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Well, I'll be re-creating my favourite runner so she follows the guidelines with no cultured bio, that won't be too hard..... (okay, it will lower her survivability a little due to the lack of pain editor, trauma dampener and... uhm... let's see..... sleep regulator, but I'll fix it), as soon as the karma 10 character, with good reputation 2 already, is re-created I'll.... uhm.... e-mail her.... and pray...... I guess.....
*changes character to match the guidelines, prays*

Edit: I've hit a few stops, since my books aren't with me.... i'll probably be able to fix it soon however, i'll ask someone who knows..... mainly i don't have the cost for the Coagulant Medicine for the Platelet Factories bioware, as well as the.....
*GASP* 20 questions.....

yeah... i suck... badly....
Did you get my character Shadow?
QUOTE (Shadow)
So far characters submissions from

-Beast of Revolutions
-A clockwork Lime.

It is important that everyone email me their character so I have a hard copy and an email address for you,

A Clockwork Lime
Moonstone Spider
Digital Heroin
Beast of Revolutions
Eyeless Blond

I have received characters from the names in red. I was anticipating characters from all of the above. Friday is the deadline....
Edit: wrong thread
Moonstone Spider
I'm curious about something. Will this setting affect the availability of items in any way?

For instance, since we're effectively working directly for Ares and the mission is such that anything given the runners will never reach the streets, it'll either be consumed on a mission for Ares or else taken away again at stargate itself, will they be worried about handing out/selling Ares brand ammo and firearms to the runners?
Thats a good question. And unfortunately you are going to have to wait to find out the answer in game. wink.gif

Suffice to say plenty of cool gear will be available in the game itself. I can tell you secrecy is going to be the prime ingredient when dealing with the gate.
QUOTE (Shadow)
A Clockwork Lime
Moonstone Spider
Digital Heroin
Beast of Revolutions
Eyeless Blond

I have received characters from the names in red. I was anticipating characters from all of the above. Friday is the deadline....

Don't worry, dude. I'm a Playoff Performer. wink.gif
Whisper has been conceptualized, crafted, and sent for GM approval....

Is it too late to slip in here? *winning smile*
Hope not biggrin.gif
I just messed Shadow with my character.
QUOTE (Shadow @ Apr 13 2004, 04:45 PM)
A Clockwork Lime
Moonstone Spider
Digital Heroin
Beast of Revolutions
Eyeless Blond

Your not too late Morgannah. Welcome to the club.
I'm gonna use Ghost Dragon. I like him. You already have him.
QUOTE (Shadow)
end character submission on the 16th of April. That will give me the weekend to decide what characters will be best. I will let everyone know via email or PM who got in and who didn't. It is important that everyone email me their character so I have a hard copy and an email address for you,

The deadline is looming. Just one more day for character submision.
You'll have mine in an hour or so. As strange as it sounds I have 4 BPs left and I'm trying to decide how to spend them.
QUOTE (kevyn668)
You'll have mine in an hour or so. As strange as it sounds I have 4 BPs left and I'm trying to decide how to spend them.

Well, if you don't want them ....
Riiiight..... nyahnyah.gif

I didn't say I don't want them. I jsut don't know what to spend 'em on!
Well if you're not giving them to me ....

Basket Weaving 4

*nods sagely*
I was thinking....

Basket Weaving (Underwater): 3 (5)

LOL!!!!! rotfl.gif

touché ....
Thank you!

Character away! Not even a buzzer beater.... smile.gif
Digital Heroin
*throws up a pair of buzzer beaters, in Bruno and Berk*
So, when do we find out who made the cut?
Shadow is pretty good about things, expect an answer before next week I'd think.
I want to give everyone today to get in there characters, so if you still want to play you have time (today) to submit.

I will anounce who is in by tomorow afternoon.
Ok. So I have gone over all the character's. I have chosen the group on several criteria. And these are the characters that made it in.

[James] BGMFH - Team Leader
[Ghost Dragon] Leowulf - Hermetic Mage
[Cosmo] ACL - Decker
[Os] Tziluthi - Covert Ops
[Rān] Crechebaby - Armed/Unarmed Combat
[Whisper] Morghanna - Demolitions
[Chase] Kevyn668 - Street Samurai
[Torque] Moonstone Spider - Medic

For those of you who didn't get in I am sorry. I wish everyone could play but I think 8 is the magic number. If for any reason one of the primaries dies or can't join the game then I will choose form the pool of characters I have already. You will notice I put characters role next to their names. The is what each character was picked for. I had to choose from three deckers, but there was only one person who submitted a demolitionist.

I am going to start a new OOC and IC for the game itself so be on the look out for it either today or tomorrow. Welcome to the game.

Here is the link to the new OOC.

Eyeless Blond
Heh, now that I see the final team I'm pretty sure I know why my character was rejected too; he certainly didn't fit into any of these stereotypes, and he's got next to no combat usefulness either. This reads more like a Seals fire team than the exploratory group I was envisioning anyway; my guy would have been totally out of place.

