Beast of Revolutions
Apr 2 2004, 03:50 AM
Yeah, me too. Need me to add more details?
Apr 2 2004, 03:54 AM
You got a deadline for this? I work best w/ deadlines.

Otherwise I tend to put it off and miss the boat.
So far I'm toying around w/ the idea of a sort of Jack of All Trades. Its the same concept I had for the Juggernought PbP game, but that never got off the ground (pun intended).
Primarily a shooter but w/ some negotiations, electronics, and a vehicle skill--prob'ly Car. He'd probably be based loosely on the infiltrators in Die Hard III. But I've also been watching a lot of Stargate so he's probably gonna be an AF Commando. The two don't have to be mutually exclusive, right?
Apr 2 2004, 05:36 AM
With this many people, a jack is really unnecesary. This calls for specialists.
Apr 2 2004, 06:33 AM
I didn't intend to say that I would try to go against the orders received. I actually mean to say that my character would naturally try to take charge, giving - necessarily unofficial - orders and what not. In some cases, it would also be possible that he would put in question the leadership of who ever is in charge, but obviously not in critical moments or as a provocative gesture - even though it would probably be. More like a sort of friendly competition cause he would be pissed at not leading the group since he's gotten used to either lead or work alone - not that he would, by any means, be a bad team member in other regards. He would complain about it and say "Oh, if we would of done it my way ..." You know, that kind of thing. I hope all this makes sense, if not, well I still have time to figure out my PC's attitude toward someone leading him and other men not answering to him.
Limping Jacob
Apr 2 2004, 07:07 AM
In light of the massive number of people desiring a spot in this game, and also in light of my rather unpredictable schedule as of late, I think it would be best if I pulled out and let someone else take my slot.
I will be following the campaign eagerly when I get the chance to read it, though - I think it's gonna be a good one!
Digital Heroin
Apr 2 2004, 08:58 AM
My ex-Tir Paladin's background is away...
Apr 2 2004, 11:36 AM
I just sent my char background via PM.
He's a Tibetian monk(think Bulletproof Monk)/Gurkha SBS guy.
Apr 2 2004, 01:58 PM
Whew, this thing is moving at Mach 3...and I'm having trouble keeping up!
Great job on all the histories I've been getting so far. Just be patient with me...I need time to organize stuff and mull over everything. If I haven't gotten back to you yet, don't fret, it's coming.
Limping Jacob: sorry to see you one else has put in for the Medic slot, which I think is a really important one. But I totally understand about the unpredictable schedule stuff.
Kevyn668: The deadline for character background submission is Tuesday, April 6th. And Panzer was right...a specialist would be better. Would you consider playing a combat medic since LJ is opting out? You know a full-blown hermtic/shaman would make a pretty good combat medic type character...that is, if you are interested.
For the record, you guys all have great character backgrounds, and it kills me to have to "vote people off the island". Narrowing it down to 8 people is going to be difficult, and I sincerely ask that none of you take it personally if you don't get in the game. The main determinant is going to be specialization. The more unique your character's skills/abilities are, the more likely he/she is going to have a place. Right now, I am sitting on about 3-4 characters who would be extremely similar, and too much overlap will hurt the group as a whole.
Anyway, keep the info coming, and just be patient with my replies.
Apr 2 2004, 02:20 PM
One final question so I can get Flatline jiggered up, Ronin.
What're your feelings towards Edges and Flaws?
Apr 2 2004, 02:24 PM
I allow edges and flaws, just like normal. No limit on number of them, but don't get too out of hand. And I do strictly enforce the flaws and their limitations.
Also, TSS has several Edges/Flaws across the different issues, and I allow those as well as the rest of the canon ones.
And for those of you still submitting/tweaking your character backgrounds, I need a LOT of detail on your training/education/experience. The more, the better.
