Digital Heroin
Apr 6 2004, 02:36 AM
I have a concept I'm working on. Sammie type, Mr. Badass insubordination guy. Beat the crap out of a superior officer, so he was given a choice, work with the team and play nice, or go to a deep dark hole and be forgotten.
Apr 6 2004, 02:38 AM
@ Leo,
Yeah GD or Bio would be fine *cough*workwithateam*cough*.
@ DH,
He would be a shadowrunner right? Part of the concept is that Ares does not know aboutthe gate.
Apr 6 2004, 02:41 AM
I can solve that one: Mr. Badass didn't get the option to A or B. He got shipped out to this "lame ass security job at a Seattle think tank."
The two guys incharge realized his potential and voila: he's tripping the light fantastic (as it were).
Apr 6 2004, 02:47 AM
Thats a very good idea Kev.
Now lets just hope the first gate address isn't P3X 451.
Apr 6 2004, 02:48 AM
That still doesn't make him an independent contractor.
Eyeless Blond
Apr 6 2004, 02:52 AM
QUOTE (kevyn668) |
@ Eyeless Blonde: If you're a newb it must be because you haven't actually played alot. I seen your theory in action on the "Ifilitration Challenge". Your ideas are better than many "veterans'" (myself included). Just incase you needed an extra nudge. |
Never played at *all*, actually.

Thanks for the compliment.

Looks like we have alot of magic-types playing though. Maybe I'll put in a decker, or a decker-sorcerer; I don't know how he'll be useful, but decking and Sorcery are the only parts of the rules I think I understand enough to make a character for.
Apr 6 2004, 02:56 AM
You know, you guys are assuming that the planets you are going to will have a mana sphere that can support magic....
Apr 6 2004, 02:56 AM
Okay, Panzer, I'll go you one further. To ensure that the higher ups don't find out about the party on the docks, they fire him/fake his death/etc... Whatever it takes to get him off the books. Ya dig?
My suggestion was just an off the cuff idea. I'm rather sure that DH can come up w/ his own ideas. I just thought mine up and thought it was clever.
Apr 6 2004, 02:58 AM
QUOTE (Shadow) |
You know, you guys are assuming that the planets you are going to will have a mana sphere that can support magic.... |
Tricksy GMses....
Digital Heroin
Apr 6 2004, 02:59 AM
Wasn't thinking, was I?

Kev's idea works, and it does make him independant... the site directors arange to "fire" him, and set him up with a job, one they'll take a cut of...
Edit: Another idea did just come to mind... ex-con, no hope for a job, so his Parole Officer pimps him out as a 'runner...
Apr 6 2004, 03:03 AM
A reminder,
*All characters recieve the Edge 'Good Reputation Lvl1' for free. I expect you to roleplay this edge. |
The Manager at GT isn't going to employ scum...
Apr 6 2004, 03:03 AM
QUOTE (Digital Heroin) |
Edit: Another idea did just come to mind... ex-con, no hope for a job, so his Parole Officer pimps him out as a 'runner... |
Ooooo, Kevyn likes....
Shop question: Just so I'm clear on this, if we use Raygun's rules for range and his weapons, we're going to use the adjusted damage tables correct? It seems intuitive but I'd like to make sure you and I are on the same page w/ regard to damage code.
Apr 6 2004, 03:04 AM
Actually, I think that during the downtime, magic is still possible, but almost nobody "awakens," so people who awakened before the downtime began, or on another planet, can still cast magic. Of course, there are no power sites, and it might not be possible to summon spirits since the metaplanes might be unconnected to the gaiasphere, but on the plus side, almost no background counts either.
Apr 6 2004, 03:06 AM
QUOTE (Shadow) |
A reminder,
QUOTE | *All characters recieve the Edge 'Good Reputation Lvl1' for free. I expect you to roleplay this edge. |
The Manager at GT isn't going to employ scum...
Maybe hes a "loveable" and/or "wrongly imprisoned" ex-con...
(yeah, right

