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Full Version: Collection of Cyber Criminals
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Ok, I've posted a number of character collections, most of which are unfinished and have turned out to be for my own records more than anything else. I thought'd I'd complete the set of major archetypes by putting up some mundane characters that use cyber or bioware to get by (as opposed to magic: Archive of Adepts and Medley of Mages or the matrix: Examples of the eVolved)

If anyone wants to post any helpful criticism back to sort out some of the more obvious mistakes / omissions / etc that would be very welcome!

In addition if anyone has some really good builds they'd like to share then that would be great! Check out UmaroIV's thread on archetypes for some great builds that use a mix of magic and cyber... <<here>>

Some Notes:
  • They aren't optimised (hence posting them here for comment) and this is a work in progress.
  • I am trying to avoid one trick ponies, aiming for one skill at 14D+ and a couple of others rolling 11-12D. These aren't min/maxed because that's something I'm bad at!
  • Standard 400BP creation, all books and basically RAW
  • I've also used the Chax2 contact BPs houserule for these.
  • Some are being played pbp on Dumpshock as PCs or NPCs but karma and gear post character creation will be red

  • Requiem[Elven M - Former Fire Watch]
  • Key [Human F – Aquanaut & infiltrator]
  • Feather [Troll M – Pugilist]
  • Any more that come to me...

Thanks for reading smile.gif
Name: Daniel Synd
Alias: Requiem
Metatype: Elf
Sex: Male
Age: 54
Nationality: Ares
Matrix Icon:
Reality Filter: N/A
Lifestyle: Low
Karma Spent: 18
Build: 400 BPs
Game: 2072

Character Sketch: <<Requiem>>

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Reserved for Key
Reserved for Feather
Seriously Mike
OK, looks like I have to build a rigger based on my VtR Nosferatu Wheelman. Gotta say, she was pretty scary. And now she'll be a) faster and b) wired to her muscle car. Not invisible, but I believe that can be fixed with some well-planned gear and/or friends.
Bring it on smile.gif
Seriously Mike
I think I should get her through the Character Clinic first.
I'm all for that...the only reason I haven't posted in your thread is I have far too many characters rattling around in my brain to overwhelm a single thread smile.gif
Seriously Mike
Well, Character Clinic is for the characters that you feel are badly built but you're missing what's wrong with them.
Today I figured what is wrong with mine. The ride. The Requiem version had a real rustbucket, one of those 70s muscle cars the dad bought back in the day and never got around to fixing. It was handwaved in Requiem, but SR4 is pretty heavy on resource management, the cars of 2050 aren't as reliable as those of 1970 and new ones are insanely expensive. And today I had an epiphany: a very similar character I played earlier in Masquerade had to quickly replace her trashed '71 Mustang and got a retired cop Crown Vic.
"It's got a cop motor, 4.6 litre. It's got cop tires, cop suspensions, cop shocks. Reinforced gearbox and transmission, goes 25 miles per hour faster than the civilian model. What do you say? Is it the new Brujahmobile or what?"
So instead of dumping 60k on a sports car, I'll spend less than 25% of that on a retired pursuit vehicle. Civvie repaint, some James Bond goodies, ditching the Rigger Cocoon and problem solved.
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