Apr 2 2004, 02:33 PM
I can shift my shaman into a more medicy role... hell she was overlapping into medic anyhoo *8-> I'll get the background over to you as soon as I get out of work.... about 2 to 2.5 hours plus a bit of tweaking time and expansion.... the first draft glossed over the military years a bit too much *8-<
Apr 2 2004, 02:37 PM
Callidus, that would be great. We do have an open combat medic slot, and the rest of the team would LOVE to have a magical healer who is also a trained Trauma Medic. Send me your character info whenever you get it together.
A Clockwork Lime
Apr 2 2004, 05:01 PM
Do we have any hermetic-types yet?
Apr 2 2004, 05:17 PM
Background away *8-> One Paramedic shamanic para incoming.... I hope *8->
Apr 2 2004, 06:55 PM
BTW - Anyone who can, please take a BattleTac Cyberlink. It'll be most useful.
Apr 2 2004, 06:57 PM
Downtown is a Sniper Adept. So no cyberware for him.
Apr 2 2004, 08:46 PM
I'm changing my sorceror to a full mage. Not sure if he'll be hermetic or shaman though, but I'm angling towards hermetic. I won't have the spare build points to be a good medic. If someone wants to be a medic, I recomend one of two things. Either a shamanist aspected magician of a totem that gets +2 to health spells, or a cybered-up medic with task pool. (Encephalon, and maybe cereberal booster and/or skillwires with chipjack expert driver.) I will get a healing spell, but I won't specialize in it. Anyone in the group can get a Savior nanotech medkit for 1500 bucks or so, which lets them perform first aid with a biotech skill of 6, but it would be nice to have a combat doc with biotech 6, trauma surgery capability, chemistry skill, and task pool.
Apr 2 2004, 08:54 PM
Callidus is taking over the Combat Medic/Healer slot so you don't have to cover that angle, Panzergeist.
Apr 2 2004, 10:57 PM
I was planning on Lover totem (+2 Illusion, +2 Control Manips, +2 Spirits of Water) *8-< no health bonus there... but biotech(first aid) at 5(7) [was higher but suddenly remembered I had to buy full mage for 30 points *8->] and a rating 6 heal spell.... and a savior medkit..... should be able to patch you guys pretty quickly *8-> hmmm.... might change to unicorn shaman..... would be a better medic and wasn't sure on the lover totem in a merc group *8->
Beast of Revolutions
Apr 2 2004, 11:02 PM
Pretty good. You can get a health focus with gear money. I recomend against specializing in first aid though, because first aid doesn't do anything that magic can't do, and what we really need is a trauma surgeon.
Apr 2 2004, 11:11 PM
K, but remember that first aid'll take an entire wound level off where as the healing spell does boxes..... so first aid is MUCH better for high wounds *8-> but hey 6 dice should be enough to patch even a deadly.... *8->
Apr 2 2004, 11:12 PM
Soz, double post.... evil back button *8-<
A Clockwork Lime
Apr 2 2004, 11:18 PM
I kind of like the idea of a Lover Shaman as a Merc. Really cool style there.
Apr 2 2004, 11:30 PM
Hey, as long as the medic does his job of keeping us all in some semblance of alive, I'm cool with him.
Because, you know, mercenary work kills. When you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life.
Apr 3 2004, 12:05 AM
Well after a bit of a rethink she's going Unicorn shaman... which could be interesting in a heavily polluted country *8-> plus it means better healing for you guys *8->
Apr 3 2004, 12:16 AM
I can see it now.
"Hey guys, she's tripping out again. Get the tranq gun."
Apr 3 2004, 12:33 AM
Apr 3 2004, 12:41 AM
I pity the fool that has to fight that character.
Apr 3 2004, 12:54 AM
Ah, I was just thinking of doing unicorn, but now I guess I'll stick with the hermetic. The Unicorn totem looks pretty sweet, although I find it hard to imagine a unicorn shaman using a gun. The free aura reading skill points are totally pimp. I am also fond of crab, pegasus, bull, and platypus.
Beast of Revolutions
Apr 3 2004, 12:58 AM
Screw that, Toaster is the best totem ever.
