is, it generally works really well. Licences were also assumed to give basic reciprocity in other jurisdictions for R-rated items, but not for F-Rated items - Your "UCAS Special Security" badge may get your SMG and Flashbangs into a Mitsuhama facility, but they're not going to allow you to carry Frag Grenades no matter *who* vouches for you - unless they're MCT.
The intent of this system was to make getting licensed gear through a checkpoint a one-step check, and to give the GM a clear way to establish what would be "street legal" for characters. The PCs might be able to score rocket launchers and assault cannons, but if they can do the job with SMGs then they don't need to find a way to smuggle them through the city.
Jul 18 2011, 11:48 PM
QUOTE (HunterHerne @ Jul 18 2011, 02:36 PM)

Possibly a nitpick, but in some places, there are other types of what is generally the same license. Gun Owners license allows you to own firearms, but not necessarily ammunition. Then there is a Firearm carrier license, which allows you to actually have the gun with you, and generally only applies to sidearms (Holdouts and pistols). For Longarms, a hunting License will generally suffice, as long as you are in a rural area. Otherwise, it would fall under the other categories.
And a separate license for ammunition, of course.
Fine points all, but that level of simulation would be rather taxing for both the GM and the players. That said, if your group likes delving this deep into the bureaucracy of the 6th world, go for it. Same idea with multiple jurisdictions - just too much time working through the details.
Jul 18 2011, 11:53 PM
QUOTE (Gerzel @ Jul 18 2011, 06:16 PM)

"By the way sir. There is a requirement that all dogs be current on their shots and spayed or neutered. You're going to have to come with us sir."
Oh $Deity, that's so wrong...
And, to make matters worse, they keep growing back and need to be removed again!
Jul 19 2011, 12:15 AM
QUOTE (Bushw4cker @ Jul 17 2011, 10:27 AM)

Please feel free to add or Comment
(especially on ones that can be worded better)
Paranormal Animal Handling Permit
Lone Star Officer
Gun License
Detective License
Pilots License
Drivers License
Press License
Building Inspector License
Technomancer License
Magician License
Spirit Summoning License
License to Kill
Talismongering License
Private Investigator License (mentioned in unwired I think, don't have the books handy)
Comat Spell License
Manipulation Spell License
Conceal and Carry License/Permit
Medicinal Narcotic License
Cyberware License
Commercial Explosives License
Hunting License
DocWagon License
Diplomatic Immunity Paperwork / License
Limousine License
Sword/Knife License
Arms-Dealing License
Boating License
Pilot's License
Helicopter License
Heavy Machinery License
Motorcycle License
Military Police License
Jul 19 2011, 01:01 AM
QUOTE (Aku @ Jul 18 2011, 03:55 PM)

Don't forget the license to own a clip or mag, as well as the license to LOAD said clip or mag

just to add some bureaucratic-ness
There was another thread on licenses where I mentioned just how crazy insane the system could be if taken to the wrong extreme. Something like:
Officer: "Well, after reviewing your credentials and your possessions I'm afraid that you're under arrest."
Runner: "But officer, isn't everything in order?"
Officer: "It is. You've got your license to drive your car, carry your gun, and even have it concealed, but you don't have eighteen licenses for the magazine full of stick n' shock ammo loaded in it."
In my sessions I generally try to keep the licenses simple.
Jul 19 2011, 01:06 AM
"How did you a license for a Panther Assault Cannon?" "Five. Fraggin'. Days. In. Line."
Jul 19 2011, 01:12 AM
Pet cat license for Eric.
License to issue licenses. (If I ever play a forger, I'm making one of those.)
Metahuman proof of maturity license. (Seriously, if orcs mature enough to become laborers at 13, I can see them getting "maturity" licenses that allow them to work, and perhaps drink in company/enclave establishments. For those wondering why corps just wouldn't use drones, I'll refer you to Blazing Saddles. "Doggone nearly lost a four hundred dollar handcar.")
Jul 19 2011, 01:43 AM
QUOTE (suoq @ Jul 18 2011, 08:12 PM)

Pet cat license for Eric.
License to issue licenses. (If I ever play a forger, I'm making one of those.)
Metahuman proof of maturity license. (Seriously, if orcs mature enough to become laborers at 13, I can see them getting "maturity" licenses that allow them to work, and perhaps drink in company/enclave establishments. For those wondering why corps just wouldn't use drones, I'll refer you to Blazing Saddles. "Doggone nearly lost a four hundred dollar handcar.")
Also it is harder to hack people. A combination of people and drones is probably best. Drones do repetitive well while people watch over anomalies, including other people.
Jul 19 2011, 01:54 AM
"I can't hack a hick!" - Hardison, Leverage
Jul 19 2011, 03:13 AM
Hmm. I didn't see this one:
Marriage liscense
Soliciting liscense ( For selling door to door ).
And in addition to liscenses, there are also additional related formalities: Like being bonded (for a courier or bountyhunter).
Jul 19 2011, 12:59 PM
psh, has if people get married in the 6th world, they just bust a

and move on to the next
Jul 19 2011, 01:36 PM
QUOTE (JanessaVR @ Jul 18 2011, 08:43 PM)

ROFLMAO! Yeah, need to get one of those, all right...
Glad I made someone laugh ))
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