Well, them's the breaks. Good luck guys; you may well need it. nyahnyah.gif
A Clockwork Lime
Yep. If there's one phrase that sums up my character it's "combative gung-ho SEAL fire team member" all right. Good call on that one, Blond. smile.gif

As soon as I get home I'll start a-postin'.
Eyeless Blond
Heh, well not having seen your char sheet I can't actually be sure you're *not*. biggrin.gif But I was more referring to the fact that at least half of the team is primarily combat-oriented (as well as what I've seen of Ghost Dragon in the other thread), and all of them would be pretty bored if the game was outlined mainly around exploration.

Maybe I should have tried to put Pierce into this game and Eyes in the other one. I might have picked up the medic spot.

(Edit: Btw, is it possible to rename threads? Maybe this should be called a Recruitment thread instead?)
Strangely enough, being a gun bunny or a light sam with a hand full of other skills around these parts seems more...not "useful", maybe "in demand?" than magic types, deckers, and riggers.

Which is cool b/c I like being a light sam....(and I can't play a decker, my rigger would be an over qualified wheelman, and my mage types never specialize enough to be useful.)
oddly enough.. if I was going through the stargate with no clue what was on the other side.. I'd definitely want some muscle with me.

Eyeless Blond
Eh. To each his own I guess. Personally, unless I was there to conquer I'd stick mostly to scientists and analysts and the like, maybe with a small force there for security. But since OoC we already know what we're going to find here it's not like we need "explorers" so much as "people who will steal all the alien technology *including* that which is nailed down." biggrin.gif So maybe making an explorer-type character wasn't the most tactically sound of decisions. nyahnyah.gif
Moonstone Spider
Eh. To each his own I guess. Personally, unless I was there to conquer I'd stick mostly to scientists and analysts and the like, maybe with a small force there for security.
What makes you think Ares isn't there to Conquer? If they can get even a fairly primitive planet under their control it'll instantly rocket them to the food chain as far as megacorps are concerned, all the others share bits of one planet while Ares has an entire planet to itself.
Eyeless Blond
Heh. True, true, but are you really going to try to take over a planet with eight runners, one of them looking like a stoner? biggrin.gif

But yeah, I'm definately going to keep an eye on this thread, just like Shadow's other game. His stuff is just that cool. And, who knows, maybe the group'll need someone else who can learn how to hotwire an alien forcefield in ten seconds flat and I'll be able to bring in my character. smile.gif
Moonstone Spider
Actually I'm under the impression that Ares is going to send in their own scientists and the Runners will be an escort. After all, if you are going to do research do you hire shadowrunners for it?
Eyeless Blond
I wouldn't send anyone who would be missed through that Gate, particularly world-class scientists and technicians, if I'm trying to cover up the fact that I'm sending people through it in the first place. At the same time I'd like the runners to have at least enough knowledge to bring back only interesting and non-dangerous tidbits of tech back through the Gate; it's be a waste of time to bring back an alien toaster, and Very. Bad. to bring back an alien proximity mine disguised as a laser gun.
Well, there really aren't that many shadowrunner scientists. This isn't Rifts. And you dont have to be world reknown to be world class. Daniel Jackson, for one. Only a few people missed him.

Your arguement doesn't hold water. I think we would be interested in an alien toaster. If nothing else, the circuitry. And why wouldn't they disguise the mine as a toaster? Moreover, how would your unpublished, unknown shadow scientist be able to tell the difference? For that matter, how would the world class scientist be able to make an on the spot threat assesment of something he/she has never seen before (ie. Alien)?
Eyeless Blond
By "miss" I was referring to families and payroll executives wondering why a dozen scientists are no longer receiving their monthly wages, that sort of thing. But you're right, Ares itself will probably send up to half a dozen of its own scientists to do tha analyst stuff, so there'd be no real need for a runner to do much tech stuff.

As to the alien toaster thing, it's really a matter of prioritization. Say you were allowed to send eight guys from today into a 2060's Stuffer Shack for six hours to grab 500 kg of "stuff". Who would you rather have choosing what to send back: the Int 2 chromed sammie with six maxed weapon skills and a million Y of implanted hardware, or the guy with Int 6 and 70 points of technical, academic knowledge, and background knowledge skills (along with, in this case, high-Force Analyze Device, Analyze Magic and Cataloge spells)?
A Clockwork Lime
This is a pretty frivilous argument. Even moreso than normal around these parts. The game's afoot, everyone who was accepted is playing, and they'll find out all the specifics as the games unfolds. No point in arguing the semantics since it won't have any impact whatsoever on the game. smile.gif
Eyeless Blond
True, true, but what is an RPG but an an exercise in frivolousness? biggrin.gif
QUOTE (Eyeless Blond)
the Int 2 chromed sammie with six maxed weapon skills and a million Y of implanted hardware, or the guy with Int 6 and 70 points of technical, academic knowledge, and background knowledge skills (along with, in this case, high-Force Analyze Device, Analyze Magic and Cataloge spells)?

I would send the dwarf with the 12 int and then a sma with with him to watch his back. Especially if the guy behind the counter had glowing eyes and a snake in his belly.
Eyeless Blond
Agreed. biggrin.gif
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