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So I think I basically understand how powers work for spirits and elemental's in SR4, but I'd like to make sure I am doing it right. The specific power I am questioning my read on is Engulf, as used by an Earth Elemental. Can an Earth Elemental use it's Engulf power on a moving vehicle? If so how exactly would you resolve this, mechanics wise? I apologize if this has been asked already, and I appreciate any constructive help.
By my reading:
Engulf is resolved as a melee attack.
In order to use it on a moving vehicle, the spirit rolls Agility+Unarmed, (or Force, which is the same) against the driver's Reaction+Pilot. (Response+Dodge for a rigger, Pilot+Defense for a Pilot program)
If this succeeds, the vehicle needs to resist the spirit's Force worth of DV with Body+Armor immediately and every time the spirit's Action Phase comes up. Since a vehicle doesn't have Strength, it can't escape.
I'd also compare body sizes of the vehicle and the spirit. If the spirit is smaller, it can't envelop the entire vehicle, just a part of it.

This is handy if you're stuck inside of said vehicle! And why the Hatchback version of the C-N Jackrabbit isn't a bad idea after all.
Dakka Dakka
QUOTE (Mardrax @ Sep 11 2011, 10:10 PM) *
Since a vehicle doesn't have Strength, it can't escape.
The vehicle rolls STR+BOD. The vehicle does have BOD. There is no rule saying that if you do not have one of the Attributes in an Attribute-only test, you may bot roll. So the vehicle gets to roll BOD.

Oh and the Engulfer rolls MAG+BOD. So in case of an Earth Spirit that is 2*Force+4

@Canray: According to the description of the Power, the Engulfer needn't be of a certain size. It can also use "the terrain it controls", whatever that means. Additionally spirit size is pretty arbitrary (cf. Street Magic p. 96-97 "Spirit appearance" Sidebar) and there is nor rule that it is proportional to Force or BOD.
True enough. I was just thinking of a way to prevent people from whining when the street eats their car.

I've heard enough of that about the pot holes back home and here in Winnipeg. Swallow a sub-compact if you're not careful!
QUOTE (Dakka Dakka @ Sep 11 2011, 01:30 PM) *
The vehicle rolls STR+BOD.

I believe vehicles with mechanical arms use Body for Strength, so beware using it on humanoid vehicles - twice body can get very high.
Earth Spirit Vs. Mech... Now that's a fight I want to see!!!
I'd much rather have my air spirit materialize inside the cab and engulf the driver
QUOTE (Dakka Dakka @ Sep 11 2011, 10:30 PM) *
The vehicle rolls STR+BOD. The vehicle does have BOD. There is no rule saying that if you do not have one of the Attributes in an Attribute-only test, you may bot roll. So the vehicle gets to roll BOD.

Ah. True this.
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