BTW, apparently even my Stargate geekness has it limits. To which planet are you refering?
Apr 6 2004, 03:09 AM
QUOTE (kevyn668) |
Shop question: Just so I'm clear on this, if we use Raygun's rules for range and his weapons, we're going to use the adjusted damage tables correct? It seems intuitive but I'd like to make sure you and I are on the same page w/ regard to damage code. |
I would like to use more of Rayguns rules, but I am not familiar enough with them as of yet, so I am starting out small. One thing that has always bothered me about SR is the very limited range of weapons (it shows their complete lack of knowledge about firearms). So for now we will be using his adjusted range table, and the RL weapons he has on his site. All other rules are not used.
To summarize
Fire arm range table, and his weapons, thats it.
Digital Heroin
Apr 6 2004, 03:15 AM
Errr... he has a good reputation for being an ex-con? *ponders* Need to totally revise concept then...
Apr 6 2004, 03:19 AM
QUOTE (kevyn668) |
BTW, apparently even my Stargate geekness has it limits. To which planet are you refering? |
I cheated and looked the episode up the web...
It's the gate that is inside a black hole.
A Clockwork Lime
Apr 6 2004, 03:19 AM
Good Reputation applies primarily with your Contacts and those people you come into regular contact with. Naturally, it wouldn't apply to anyone who considered you an "enemy" or who was otherwise hostile towards you (except maybe in the case of Interrogation and Intimidation Tests).
An Ex-Con can have a very good reputation in the Shadows. Afterall,
everyone's a criminal there.
Just pointing that out.
Apr 6 2004, 03:22 AM
I have always considered Good rep to meen that you are considered to be a pro. that fixers know when there dealing with you they don't get shot in the back. Johnsons know you will come through for them. etc etc.
You can be an ex-con and have a good rep, it was just the way you said it made your character sound like a skumbag.
Wouldn't going of world be a violation of your parol?
"Did you leave the city in the last 30 days?"
"Well, sorta..."
A Clockwork Lime
Apr 6 2004, 03:23 AM
QUOTE (Panzergeist @ Apr 5 2004, 09:04 PM) |
Actually, I think that during the downtime, magic is still possible, but almost nobody "awakens," so people who awakened before the downtime began, or on another planet, can still cast magic. Of course, there are no power sites, and it might not be possible to summon spirits since the metaplanes might be unconnected to the gaiasphere, but on the plus side, almost no background counts either. |
When the Mana Cycle is down, ie, it's the 5th World or a planet where the Mana Cycle is ebbing (assuming it touches any of them at all), it would effectively be like casting magic in a mana warp such as outer space. Being dual-natured would be a bad idea.
That's one of the main focal points for the character I'll be playing. He's a hermetic mage fascinated with such concepts, and when he hears word of the discovery, he's going to jump at the chance to test out some of his theories.
Apr 6 2004, 03:23 AM
QUOTE (Shadow) |
QUOTE (kevyn668 @ Apr 5 2004, 06:06 PM) | BTW, apparently even my Stargate geekness has it limits. To which planet are you refering? |
I cheated and looked the episode up the web...
It's the gate that is inside a black hole.
Oh yeah... the time distortion thingy....
Apr 6 2004, 03:28 AM
QUOTE (A Clockwork Lime) |
QUOTE (Panzergeist @ Apr 5 2004, 09:04 PM) | Actually, I think that during the downtime, magic is still possible, but almost nobody "awakens," so people who awakened before the downtime began, or on another planet, can still cast magic. Of course, there are no power sites, and it might not be possible to summon spirits since the metaplanes might be unconnected to the gaiasphere, but on the plus side, almost no background counts either. |
When the Mana Cycle is down, ie, it's the 5th World or a planet where the Mana Cycle is ebbing (assuming it touches any of them at all), it would effectively be like casting magic in a mana warp such as outer space. Being dual-natured would be a bad idea.
That's one of the main focal points for the character I'll be creating. He's a hermetic mage fascinated with such concepts, and when he hears word of the discovery, he's going to jump at the chance to test out some of his theories.
Not to start an epic debate but this came up in one of the Humans vs. Horrors threads (Go Humans!):
It was theroized that A) the manacycle is constant across the universe or B) it radiates outward from some central point like time from the Prime Meridan (to use a bad analogy) or ripples in a calm body of water (to use a better one).
Wether Shadow suscribes to either of these is unknown and could in all likelyhood make the discussion moot.
A Clockwork Lime
Apr 6 2004, 03:42 AM
Err, that's what I just said. He's going to hope to discover how the mana cycle works by using the Stargate once the revelation is made. That's his initial motivation.
Apr 6 2004, 03:50 AM
I'm pretty sure Heroin's parole officer would think he was just inside the building the stargate is in. Unless he mind probes, which is unlikely.
I'm almost ready to submit my tech wiz/mad scientist character. He even looks like a mad scientist. Just wait till I describe him in my first IC post...
Apr 6 2004, 06:23 AM
This campaign is a dream come true. The mission consists mainly of looting as much as possible; it's heaven.
Apr 6 2004, 06:47 AM
I would prefer it if characters were emailed to me, not pm'd. Please don't send me character concepts or ideas. I am not a judge, nor am I here to help you with your character. When you have a full, completed character, then email him to me.
I know a lot of games GM's like to be involved in the character creation process, I am not one of them. I know this sounds harsh but it's they way I like it. I don't even review characters until I am ready to decide who gets in the game and who doesn't.
I do appreciate everyones enthusiasm, I hope I can do it justice.
Apr 6 2004, 10:20 AM
Skarsky, we need to talk.

