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Full Version: Wal-Mart shoots for Extrateritoriality?
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Hey guys, been awhile. Thought you might be interested

Especially the following part


While Wal-Mart has turned to the ballot in a number of cities and towns to win the right to build its giant emporiums, the Inglewood initiative is significantly different. The proposal would essentially exempt Wal-Mart from all of Inglewood's planning, zoning and environmental regulations, creating a city-within-a-city subject only to its own rules.
I see Shadowrun as coming closer and closer to reality...well, except for the awakening, but hey, you never know.
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This is not a new principle. Disney world in florida behaves that way now. FutureWorld™.
Crimsondude 2.0
What was the name of the Disney town mentioned in Corporate Shadowfiles? Celebration, or something? Kissimee, maybe?

Not that company towns are a new thing. They've been around since the at least the Gold Rush, and became quite prevalent with the explosion of industrial mining and later petroleum drilling (Standard Oil towns, for instance). And of course, there are the railroad towns.

Hell, there's a town in my state that is trying to get sold to the DHS or DOE.
This isn't really extraterritoriality. There are a lot of towns in which most of the commercial property is owned by a single large company, and more prevalently, there are a lot of corporate complexes that aren't in a town. Some places are "unincorporated," which is a bit of a misnomer in this case. It basicly means the area is not part of a town, so no local laws, no local taxes, but no local services like police and fire department either. Such places are still subject to state, federal, and county laws.
QUOTE (RedSunOfKrypton)
I see Shadowrun as coming closer and closer to reality...well, except for the awakening, but hey, you never know.

I definitely agree with that.

By the way, vitus979, you beat me to the punch on this story.

Afterall, if this becomes more common, I don't see it as much of a stretch for the corps of today to litigate their way to extrateritoriality of one sort or another.

- theartthief
Limping Jacob
Celebration is the name of Disney's town. It is a creepy, creepy's meant to be an exact replica of a 1950s suburban town, such as Levittown, Long Island.
So what does that mean for us, then? A bright new age when Dumpshock finally becomes Shadowlands and we're all swapping stories of why it was that we were hanging by stealth line outside that Wal-Mart exec's office window at their skyraker at 2 AM on a Thursday morning?
Well here's to hoping. I've always been the adventurous type anyway biggrin.gif
And here I am stuck in the Morgue with Otomo and the rest of the Singapore Shadowlands
I still want my pointy ears in 7 3/4 years or I'm gonna be very upset with FASA for getting my hopes up...

And none of this "you have to be born an elf" crap, because I could be a spike baby with the Human Looking edge!!

The Abstruse One
You have almond shaped eyes? people in clost proximity think your're not a human? Wow... I'd have mixed feelings about that biggrin.gif
Meh, I'd be fine with not becoming an elf. Spellslinging on the other hand......
QUOTE (Abstruse)
I still want my pointy ears in 7 3/4 years or I'm gonna be very upset with FASA for getting my hopes up...

And none of this "you have to be born an elf" crap, because I could be a spike baby with the Human Looking edge!!

Sorry, but rules are clear: you can only eliminate Flaws with Karma. So if you're a spike baby with the Human Looking edge, you're gonna stay foreover human looking. But you'd still get elven longevity and ease to obtain Tir Tairngire nationality.
to deschain:

is your name the last name of the guy i think it is? biggrin.gif

on topic: wal-mart is the devil. I honestly believe they're a good example of a mid level megacorp.
Crimsondude 2.0
QUOTE (fourstring_samurai)
on topic: wal-mart is the devil. I honestly believe they're a good example of a mid level megacorp.

They're Stuffer Shack--a wholy owned subsidiary of Aztechnology.
Disney in their florida complex already has it, they have their own police force.They do not have a penal system but other than that, you are looking at a coporate enclave. The police might have more of a threat if they weren't winnie the Pooh and Piglet but that's their choice.(just kidding on that, they are real cops.)

Walmart may be able to ram through a referendum that lets them set up a complex but the town could still limit them considerably through controll of the streets around the complex,"sorry, no trucks allowed, you'll have to find another way to get the merchandise in"

That's okay. Wal-Mart could always airlift in merchandise using their Osprey II's. Or, you know, a sudden wave of mysterious assassinations at all levels of the involved government structure would occur until a change in policy was affected.
Not to mention the blood magic ...


Seriously tho, I loved the parallel between WalMart and StufferShack!!! I had never EVER thought of it this way, but it seems to fit EXTREMELY well.
Crimsondude 2.0
Yeah, who'd have thought Wal-Mart would become the archetype of Stuffer Shack after Sam Walton died and the company just exploded.
Wasn't there a huge to-do in the Walton family after Sam died about who'd take over?