A Clockwork Lime
Apr 3 2004, 01:17 AM
Panzer or Calladus, if you go with a Wujen Elemental Mage (full magician specializing in Earth), or maybe a Druidic variation thereof, you can still gain a +2 dice bonus with Health spells and Gnomes, albeit with a -1 dice penalty with Illusion spells and Water Undines.
If you go with an elf, you can always be a follower of the Path of the Steward. That grants you a +1 die bonus with Health spells and lets you summon Sky Spirits (+2 dice) instead of Earth Elementals at the cost of suffering -1 die with Manipulation spells and requiring a Charisma-linked skill of at least 4.
Just offering up some other ideas for ya guys to consider.
Apr 3 2004, 07:10 AM
I'm out. Good luck.
Apr 3 2004, 03:03 PM
I've always wanted to try a phys-mage pegasus shaman just for the scare factor of a physad going into a death frenzy... *8-> but I don't think you would ever get a military pegasus shaman *8-< too many times where you gotta get into APCs *8->
Oh and as a bonus I can act as a backup face..... okay so my ettiquette's not face like but got love my TN mods *8->
Apr 3 2004, 03:32 PM
So Callidus, are you going to go with a hermtic, Unicorn shaman, or some other totem?
Kevyn668, sorry to see you leave...hope you show up for my next game.
Apr 3 2004, 03:39 PM
Edited out.
Apr 3 2004, 05:04 PM
Could we get a comprehensive list of the house rules and extra equipment we are allowed to use from Raygun.. Are all the rules from the site going to be used?
A Clockwork Lime
Apr 3 2004, 05:10 PM
Ronin, did you get my email? I've been having troubles with my serverst lately and can never tell if it gets out properly.
Apr 3 2004, 07:33 PM
I'm going with Unicorn shaman as per the char sheet.... was just discussing the others and people seemed undecided about their totem/path thingy *8->
Crud.... as usual just remembered I forgot contacts against *8-< I'll PM them over to you Ronin
Apr 3 2004, 07:50 PM
QUOTE (gobogen) |
Could we get a comprehensive list of the house rules and extra equipment we are allowed to use from Raygun.. Are all the rules from the site going to be used? |
Read through the previous posts, he already said what rules and equipment we are using from Rayguns site.
Digital Heroin
Apr 3 2004, 08:41 PM
Sent off the alteration to Medaron Delara's background, it doesn't quite mesh with the contract with Ares, but he was a Tir loyalist up untilt he incident which ended his service to them, so he could have been shipped into the Ukraine op partway in.
Apr 3 2004, 08:43 PM
Hey DH, that sounds like Downtown. He is a die hard CAS supporter. He would still be serving his country if it wasn't for a particulary bad incident involving a local rebel leader... and a bullet travelling three times the speed of sound
Beast of Revolutions
Apr 3 2004, 08:49 PM
Still waiting to hear from you Ronin.
Apr 3 2004, 08:51 PM
Well, we're all big, tragic balls of neurosis for a group of operators, aren't we?
A Clockwork Lime
Apr 3 2004, 08:53 PM
Not all of us. Some might just turn out to be reliatively stable men of fortune who were bought from their respective governments/militaries/organizations, just as Ronin recommended in an earlier post.
Apr 3 2004, 08:54 PM
I'm still waiting to hear from you Ronin.
Apr 3 2004, 09:02 PM
Guys, c'mon. Ronin's got that real-life thing to do. He'll probably respond to you all in due time.
A Clockwork Lime
Apr 3 2004, 09:06 PM
I was just curious if he got my message due to my lousy servers.

I'm in no rush myself.
Apr 3 2004, 09:08 PM
hehe.... Ophelia's not gonna be a neuroic ball..... well until she *really* gets to know you all

but i'm sure there's a spell to fix neuroses *8->
Digital Heroin
Apr 3 2004, 09:59 PM
Illian is through and through a Tir Tairngire elf, and would be serving in the Ghosts today, there's just that little failed mission to assassinate the Japanese Child Emperor which kind of dishonored him.
Apr 3 2004, 10:14 PM
Hey hey, Tir Ghosts represent, yo.
Here's the sheet for
Flatline gimme some feedback on what you guys might think?
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