My character is on its way...
Beast of Revolutions
Apr 6 2004, 05:19 PM
Your mission, should you choose to accept it: explore the galaxy. Seek out alien civilizations. Plumb the mysteries of space-time. And steal all the high-tech loot that isn't nailed down.
Fresno Bob
Apr 6 2004, 05:37 PM
Oy. I just remembered how much I hate making characters. This could take me a few days.
Apr 6 2004, 06:10 PM
Shadow... my head hurts. Will send a sheet or two in when I wake up.
Apr 6 2004, 06:17 PM
No problem, where not in a hurry.
Apr 6 2004, 11:24 PM
Oh yes, time for some interstellar pillaging. Just imagine how much money we can make if we steal a starship and fly it back to earth!
Digital Heroin
Apr 6 2004, 11:29 PM
It's not our job to pillage...
On a side note, we have a definative leader type? I'm thinking of re-tooling to an Ex-Forces merc, heavy on leadership and tactics...
Apr 6 2004, 11:29 PM
Hey Shadow:
I noticed some people are talking about sending in multiple characters. Is that something you require? want? personal preference?
Apr 6 2004, 11:31 PM
You can only play one character. However, if you have say two characters, and you would like to play either, I don't mind is you send them both in. Just remember to make it clear on your sheet who it is from.
Apr 6 2004, 11:34 PM
We can always get this alien technology the old-fashioned way. Trade them some smallpox-infected blankets for some alien machinery. Or something like that.
Apr 6 2004, 11:37 PM
Yeah, but you carry em'.
A Clockwork Lime
Apr 6 2004, 11:43 PM
QUOTE (Panzergeist) |
We can always get this alien technology the old-fashioned way. Trade them some smallpox-infected blankets for some alien machinery. Or something like that. |
I'm seriously going to have to hurt you.
Apr 6 2004, 11:48 PM
Who is John Fawkes?
This is a good time for me to remind people to put their DSF alias on the character sheets.
Characters received from
-Beast of Revolutions
-Whoever John Fawkes is.
Again no hurry. It will be at least two weks before the games starts, and I am not picking final characters until everyone has gotten me one.
A Clockwork Lime
Apr 6 2004, 11:53 PM
I wonder if he's any relation to Guy Fox.
Apr 7 2004, 12:00 AM
I thought John Fawks was the name of the character in SciFi Channel's "The Invisible Man" or whatever it was.
Apr 7 2004, 12:02 AM
Maybe Panzer's looking to run for the NID?
Eyeless Blond
Apr 7 2004, 12:18 AM
I have two ideas, both of them are techie/decker-ish, since I doubt we'll see many of that sort here. One's a Snake sorcerer adept and one's a mundane, so I'm wondering how many magicians we're going to have, to know if that base is covered already.
A Clockwork Lime
Apr 7 2004, 12:22 AM
I decided to scratch a magician character submission. I'm already playing too many of them and wanted to try something a little different (for me).

But regardless, Shadow said to just send in whatever you want to play. It doesn't matter if there's 99 magicians out of 100 submissions. Design what you want to play, and send it in. Don't be afraid to create something just because you've seen someone else mention a similiar concept.
Eyeless Blond
Apr 7 2004, 12:34 AM
Heh, the other thing that worries me is that my decker shaman can't really afford a deck.
Apr 7 2004, 03:22 AM
I'm John Fawkes, and I used build points. Hey, since radio signals can travel through the gates, does that mean I can fire a Great Dragon missile through the gate, and continue to guide it once it reaches the other side?
Beast of Revolutions
Apr 7 2004, 03:24 AM
I'm not sure if dragons need line of sight to launch or not. Gonna go check the cannon companion. By the way, anyone else think the Great Dragon sounds like it was named by the KKK?
Apr 7 2004, 04:02 AM
QUOTE (Beast of Revolutions) |
I'm not sure if dragons need line of sight to launch or not. Gonna go check the cannon companion. By the way, anyone else think the Great Dragon sounds like it was named by the KKK? |
Apr 7 2004, 05:20 AM
@ Panzer, as long as it is not wire guided, yes.
I will post IC when the game starts, what they do, and don't know about the gate.
Beast of Revolutions
Apr 7 2004, 05:42 AM
In all seriousness, Panzer and I are just kdding around. We aren't going to spend this whole campaign killing and looting indiscriminately. We just like the idea of a campaign based around what's essentially a variant on the "acquire the high-tech prototype" mission. And hey, a few aliens never hurt either.
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