Sounds like Shiawase to me. Now if only Sam's ghost still held 10% stock in the corporation and a seat on the board...
Austere Emancipator
Didn't go through. "Initiative 04-A was defeated by a vote of 7,049 to 4,575."

Meanwhile, Ashcroft attempts to outlaw softcore porn. I'd rather take extraterritorial corporations. Then at least you could go masturbate in the closest Wal-Mart when they outlaw that.
in wholly unrelated news, i've been awake too long. skimming the topic list, i swear i saw "Wal-mart shoots Gay and Lesbian runners".
Crimsondude 2.0
QUOTE (CardboardArmor @ Apr 6 2004, 10:18 PM)
Wasn't there a huge to-do in the Walton family after Sam died about who'd take over?

Sounds like Shiawase to me.  Now if only Sam's ghost still held 10% stock in the corporation and a seat on the board...

Yes, there was. And then the infighting produced a board the created the Wal-Mart we know now; the one that would not have existed but for Sam's death.

The Board that has been around since his death is responsible for Wal-Mart becoming the largest corporation in the world. Before, it was still relatively small and competed with K-Mart. Now it's competing with everyone (one of, or the, largest toy sellers, jewelry retailers, gasoline sellers, supermarket chains, booksellers, and clothiers in the country), and what did help was getting rid of Sam's pesky "Made in the USA" nonsense (even though it's often used to refer to sweatshop products made in protectorates like the Marshall Islands).

One of the bigger reasons that this vote is so important, and why the grocery workers strike was so significant is because there are a relatively few number Wal-Marts in California despite it being the largest state in population and economy. And part of their plan to literally double the number of existing stores by the end of the decade (this began a couple of years ago when it was ranked the most admired company by Forbes or Fortune) involves attacking California. Well, Wal-Mart is notoriously anti-union, and they are already one of, if not the, largest grocery chain in the United States (thanks to the megalomart Supercenters). The three chains involved in the strike in SoCal argued that once Wal-Mart comes it, their days were numbered if they had to keep paying grocery employees the wages and benefits they earned under collective bargaining that Wal-Mart simply does not pay.

And the fact that this store is in Inglewood, which in in the heart of incorporated L.A. County doesn't help anything, especially since Wal-Mart prices are pretty tightly controlled whereas in Los Angeles you can see vast disparities in prices for goods depending on the neighborhood (Bevery Hills/West Hollywood stores generally sell juice for $2-3, whereas in Inglewood and even downtown L.A. near USC juice is $4-6). It was not a coincidence that the first Wal-Mart in Los Angeles was in the heart of South Central L.A. on Crenshaw (perhaps you've seen the commercials)--it was an area where Vons and Safeway just don't exist, let alone the various stores Wal-Mart serves as a cheap alternative to (department stores, etc.). And Wal-Mart can capitalize on being cheap, and having a captive market in that area while paying very low wages to its employees.

In Shadowrun, Stuffer Shack has become the ubiquitous catchall store for random consumer products--going from the supermarket featured in Food Fight (which was a pretty blatant ripoff of the first 5-10 minutes of Cobra) to the place where you can buy damn near anything, and I assume the stores vary in size. Having lived in a real city (long, long ago..............) it probably ranges from the eqv. of a corner CVS/Rite-Aid, etc. where it takes up a chunk of the street level in an office building, to the multi-story hubs in major traffic areas (the Corte Ingles in the geographic center of Madrid, for example, or rather... The Wal-Mart on Crenshaw in L.A.), and the sprawling monstrosities out in the suburbs. The amount of stuff each carries varies widely, but they all carry lots of different stuff, and they're all the same corp. You can get the same Stuffer Shack soyflakes and cheap pair of socks just about anywhere, and they're the same (and about the same price) everywhere. The store in the 'burbs will also have a produce section and a whole clothing department the one in downtown Seattle doesn't, but you'll also find the same soyflakes and socks.

And that corp is run by Aztechnology. A heartless corporation that was in part built on cheap consumer crap, captive markets, and a PR machine that is... well, it's like the machine that Wal-Mart pulled out for this vote in Inglewood.
QUOTE (fourstring_samurai)
to deschain:

is your name the last name of the guy i think it is? biggrin.gif

on topic: wal-mart is the devil. I honestly believe they're a good example of a mid level megacorp.

Most likely is. If you're thinking of Stephen King that is.
right in one!

i'm on the newest right now.
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