See, that's not what I think the OP wants. I think he wants a public spectacle of his private conflict with Neraph. smile.gif I wasn't responding to the OP at all, just to you.
See, here you are wrong. That is exactly what I had in mind.
If I wanted a showdown with Neraph I would use a topic where I would have public support on. (RAW shredding his infected build or something like that)
That would be much easyer than for example the debate about ITNW or something like that (An other fine example is the stacking of the AP of SnS with the AP of the weapon loaded with it.
This are all topics where the rules as written, are actually not used because the results would break most games or are not liked. (SnS is disliked by the gross anyway)
Well, whats fluff?
Lets start easy: Things mentioned in storys, shadowtalks etc. are certainly all fluff.
With description it is not that easy. Yes numbers are always crunch but not everything without numbers if fluff. (Otherwise 80% of the rules would be fluff)
I would go and say most of what is in the rulebooks is crunch. This means also the introduction of what the spells does. (Or I should better say it should be)
Mostly the debate whats crunch/fluff is started if one statement kind of pushes every thing else in one direction. Mostly if this direction is not helping the character in question.
The problem here is you actually can't find a line in Shadowrun. (Hell, I do not know a single game were you can)
As soon as you exclude a paragraph as fluff, the reason you gave will (almost with certainty) force you to throw out other pragraphs as fluff, which can lead up to non functional rules.
So if you are looking to find a rule always working:
Everything not written in a rule section is fluff. Everything written in a rule section is crunch.
(Probably some things could be argued to be fluff, but thats not that bad.
Lets take glamour for example. What I said would mean everything written is crunch
A character with Glamour is paranaturally gifted so that all
sapient beings perceive her as moving with unearthly grace, her
countenance as always radiant, and her voice as soul-wrenching
and laden with emotion.
Explaination on how to handle the effect in roleplay. You could call it fluff, but it kind of forces the GM. (I will show what I mean if I compare it later on to synthetic pheromones)
People may describe her as angelic or
fairylike, and everyone she speaks to cannot help but feel moved
and inspired.
Again. There are no dicepool advantages here, but how it is handled.
Sapient beings will always respond with awe, deference, and
kindness to the character as long as she does not act hostile.
Again description on how it is handled but also that it is possible for the character to use those boni
character gains a +3 dice pool modifier to all Social Skill Tests
except Intimidation.
Here it is said what it does, if rolling the dice. Consider the fact, that rolling dice is just a fracture of what is going on at the table.
This quality renders the character particularly memorable
and she suffers from the effects of Distinctive Style (p. 103)
And well, thats one draw back mentioned.
Lets compare this to
QUOTE ("Tailored Pheromones:")
The subject’s body is altered to
release specially designed pheromones to subtly influence
others. Tailored pheromones add their rating as a dice pool
modifier to Charisma and Social Skill Tests. This bonus has
no effect on magical abilities and tests.
Well, thats quite shorter and straight to the rule part.
But the first part still gives some information. It is more directional as glamour. It helps to specificly influance people. (I guess there are several pheromones available to introduce different fellings. Love, trust, safety or even fear).
And it creates much less of a "splash" from the start.
While the character with glamour would get looks as soon as he/she enters the room, the person with Tailored Pheromones would just get attention if he/she wants to.
The person with glamour always gets a specific response, the person with tailored pheromones gets the response he/she is aiming for.
An other factor is, that TP are not directly linked to the character.
So lets say you get into a bar trying to get the secratary of your target to come with you. (For example to steal passcards and copy them without him or her realising)
The person with TP will release a mixture to get trust or maybe desire form the other person. The cloud of pheromones would travel the bar and the girl/guy trying to hit on the person next table might get a small bonus too.
With glamour all attention is on you. So while you are hitting on the target other persons could show interest in you, due to glamour (of course this could happen without glamour or TP but the probability(if we assume same stats) should be glamour>>TP>nothing). You would get the same dice to influance your target, but the surrounding situation would be different.
Considering the character of your target and your approach it can work for or against you.